Nagalisk Calling

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
*Leo hears the comment.*

Leo: *Grins* You're lucky you're not surrounded by the "lil' ladies", or you'd be flat out on the floor with a broken face. You think the Marines take "lil' ladies"? Even if they do, I doubt they'd little after boot camp. But yeah, some are beautiful.

Ryu: Thinking about someone, sir?

Leo: We're not out on the field or training, so you don't have to stick to formalities. ANd no, I'm not thinking about someone. I don't need someone.

???: Is that so, Ervis?

*A lithe woman steps out of one of the pods.*


First NPC CHaracteer, Under my control.

Name: Katlyn Whamyr AKA Kat, Kate

Type: Pure

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Specialty: Covert/Sniper

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 126 LBS.


M109A6 Winslet Advanced Marksmanship Prototype Beam Rifle (basically, a sniper rifle that shoots laser beams) with scope, laser sight, silencer, heat dampener

MK VI Magnum "Littleboy", fires most pistol rounds and tranqs. Comes with a special silencer.

2 long knives, both with 12" blades

Camo suit that offers minimal protection, but allows for more movement and environ-blending

Food Rations (5 Days)

Self-Destruct kit


Katlyn (or Kat or Kate) Wamyr was actually inducted into the DREAM MAKER unit when she was first born. The brass noted her mother's special mental abilities and checked Katlyn's as well when she was born. Apparently (sp?) she didn't have her mother's abilities. She had her mother's abilities tenfold. Kate chose to go through covert/sniper training because she felt that that was the only was she could really use her abilities, to kill and incapacitate quickly and silently. Besides, what if the Nagalisk found out?


Leo: Ah, Kate... one of the sleepers, hmm?

Kate: You know you could've woken me.

Leo: But I didn't. I was hoping for the situation around you to waken you.

Kate: WHatever. Today's the Team Leader assignment day. Whos what?

Leo: I've already picked the Team Leaders. Now All I have to do is assign the rest to their respective teams. And you Kate, are to be in Ryu's group. Alpha team.

Kate: But wouldn't I be better with Kalim? He's a sniper after all!

Leo: I've considered it. And here's what I'm going to do. I'll switch teams every so often so everyone gets to know everyone else. We'll keep doing the simulator until everyone's familiar with how each team operates.

Kate: You mean how each team leader gives orders, how they do in battle, and what their tatics are.

Leo: Yes.

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
*Kate stares at Ryu for a few seconds and then... slaps him right across the face.*

Ryu: Ow!

*Kate walks off.*

Kate: Hey Leo, wait up a few. I'm going to the range as well... I think I need to sharpen up. *walks off*

*As soon as Kate is out of earshot, Leo and Commander Geans laugh.*

Leo: Heh. What'd I tell you before? And hopefully you'll remember... just because she's pretty face doesn't mean she'll fall for the first guy to flatter her.

Ryu: Yeah? And how'd you know?

Leo: I watch and learn. *Chuckles* You're lucky she didn't dip her nails in poison... a scratch and we'd have to rush you to the Infirmary.


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 20, 2002
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Kalim: (laughs) You're not goin to get anywhere with the ladies like that Ryu

Ryu: It was worth a try :) She'll fall for me, its just a matter of time

Leo: Ya, that's what you said about that one nurse

Kalim: and that Security Guard

Ryu: its a gut feeling this time around, plus... I think she likes me. That slap had love behind it.

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
Leo: Hehe... I'm too busy to "play with my hands." At least I don't fantasize about a lady like her. But believe me, if she was playing "hard to get" she wouldn't have announced where she's going... she prefers that her men play hide-and-seek with her. Not that any man has "gotten" her. *Walks off to the same place Kate went.*


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 20, 2002
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Kalim: Personally, I could go for a girl that can kick my arse. anyway, I'm out, going to wander around for awhile. good luck with Kate, Ryu.

*Kalim walks off*

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
*Leo walks into the locker rooms, opens his locker, and pulls out his AR-78. He then proceeds to the shooting range and goes up to the booth right next to Kate.*

Kate: Heya, Leo!

Leo: Mm. *Cleans gun, adjusts scope.*

Kate: Not very talkative today today, huh?

Leo: Should've seen me back in the sim room... Ryu really thinks he likes you...

Kate: Hmph. *Takes aim, fires.*

Leo: Nice shot. Go for the head next time, eh? I don't think Ngalisks really have crotches...


Jul 16, 2003
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in the states that are united
Ryu walks towards the bar and starts to talk to some marines about the sim....

Ryu:So taht was pretty real eh?

Marine:yea man i thoght it was the real deal....i missed briefing

Ryu:yea well....when Leo says get up its time toget up

**ryu look over the bar and sees 2 pretty women***

Ryu:Hey....look 12o'clock

Marine:Nice lets say hello

**Ryu and the marine walks towards the 2 ladys and starts to talk to them**


Jul 25, 2004
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*meanwhile on b-deck*

Blake: Hey barkeep, hmm, i could use a whiskey.

*the barkeeper moves to the back of the room*

Blake: Ugh, damn!

???: Hey buddy whats wrong?

Blake: Gotta migrane from the VR fluids. I seem to be the only one that gets affected...your voice sounds familiar
*The barkeeper returns with a bottle of old whiskey and takes the newcomer's order*

???: You could say we're kinda related

Blake: What do you mean by that?

???: Im a clone of one of your brothers, Charlie Stone, but please call me Bryce.
*Blake drops his bottle and stares at the clone, some things resemble his lost brother, but other qualities are diffrent*

Bryce: I was cloned from your brother about 10 years ago, and through advanced engineering, I have grown to the age of 19. I was the last to join DREAM MAKER, so its unlikely that you knew of me.

Blake: A clone of my brother....Is he dead?

Bryce: Yes, he died on a covert ops mission, but your other brother still lives...somewhere

*Blake becomes rather emmotional*

Blake: Charlie was the one that got me into the service...i can never forget him

*Bryce sighs*

Bryce: Im sorry

*Blake paid his tab and steps out of the bar and walks down the hallway back to the elevator back to barracks level*

Bryce* Damnit...

***NPC Character Info***

Name: Bryce, Clone of: Charlie Stone

Age: 19

Type: Clone

Specification: Weapons Expert

Height: 6'1

Weight: 160 lbs

Equipment: Auto-c.ock Shotgun with explosive shells,Small blast Grenades, Large Blast Grenades, Hydrogen Grenades, and a Desert Eagle with explosive tipped bullets.

History: Clone of the late Charlie Stone, Bryce has high expectations to meet, Charlie being a well respected soldier among vetreans and know for his Weapons Expertise. Bryce meets the weapons expertise and thus joined the Dream Maker Trainees as a last entry. He is young and a tough fighter



BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 20, 2002
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*Kalim wanders around the stations halls*

Kalim (thinking): What could have gone wrong back in the simulation. I'm positive that bomb was set correctly. Maybe there wasn't a spark? Or the substance didn't ignite?...

*Kalim walks forward and without noticing, bumps into one of the Simulator coordinators and a disk falls from his hand*

Kalim: What's this?

Coordinator: The video of today's simulation

Kalim: Hey, can I watch this

Coordinator: Sorry, its against procedures

Kalim: I got money for 15 minutes with it

Coordinator: How much?

Kalim: A week's pay

Coordinator: You got 15 minutes

*Kalim goes into the AV room and watches the disk*

*Kalim finds the correct view and carefuly watches the bomb being set*

Kalim: No... that's what happened. I connected the wires incorrectly. Green on Red not Green on White. How could I screw that up?

*Kalim walks out of the room and throws the disk back at the Coordinator*

Kalim: Thanks

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: It's just lovely to see all the participation in this and Evers'ilance...

Um, DarkZero190, could you edit that post mentioning an upcoming Nagalisk attack? None of us can see into the future (even with our special abilities) and that'd be a major plot twist.

*Leo takes aim and fires, plugging a hole in a target's head.*

Kate: You realize that's not a Nagalisk target?

Leo: Yup.

*Blake call sLeo over the comms sets implanted within their heads.*

Blake: Hey, Bryce is here. Which team?

Leo: Hmm... I haven't assigned you yet, have I? You and Bryce will be with Codop in Beta.


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
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Ilya, city of stone.
Simon walks into the room staggering and does an absent minded salute and falls on the floor

Simon: damn...hotshots...

Leo: what the hell happened Corpiral?!

Simon: ugly mugged hotshots got a crack at me because of my age.

Bryce: I would hardly call that fair. I'ts not right to pick on someone who is young.

Simon: Tell that to Braxxton and Dexter.


Name: Sgt. Regginald Braxxton aka. Reggie or big B

Age: 32

Type: Pure

Height: 7'

Weight: 178 lbs

Specialty: Sniper

Equipment: 13 Gauss Rifle, 100 mag Rifle

History: a highly respected Sergent and one of Admiral Codop's handpicked snipers. he is the best sniper and sharpshooter on the team.

Name: Lieutennant David Dexter

Age: 26

Height: 6' 11''

Weight: 130 lbs

Type: Clone

Specialty: Assault, Search and Rescue

Equipment: Knife, Tazer, 130 mm Minigun, 14 mag Rifle with silencer, Cloaking Device

History: a clone of the late and great lt. Fred "the head" Dexter. he is an excellent soldier despite his light weight. He has saved over 100 civilians in several SaR missions and is an idol to all Stealth soldiers.

Leo: how did you get all burned?

Simon: Dexter's tazer. and when i fought back Braxxton called security and they beat me up. Pass me a drink Bryce

Bryce: what type?

Simon: a sake

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
*Leo walks out and spots both Dexter and Braxxton.*

Leo: You two, get your asses over here NOW!

Dexter: *Whispers to Braxxton* Little kid ratted on us...

Leo: You two bastards are in a freight-load of s***. First off, how the hell did you get that tazer through security?! Second, what the hell gave the both of you the idea that just becase Codop is younger than you means you can pick on him? If it weren't for your skills, you'd be shipped back to the Admiral in suits. You two are with Kalim in Delta. *Turns around*

Braxxton: Wow... I thought he was gonna punish us...

Leo: Don't worry... I am. ISO for 5 days and Detention for 2 weeks.

Dexter: Oh... s***.

Braxxton: NO! You can't put me in ISO! I was handpicked by the Admiral! *Thinks to self* WHAT THE HELL?! Why do I have to take orers from a punk that's 9 years my junior!

Leo: Because you were handpicked by the Admiral, I think it'd be better to punish you harshly, so that you don't start to think that just because he picked you means you can do whatever s*** you want to.

*Kate comes out, hearing the commotion*

Kate: What's going on?!

*Leo turns to Kate*

Leo: Punishment. Make sure these two get to ISO... 5 days.

*Kate senses the cold fury in Leo's voice, and sees the anger in his eyes. She knows that she shouldn't ask questions.*

Kate: Sir!


Jul 25, 2004
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*Blake catches the commotion out of the corner of his eye*

Blake: Hey Leo, whats up with simon?

Leo: Oh, Braxxton and Dexter sucker punched him a couple of times.

Blake: Those two can be such arrogant asses, ill show them a thing or two if they mess with Simon again. So, have you seen the news lately?

*Kate eavesdrops on the conversation*

Kate: You mean on the rumors circulating about the nagalisk's new technology?

Leo: No, I've been busy figuring the squads for so long i havnt had time to.

Kate: You should really look, the rumors say that the nagalisk have a technology that allows them to move great distances in a matter of seconds.

*Leo immediatly stops what he's doing and looks at kate*

Leo: You mean....Cronoshift?

Blake: Yes, exactly that...if the rumors are true, the nagalisk can send whole battalions to our doorstep the moment they get our space coordinates. What do we do Leo?

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
Leo: Damn... it's a rumor... but still... the Commander already knows... but hasn't done anything... I'd say the best thing for all of us is to shift the base. Of course, that'd be a lot of fuel used up... and what if it's just a rumor?

Kate: Calm down Leo.

Leo: I can't. If they do have cronoshift, then that means... oh s***.

Blake: What?

Leo: We're not the targets... they don't even know of our existence... the target is-

*The inter-base loudspeaker goes off.*

Speaker: All personnel to head to the Mess Hall. I repeat, all personnel to head to the Mess Hall for an emergency briefing.

Kate: What's the target?!

Leo: *Turns around to face Kate.* Earth.


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 20, 2002
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*Alarms are blaring*

Kalim: Huh? Please, not now... argh

*Kalim runs around towards the mess hall and runs into Leo, Blake, and Kate*

Kalim: What's going on, Leo?

Leo: I don't know, but I believe that the Nagalisk are attacking Earth

Kalim: What? How?

Leo: Cronoshift

Kalim: The Nagalisk have that technology?

Blake: Apparently so.

Leo: No time to talk now, we gotta get to the Mess Hall.

Kalim: Alright, Sir.

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