A new clan


eSports Player
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
The Tank game was hilarious. I didn't notice you went on ahead and blasted the base till it said Revealing the two players. I thought that scrub remark was because we had brought tanks to his base. We shouldnt have gotten surrounded in that battle.

That's the problem, no one's on when I'm free to play w/o being tired or having to leave during a game.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
Reaction score
Temple Prime, Sarajevo
I can't play today as I have a UNIX server assignment to hand in by 11:59.


eSports Player
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I know. I was talking in general. When for me is morning, for you must be late night, when for me is evening though, you should be able unless you have other thigns to do. When you guys are free in the evening for me is like 5am. The reason why I enter Azeroth at all is all ppl who I've ATed with in North are inactive or use other accounts. No buddies are online there, VBadGirl never replies or is also /dnd. That's why I intend to make high levels and with that to enter a good clan (preferrably from bg) with worthy players. Because when there's no one, I enter public games.

1vs1 - newbs... I don't wanna play vs them, most of the time no players to play with
2vs2 - same or we once played soloers with good stats and one would leave when the game starts
Dota - no thx, I only play -wtf for fun when nothing else. rarely -arem
other games - what a waste of time
I don't even play bnet tourneys because I don't play for icons and the only 'not waste of time' for me is to level up ladder. Sometimes I would play tour for training but the first opponents suck. Then I'm just looking into games and wasting some 1 hour searching.