Mm.BOT.546 Official Guide + Download

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BattleForums Addict
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
United States
[shadow=blue]English MMbot supplementary Manual.[/shadow]
Official MMbot forums:
Manus-Magnus's bot website:

Written by Smorg.

About this manual, how to find help, and how to get started...
If you are reading this, you have come to the right place to get started using MMbot! This guide is designed to be a supplement to the included MMbot manual. I will attempt to elaborate on things that the official manual doesn't explain clearly. The very first thing you must do is download the latest package Here In the Downloads section of the MMforums. The official MMbot manual is included with the MMbot download package. Simply open mm.BOT.MANUAL.htm in your MMbot root directory after installing the bot package.

The MMbot forums are an excellent resource for mmbot. Here you will find many mmbot related guides that aren't available anywhere else, and this is also the official place to download mmbot and related files & scripts. Visit us and remember to read the Forum Rules and stickies before posting questions.

Firstly, I would like to clear up some misconceptions about MMbot. MMbot is NOT the work of a large group, nor is it open-source and developed on a large scale. The bot itself is the sole work of Manus-Magnus, with a few components designed by others, but the vast majority was written by MM. Therefore, this bot is not designed or intended to be the most user-friendly of bots, nor will it work perfectly for everyone. Also, this bot is freeware! The bot and all associated sequences, scripts, and add-ons are developed in the freetime of their respective authors, and should never be sold for money.

If you intend to attempt botting with MMbot you should be comfortable working with windows. You should know how to add & remove programs, troubleshoot common computer problems, and navigate/work with the windows filesystem.

You should be fluent with Diablo II. You should be very familiar with items, item statistics, and the usage of items, as well as the game economy in your realm. You should be familiar with characters and know how to properly build all of the 'cookiecutter' character builds. Therefore, I recommend a good solid year or more of battlenet experience. Without this, All the items in the world and a bot won't help you one bit!

Having experience in scripting or programming is a big plus. Or experience with other diablo bots such as d2jsp. It is very helpful to have experience in debugging scripts and you should know the syntax of an ini file and how to set one up.

MOST IMPORTANTLY! you need to be able to follow directions & have the patience to read all bot documentation. You should be able to follow the instillation instructions, and be able to research problems in the bot forums. If you can't do this then this bot is not for you.

Things this manual will not cover:
  • Things that are already well documented in the included manual.
  • The FAQs section will not be repeated here. Read them in the included manual and forum stickies.
  • Sequence editing, and advanced configuration of sequences will not be covered here. Read the "Seq Commands" section of the manual and other forum stickies for information on this.
  • PKID configuration and syntax (pickit). Read the manual and search the forums for info on this.
  • Autoit scripting.
System Requirements:
Operating system must be Win2000 or superior. Win98/Millennium does not work.
1++ Ghz CPU is recommended, but some people have made it work at 600 MHz.
This bot was created from a windows Xp 2.6 Ghz computer, 1024*768 16bit.
Classic Windows theme was used, but you can use "Normal XP" Theme.
Note: MMbot will work with many windows shell replacements. I tested it to work on both Aston and BlackBox, and I assume it works on other popular shells such as Lightstep.

What is MMbot? What is AutoIt? How does it work? Is it safe?
MMbot is written in an opensource scripting language called AutoIt. Autoit Homepage "Autoit is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages." So basically it is a 'windows robot' that can simulate any task that a human could perform. MMbot operates by reading your diablo window for pixels of certain colors to determine the location of your character, and sends input by simulating mouseclicks and keyboard strokes. If you want to learn about Autoit script, visit their website. The help file that comes with Autoit is quite good and includes just about everything needed to learn Autoit besides a brain.

MMbot uses a MOD that changes some of the ingame graphics. The bot can then use these changed graphics as reference points. By scanning the pixels of the game window we can determine the location of monsters, and other markers, allowing near perfect pathing for Npc, Monsters, and items management. Game mods, although detectable, have always been allowed and included as a 'feature' in Diablo. Since the bots only source of information is the image displayed on the screen, we are pretty much limited to targets that have a 'static' location. Monsters in areas with maps that generate randomly are impossible to bot because we have no way to navigate through them. To use the mod, you must use the parameter -direct. To use the modded text, use the parameter -txt.

MMbot operates without any hook/hack in game memory space and thus greatly reduces detectability. This is the only bot created so far that is 100% Autoit/pixel detection based. Battlenet uses an anti cheating software known informally as 'Warden''. The Warden scans diabloii memory for modifications in its code and searches for known hacks. Since MMbot operates without the need for modification to this code, it can act as a human player would. See this thread for a more accurate description of the warden.

One of the most powerful things about MMbot is you tell the bot exactly what to do. The bot uses character scripts, aka 'Sequences', which give the bot directions on what actions to perform in game. All actions performed by the bot are derived from a sequence of commands that includes locations of all mouseclicks, keyboard, strokes, delays, teleports, weapon switches, attacks, etc. Configuring the script correctly is of great importance to getting your bot working properly. Sequence construction is outside the scope of this guide, however it is very important that you find a sequence for your mm.BOT.sequences.ini that matches your character build. Refer to the included mm.BOT.manual for detailed instructions on sequences. And read the sequences section of this guide. You can find character sequences in the sequence forums. Click the subforum corresponding to your character class for a list of available pre-made sequences.

Installing the bot:
  • Download the latest mm.BOT version (an archive that contains the bot installer.) You can get it in the downloads section of the MMforums.
  • Once you downloaded it, extract it to anywhere you want on your hard drive (you need winrar to do this, google it.)
  • Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • The installer should automatically find your diablo directory and install the proper bot mod.
Configuring the bot:
  • Set windows display to 16 bit video mode and at least 1024*768 resolution. The bot will not work at a lower resolution or at 32bit video. To do this Go to the control panel/display and configure your screen settings from the 'settings' tab of the display properties menu.
  • Video properties for Diablo2 must be set to Direct Draw. To do this simply run the "Diablo 2 video test" again and force it to "Direct Draw" and NOT "Direct 3D" (located in your Diablo II install directory.)
  • The Diablo 2 screen resolution in game must be set to 800 * 600 resolution. Set all ingame graphic options to their lowest setting to get maximum performance and best reliability out of the bot.
  • Ensure to set up D2 videos options to remove graphical effects like rain. Basically the simpler the graphics, the better your botting result will be. All of these graphical options must be correct for MMbot to read your screen colors properly. If any graphic setting is incorrect, chances are you won't get very far without an error.
  • Fill up the belt with only Rejuvenation or Full Rejuvenation Potion. For many good reasons, MMbot is not compatible with healing or mana potions, and there are no plans at this time to integrate these into the bot. A properly configured character and sequence should easily be able to handle botting with rejuves only.
  • Your character must start in act5 when the bot is run. (Act5 WP, WP to frigid highlands, and Anya red TP to pindle's courtyard) For trav sequences its okay to start in act 4. There is currently no integrated feature to start in any other act.
  • A full Tome of Town Portal is required in your inventory if your sequence uses town portals (most do.)
  • Mercenary should be alive and default bot and most sequences require you to have a mercenary. A merc is always highly recommended.
  • You should have a relatively powerful character for the area you are doing. Almost all sequences require teleport and it is highly recommended to use enigma if you aren't using a sorc. Walking scripts are few and they aren't nearly as reliable as a teleport script.
  • Use as few charms as possible to maximize room for items you pick up, keep them all together and contiguous along the right side of your inventory.
  • Have enough gold on hand to resurrect your mercenary.
  • Don't have Identification book in your inventory
  • Always be in "running mode". not "walking mode"

The following is a list of files that need to be configured properly according to the instructions detailed in the official MMbot manual, and in this guide. All config files are located in your mm.BOT\Config folder:
  • mm.BOT.ini is the main config file for MMbot.
  • mm.BOT.sequences.ini is where your character sequence script is located and configured from.
  • mm.PKID.ini is your pickit & item configuration.
  • mm.MULTIKEYS.ini is where mmbot is configured to run multiple Diablo II cdkeys.
mm.BOT.ini configuration:
mm.BOT.ini is the main config file for MMbot. It contains variables that are read and used by most of the internal MMbot functions. Descriptions of every variable are located in comments in that file, so i will only explain common problems and elaborate in this guide. Be sure to go through the entire file, reading every description carefully and setting all variables according to your specific needs.

About Delays & RealmDowns
One of the first major sections of the mm.BOT.ini config file is for delay configuration. These settings determine How many runs you will do at a time, The amount of time to pause between this amount of runs, and the delay between each individual run. These settings depend greatly on the number of keys you intend to use, and your runtime. The general rule of thumb is 20 runs/hour/key to avoid realmdown. In my own experience about 200 seconds/run/key is minimum to avoid realmdowns over a short period of time. A million questions have been asked about guidelines for runtime/keys ratios and the settings they should use for this. Ultimately it will take trial and error on your part to figure out effective delay settings. Search the forums if you are looking for advice on this matter.

See the MultiKeys section for info on botting with multiple keys.

There are many opinions about how to set up a merc, but it is generally agreed that for botting having a merc is much better than not having one. If you don't have a merc I think you are better off spending your time getting merc gear and leveling him up than trying to figure out how to modify your bot to work without a mercenary.

A mercenary serves several functions. Probably the most important is distraction. The mercenary will take a lot of hits that your character would otherwise have to take, and in many cases mercs can take hits better since mercenaries generally have quite a bit of life leech. Secondly, mercenaries can have auras. From regenerating your mana to freezing enemies, Extra auras can give HUGE advantages. Especially with act2 mercs you can really get a lot of stacked auras. Probably the least important, but still relevant, is that they do damage. If a mercinary makes a kill, his MF is compounded with your own & increases the magic find calculation for that kill. If you have a sorc that is trying to kill enemies that are immune to your attack, a merc will work on finishing off monsters that your elemental damage can't take. (botting versus immune monsters is not recommended)

Good items for a merc:

- Freeze aura, slow, or decrepify.
- Life Leech.
- Reduce physical damages.
- Cannot be frozen
- Elemental resistances
- Increase attack speed.
- Hit Recovery.
- High Defense.

The freeze merc is easy and cheap, BTW it should be the best merc
for most of people. The unique thresher & decrepify make it the best
If you absolutely insist on not using a mercenary, your must do two things. First, disable merc functions in in the life & merc section. set Char_UseMerc = No & Char_HealMerc = No. Second you need to remove all CML entries from your sequence file. See the next section for info on this. FAILURE TO DO THIS WILL CAUSE ERRORS.

Life Checking & Healing
The MMbot method of life checking isn't constant. In your sequence file (mm.SEQUENCES.ini) you will notice the commands: 'CLM' and 'CML', which stand for 'Check Life Mana' and 'Check Merc Life' respectively. Your life and mercs life will only be checked and pots drank when these functions are called. Potions will be used if your life or mana is < the designated % as configured in It is usually a good idea to only check life periodically and when very important like during attacking because running the check functions takes time, so you want to keep your bot working as efficiently as possible. REMEMBER MMBOT DOES NOT SUPPORT HEALING AND MANA POTIONS! DO NOT leave these on your character when botting! The bot needs to be able to pick up rejuvenation, and full rejuvenation potions. To do this make sure these lines are in the Xrares section of your mm.PKID.ini:
"Frpot" = "Sold" 
"Rpot" = "Sold"
I have written some extrenal scripts which are much more accurate and efficient than mmbot's internal potion managmnet & chickening functions. "Potbot" will improve potion managment by presorting pots at the start of each run. Everyone should really at least try using this script. There is no advantage to not using it. An older version is included with the bot download, and is disabled by default. See this thread for the latest version and detailed instructions.

Furthermore, "PotThread" completely replaces mmbot's chickening and potion drinking functions. This script is a bit more advanced, but is a very big improvment upon mmbot's CLM and CMO commands. With this script you should never die except in cases of extreme lag. See this thread for detailed instructions.


BattleForums Addict
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Yes the bot can gamble. This is explained quite well in the mm.BOT.ini comments section. Weather or not to gamble is pretty much up to you. Gambling can be a slow process and if you feel you get more from doing runs than to gamble, you may opt to not gamble at all by setting your gamble start gold higher than the max gold your character can hold. However if you suffer from realmdown problems, gambling can be a great way to kill time and is certainly preferable to having MMbot sleep that time away.

Keyboard Settings/Keys
This configuration generates more questions/complaints than all other aspects of the bot combined. MMbot reads all keyboard configuration settings used by internal bot functions from this section of the mm.BOT.ini. Ingame keys are configured in your ingame options menu. 99% of the time your untouched keyboard configuration for Diablo II will not match the default settings in If these keys are not configured correctly you will receive an error message explaining this. The following is what this section will look like if you are using the untouched default keyboard layout for Diablo ii:
Char_Key_ClearScreen = SPACE 
Char_Key_Switch = w 
Char_Key_AutoMap = TAB 
Char_Key_Inventory = i 
Char_Key_ShowItems = ALT 
Char_Key_PotionsRow1 = 1 
Char_Key_PotionsRow2 = 2 
Char_Key_PotionsRow3 = 3 
Char_Key_PotionsRow4 = 4
Please see this thread for a more detailed explaination of key configuration.

Important Note: The "Clear screen" key is NOT the same thing as "Clear Messages" The default for clearscreen is "SPACE". You can find this ingame near the bottom of the keyboard layout configuration and is literally called 'clear screen' NOT 'clear messages.'

The final [advanced] section of is where you will find most MMbot related delays. These are all explained pretty well but i want to stress the importance of a few of them. Remember all MMbot and Autoit delays are in milliseconds unless otherwise specified.

Firstly, the WEOT_MiniDelay is the main delay affecting your teleportation. Whenever the WEOT function is called in your sequence file, the bot will pause and wait for your teleport to complete. This delay is the delay before this scan begins. this delay will be based on two things: FCR, and Lag. if you have high fcr and fast internet/pc, you will want a lower delay here to accommodate faster teleports and more efficient botting. If you have a laggy computer, low fcr character, or tend to miss a lot of teleports, increasing this delay will increase reliability of the bot. FCR is very important to efficiency and is just as, if not more important than magicfind.

The second most important is the Char_CheckMoveDelay. This is explained in the description. If your bot has a lot of in-town pathing problems and fails in town frequently, try increasing this delay. If all else fails increase the other delays, most notably the D2_FastClickDelaysRange.

One of the most powerful things about MMbot is the capability to use multiple Diablo II cdkeys and alternate between them periodically. This can avoid realmdowns from overbotting on a single key. The bot will swap keys every "Extra_RunsAmount" Runs. To enable the use of multiple keys you need to do two things: Open up mm.MultiKeys.ini and follow the commented directions about adding your cdkeys to the file. A complete keyset consisting of d2 and d2expansion keys are required for each key you wish to bot on to avoid realmdowns. Secondly, you must set D2_MultiKeys = Yes at the very top of

Sequences are the heart and soul of MMbot. The sequence file: mm.BOT.sequences.ini, contains all of the instructions your character will follow while botting. MMbot itself merely interprets these sequence commands and runs internal functions associated with them. Trying to use MMbot with a sequence that wasn't written for your character would be like trying to type a paper with Adobe Photoshop, when you really need Microsoft Word!

As a beginner the most important thing to know about sequences is where to find them and how to configure them. Visit the Sequences section of our forum for a listing of sequences. If you open up your sequence file, You will see that the default sequence included with MMbot is designed for a Lightning Sorceress.

Most current sequences use variables to configure them. At the top of your sequence you will see a section that looks something like this:
@Skill_HoldPosition=Shift    ;aka standstill 
@Skill_Redemption=f7       ;set same as vigor if you don't have 
@Skill_TownPortal=f8     ;a must 

@Del_WEOT=2200               ;the timeout for WEOT(timeout) 
@Del_PickitCheckLife=600      ;this is the PICKIT(delay) delay 
@Del_AfterTownPortalCast=600  ;how long to wait after casting town portal 

;attacks timeout's 
@Timeout_Eld=7000        ;how long to attack eldrich after PreAttack 
@Timeout_Shenk=20000     ;how long to attack Shenk after PreAttack 
@Timeout_PreAttack=2000  ;how long to standstill doing hammers befor starting tele-on-those-bastards attack 
@Timeout_Pindle=10000     ;timeout for pindleskin (remember there is no PreAttack here) 
The author of your sequence will usually have some instructions for configuring the sequence variables. Here you must set up all of your ingame hotkeys that pertain to the sequence, and sometimes other variables such as delays. This is equally as important as as configuring your hotkeys in, only these keys are used in your sequence rather than by the bot itself.

If you are using a hammerdin or another character that uses the shift key by default to standstill and attack with the left mouse button, the shift key will not work. Ingame you have two different keys you can assign to each function (primary and secondary.) Set a secondary key that is not in use to the standstill function and call it in your sequence instead of shift.

For information on writing and configuring sequences, and for a listing of all sequence commands, refer to the seq commands section of the manual. and read the forum stickies & guides.

The 'Switch' Command
The bot has the ability to switch weapons, usually for the purpose of casting such as from a CTA on switch. The bot detects this weapon switch by looking at the left skill box. If you notice, if you have two differant skills assigned for each weapon switch, whenever you switch weapons, the skill icon in the box will also change. MMbot looks at this icon to determine if the weapon switch was successful, therefore you must have a different skill assigned to the left skill box for each weapon switch. I usually use regular 'attack' and my main skill as the two skills, but it doesn't matter so long as the image is different. If you use the same for each there will be no difference in image and the bot will not be able to detect the switch and you will receive an error message explaining this to you.

mm.PKID.ini is where you tell the bot which items you want it to keep. The bot reads your ingame text by looking at the modded binary data written underneath all text. The pkid is a 'whitelist' of items that you want the bot to keep. Only items in your pkid will be kept, therefore it is very important to configure this file to your specific item needs. Look at the included pkid as a reference, and read the manual for instructions on configuration.

Running the Bot
Launch mm.BOT.5xx.exe, You can stop it at any time by pressing <END> Key.
You can also pause it by pressing the <PAUSE> key, just ensure you put the bot in
same "situation" before press <PAUSE> again to restart it.
Note: The <PAUSE> usage is only possible once you have done more than 1 run.

you can use the bot as a stand-alone Diablo II launcher
for normal playing; adding the "Play" parameter in a shortcut that point to bot
executable. Advantage is an input box that will ask you which Cd-Key you want use.
Complete the mm.PlayKeys.ini file and check this great feature, recommended.

Log Files
You have logs of bot activity in \Logs folder... If you want identify your problems
or check the history of the day read the bot_events.txt file. This file is essential for support and gives you important tips. If an unexpected error occurs with the bot, one of the first things you should check is the error log. Whenever asking support questions regarding errors, please include the portion of your error log that includes the error that occurred: (any line beginning with [E]) Also note you got some executables in this folder, you can archive/delete your logs and especially make search in them, as example to know errors of the days, or total stats, or searching for specific dropped items... This tool is just useful.

The mmStatus system
In the last mmbot revision, the old style bot launching confirmation message box has been replaced with a nicer GUI. This screen includes links to the manual and this website, as well as a few other options. Most importantly, this screen is a means of communication between the mmbot staff and bot users. The module will download two small text files from our servers containing data to be parsed and displayed on the confirmation gui. These files are completely harmless. This will include news and also a status indicator. In the event that we should know ahead of time that mmbot detection is imminant, we will have the ability to instantly notify all mmbot users, thus potentially saving your accounts and keys. In this case, the green "safe" indicator will change to a red "detectable' icon and you will be given instructions on how to proceed. Note that this is not a guerentee of safety as our methods of knowing weather or not mmbot is detectable are really just based on heresay. So "safe" doesn't really mean "safe", it just means that there is no current indication of mmbot bans. After you have read the latest news, press the "Launch" button to start the bot.

Add on Scripts
Some sequence authors may decide to include scripts written in Autoit. These scripts will perform special tasks not possible with internal MMbot functions. If your sequence calls such a script, you must also have the corresponding script located in your MMbot/Scripts folder. You will also be required to download Autoit from Installing autoit allows you to run and compile .Au3 files.

One special note about these scripts is that mmbot's EXEC: command, as well as any script running function in such as Gamestart_Executable, require you to compile scripts before running them. You cannot run .au3 files from mmbot due to a limiataion in autoit's RUN() command, as .au3 is not technically a "runnable" file.

Beta testing
In addition to the character sequences and scripts available in the official downloads section, There are a plethora of additional scripts undergoing development and testing in the Script and Program Development Forum. Many of these are in functional and relativly stable condition. Most of the scripts listed here are the more sophisticated scripts such as those for Andy, Meph, travancal and other boss extensions which use more advanced autoit integration. These scripts are for advanced users who can debug problems and follow more complicated instructions.

Performance Tweaking
My suggestion for the cleanest botting is to disable windows themes entirely (winxp only). To do this, go to control panel/System/Advanced tab/Settings in the "performance" field. In the "Visual Effects" tab of "Performance Settings", Check the "Adjust for best performance" radio, then hit apply & ok. Next, go to Start/Run, and enter Services.msc. The services admin menu should appear. Scroll down to the themes service. Right click and select properties. Under the "General" Tab select the "Disabled" option under the "Startup Type" field, and then press the "Stop" button to terminate the service. The themes service is not needed with all visual effects turned off.

Not only will this give you simpler graphics, but as a side effect will speed up your computer if you don't care about all the eye candy. This adjustment can in some cases fix an error in inventory reading (if you get this error).


BattleForums Addict
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
United States

2007.05.27 version 5.46
Changed splash screen hotkeys (now can use ALT,SHIFT and CTRL...)
Added a clear items list hotkey in splash screen.
Added Minimal items stat lines keyword in PKID (MINLINES:xx)


2007.05.14 version 5.45
Compiled with Autoit 3.1.0
Fixed Extra executables loading failures and added file exists checks.
Fixed Various bugs & cleared some error messages.


2005.12.11 version 5.44 BETA 5
Fixed the CTA / switching detection problem in SEQ mode (sequence mode)
Added an explicit message box error when getting switching error at first run.
Changed the CTA switch speed and added 1 retry when switching to second tab.
Added detection exit code in EXEC:<script>: will jump to next sequence if >=2.
Changed whole NPC interact function and removed the Char_NpcMenuDelay delay.
Changed the default PkId.ini to a more "popular" one that will grab more items.
Changed/Updated the restrictive default PkId; added some new items combos.
Fixed the MOD check, based on a file in MOD, avoiding excessive downloads.
Changed the Play Mode MOD loading: will only use fonts & full light radius.
Changed TownTp() function, removing some extra-checks, increasing speed.
Changed ExitGame() function, removing some extra-checks, increasing speed.
Added A5TpToA5DownStairs() function; to avoid malah after a TownTp() in A5.
Added ColorsA5() and ColorsA3() functions to specify current act colors.
Changed Pathing on Malah, Larzuk, Ormus, and Goto Act5Wp. More stable.
Changed/Updated the mm.BOT.Include.au3 to v2.0 with more than 20 functions.
Fixed "stash all" bug (bad inventory checksum caused by a create game failure)


2005.12.02 version 5.44 BETA 4
Fixed typo error about "Exceptional" items (in default PkId and in manual)
Changed default light sorce sequence; more safe pickit teleport.
Fixed Keys of Destruction, Hate, Terror in iding check (Third party scripts)


2005.12.02 version 5.44 BETA 3
Changed the exit on error condition on pathing block search. Exit immediatly.
Changed the exit on error condition on pathing function. Exit immediatly & Log.
Added an explicit error message if the user didnt setup his game control keys.
Changed Malah, Larzuc and Qual paths coordinates, should be more stable.
Changed Merc life checks in town, should fix a multiple resurrection tries bug.
Changed some clicks in NPC menus interacts, should be more stable.
Added PreLogin_Executable, PostLogin_Executable, GameStart_Executable options.
Added source code of Item Reader! Ask me before make any public script with it.
Added Keys of Destruction, Hate, Terror in PkId reference (Third party scripts)


2005.11.21 version 5.44 BETA 2
Fixed a typo in QuitGame function that was crashing the bot when failed exit.
Changed pathing; added some parameters concerning Act3/5 colors changes.
Changed executables files that swapping keys (using lastest versions)
Added new option in mm.BOT.ini to specify personalized games names & passwords.
Changed the bot.MOD, decreasing ALOT lags by missiles & animations removing.
Changed the bot.MOD to show in blue font the base defense & item level required.
Changed the Play mode, will use MOD .63 excepted the missiles removing.
Added KeyWords in PkId for acceptable base defense and item level required.
Changed alot the default PkId.ini, more restrictive and use new keywords above.
Fixed a bug that was doubling the drinks amount per sequence.
Added Delays while iding items, linked to ItemFocusDelay in mm.BOT.ini.
Fixed a typo error in message box error relating an unknow command name.
Added a "forced" interaction with Malah in case of nearly empty TP Tome.
Added the Clear Screen control key in mm.BOT.ini (is "k" by default !)
Changed the "unstuck" function and leave game checks/BNetRoom recovery.
Changed the wait delay (increased) in case of "create game failed" problem.


2005.10.31 version 5.43
Increased teleport retries from 4 to 5. Help against block-lock.
Changed Pathing in A5 town, trying to reduce path errors.
Changed TP Scan range, trying to reduce TP errors.
Added a new easy check of Bot.MOD version (internal). Mod is now v62.
Changed TP & TP name colors, fixing errors at Malah detection.
Fixed (activated) the Char_MaxDrink -per sequence- option.
Added a section in Main manual with screenshots of my lightsorce config.


2005.10.16 version 5.43 BETA 3
Changed pathing from malah to downstairs, fixing pathing & FUNCtions failures.


2005.10.15 version 5.43 BETA 2
Changed (fixed too) switch commands and added notes about their use in manual.
Increased scan range to avoid failed to return in A5 Town errors afted TP cast.
Changed TownTp function to buy TP in next run in case of TownTp failure.
Changed the sequences jumps ability, added restriction possibility. In manual.
Updated the manual & default sequence example, following changes above.


2005.10.11 version 5.43 BETA 1
Added a big Purple Marker front of "Diablo Walks the Earth"
Added Purple Markers before "Corpse" (for barb item find, or necro summon)
Modded Act3 DockTown in the same way than Arrogath (Blocks + Ormus like Malah)
Modded Act3 Travincal in the same way than Pindle or Eldritch/Shenk Areas...
Note1: Whatever it's in A3 or A5 the bot should start his runs in A5.
Note2: Note 1 because it's better to make 1/"easy A5 monsters" 2/"Coucil".
Removed all commands CMDE/O/I replaced with 1 unique command: CMDEAD
Removed definitly CMLM command; replaced with CML (Check Merc Life)
Change the Monster Focus & Attack command, RC(MFOC,IN/OUT) => RC(MFOC)
Removed PTPT & A5ATP commands (obsolet)
Added seq. function: FUNC:TOWNTP (cast a TP and return to town)
Added seq. function: FUNC:A5TownPoint (check items..etc...and go near WP)
Added seq. function: FUNC:A5WPtoATP ; From A5 WP goto Anya TP (Pindle area)
Added seq. function: FUNC:A5WPtoTrav ; From A5 WP goto A3 Travincal
Added seq. function: FUNC:A3TownToA5 ; From A3 town TP goto A5
Fixed FOCWP command that was bugged. (should be obsolet, since tp is possible)
Fixed the RBlocks.exe tool that was choosing wrong blocks (left instead of up!)
Fixed Unidentifiable sold item stuck cursor bug
Changed the Intown pathing function (can avoid some entities like TPs)
Changed CheckMove function, increased sensibility.
Added and changed internal pathing for Act3 and Act5.
Added: If a no loop sequence fails bot will jump to next 'TOWN' named sequence.


2005.09.26 version 5.42a
.a Added a retry and in case of "failed to sold item"
.a Added a retry and a delay if fails to iding an item.
.a Added experimental function 'TOWNPOINT'
Added a check for more reactivity in case of disconnect.
Fixed the Au3 scripts execution bug when the bot was in a path with spaces.
Changed alot Main function that manage errors and restarts.
Added cd-key swapping in case of some excessive login failures.
Fixed an old bug that made single normal mode not clicked properly.
Changed alot the create games functions and associated retries/restarts.
Added Re-Load of the whole bot.ini, PkId, and sequences with 1 hotkey.
Changed totally the SplashScreen and all associated statistics & Event_log.
Fixed an old bug that caused no retries when buying Id scroll failed.
Added life/mana checks while attempting to validate WP
Added variables definition possibility in sequences (ie: @Teleport_Key = F6)
Added a new sequence example (Eld+pindle CL sorce) with full variables
Changed the included tool 'item reader', now works in all acts, and more fast.


2005.09.18 version 5.41
Changed create games functions, avoiding some instability with 1.11b.
Changed the whole monsters detection, is now more fast and effective.
Changed the bot MOD from 5.1 to 5.2 (special Tx to FireFlyPower)
Removed old sequences example, replaced by new ones made by forums members.


2005.09.17 version 5.40
Updated and embedded the whole documentation & PkId.
Changed to default BOT.MOD from version 5.0 to 5.1
Removed delays in d2 launching function; more fast.
Added option to change Bot splash screen title.
Added options to tweak gamble scan & iding delays.
Added FOCWP command that validate a waypoint focus.
Changed the maximum teleport retries from 3 to 4.
Changed monsters detection default colors and accuracy.
Added SRC, SLC, MV, BMV commands for simple clicks & moves.
Changed Merc Life check command name from CMLM to CML too.
Changed the whole syntax of Sequences, no more "Seqx =" needed.
Changed the SEQ mode to test sequences to choose starting sequence.
Added FUNC: & EXEC: commands to execute internal functions or scripts.
Added Scripts folder and a new Include file that contain base functions.


BattleForums Addict
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
United States

Hey, my first post just surfing the web looking for a new pickit for the mmbot and came across this site. First I think this bot is GREAT I have used it for about 3 months with little or no problems the initial setup was very confusing. But when I re-installed Diablo for my loader I had to re-download the bot and if you do it right you can have the bot setup in about 5 mins. Very easy.

Ill list some of the main things that gave me trouble while I initially started the bot.

First downloading: Create a “zipped” folder on ur desktop and save the mmbot into that folder first.

Extract to desktop. Installation is easy.

When you have the mmbot window open there will be several options on the bottom of the window.

Click: MMBOT MANUAL and it will bring you to a website where you put in all the info for the bot.

On the website on the right hand side there is a list of orange links, click on install/config.

You don’t really need to read anything written just do complete 3 things. MM.Bot.ini

First click MM.Bot.ini read the file, it will explain what each of the numbers does or what they are for above. Change where needed >>READ below useful info.<<

First, time between each game: Ive played with this a lot trying to find the quikest time between games without getting an ip ban, Or tagged. And what I have found is that you can run anywhere from 18-25 games an hour but you still might get a ban after a few hours. What I would do is set the bot up and let it run while I was sleeping or at work or school and let it run for about 8 hour. The bot is initially set to have like 5 seconds in-between games. THAT’S A BAD IDEA. When running about 20 games an hour you can still get a ban, what I found out is that if you get ip ban’s often, bnet will start making them longer and longer. My bans where maxing out at 12 hours at a time.

So I have 260,000(2mins,20seconds) (60000 milliseconds=1min) milliseconds between games. It can run for days have 1 or 2 failed to joins and never a ban. It will make up for it just for the extra time running while you would have been banned using 20 games per hour.

I have 8 mins rest time every 15 games.

I see it as I will do less runs but, never get a ban, bnet wont suspect me, and there is very little risk, I just don’t wana risk my key for a few more games per hour. NTY.

Most everything in the file you don’t have to change or is self explanatory.

What I have found the easiest thing to do is have 1 account with 1 lightsorc on it, mine uses full tals, 2.5k mana (ES) and about 500 mf. < it does the job. Then don’t use that sorc at all, only use for the bot. SETTUP YOUR HOTKEYS, POTIONS AND STUFF TO MATCH WHAT THE BOT ALREADY USES. < don’t try to change them I have and it only creates problems.

Second: this is the trickiest one all I did was, like I said above, change your char to meet what the bot already has set. Try to change the script as little as possible. So change you es, light, chain light, bo, tele and all that happy stuff to the hotkeys the bot already has setup.

THIRD AND FINALLY: mm.pikid.ini: this one is e-a-s-y, you can leave it igsactly like it is but.( this is what tells the bot what to pick up and leave on the ground) the bot is initially set VERY strict and only picks up ELITE gear. ( I mean mine said that it would only need an hoz if it had a ed of over160. CMON) all you have to do to change this is add in >> STASH <<< inbetween the >> ( “ ) and ( “ )<< in witch it makes the requirements as to how good the item must be to keep.

That’s it I love this bot once it gets going I think its GREAT, I hope I helped some people and for the others that this made no sense or didn’t help at all im sorry.

What you could do for me though is if you find a new pickit list that isn’t as strict and has stipulations for socketed items and is just all around less strict e-mail it to me


I guess if u had any questions you could hit me up and ill try to help but what jeva


I've used mmbot for about a month now, and I've loved everything about it except one thing, i cant do anything else on my computer while it runs.

well, I've figured out how to get passed that.

i found a guide in the mmbot forums, but it didn't quite help, it gave me directions that didn't work, so i've decided to write a WORKING guide for how to do this.

NOTE: This is not a guide to setting up mmbot, only how to run it minimized.

what you need (Links will be included):

- A pc with 512 MB Ram


-diablo2 disks [all 4 disks]

-8 - 10gb free space

-the latest autoit (for the bot)

-Windows Instillation disk


-Virtual drive

-a few hours of free time (took me about 1-3 hours to get this figured out, can probably be done with this guide in 1-2 depending on computer and internet speed)

1. Download and install VMWare:

Note: A 30-day serial number is required to use the software. After installation, on the user interface go to Help > Enter Serial Number and click on "Get Serial Number"

*NOTE: if you don't want to use a 30day serial like me, use google and search for a vmworkstation key, they ARE out there [i cant provide it, breaks rules of this forum] and can easily be found, i found mine in about 4 minutes of searching

2. Setup the virtual machine

-run the program, click "New Virtual Machine"

-make sure "Typical" is chosen, click next

-choose which version of windows you want to install [i used windows XP Pro, works with student versions]

-choose whatever you want and click next

-mark "Make bridged networking" and click next

-select anywheres from 8-10gb and make sure it has "Allocate all disks space now" marked, click next

-you now have your virtual machine ready, its time to installl windows.

3. install and setup windows

-after step 2 you will be ready to install windows, but first we need to make sure it will actually read your disk.

on the toolbar of your virtualmachine window, near the very right is a button "Summary view" click it.

-click the "Edit virtual machine settings" under the 'Commands' section

-highlight the CD rom drive on the left, and on the right change it from "Autodetect" to what your cd drive is labeled on your real computer [for me, this was D:]

-click back on "Console view" on the toolbar

-insert your windows XP cd, if it doesn't load, restart your virtual machine using the Reset button on the toolbar

-you should now be able to install windows, do so, if you need information on how to do that, well, you shouldn't be using this guide.

Good job. now you have windows installed. adjust it for fastest performance however you like, get rid of all useless junk, remember, this is just being used for botting and is going to eat alot of CPU and RAM usage, lower it best you can, i even use classic windows mode, i didn't even update all the windows upgrades on mine.

now, time to get to the fun parts >.>

4. getting networked:

-use the network setup wizard on your virtual drive to set it up on your network

-share a new folder in your REAL computer on the network, so you can transfer files to your virtual network with it.

5. Getting diablo ready to install:

this isn't quite as easy as doing it on a real computer, but its not too hard.

-download and install MagicISO on your REAL computer

-download and install Virtual clone drive on your VIRTUAL computer

-pop in your Diablo2 Install disk into your D Drive, and inside your REAL computer, start > my computer > rightclick D: > MagicISO > Make Image file from D:"

-Save it inside the folder youv'e shared folder and change it to save as a ISO file, label it something like "D2Install" [anything to know which disk it is]

-do the same for the cinematics, play, and expansion disk, saving them all in the folder you shared on your REAL computer.

-go into your virtual windows, open the shared folder, copy/paste the 4 ISO files that you saved into a new folder on your VIRTUAL comps desktop [probably don't have to do this, but i did because i wanted to avoid anymore errors, was pissing me off]

-Mount the install disk in your VIRTUAL computers virtual drive, run it, install diablo, switching mounted ISO's as they are called for [very fast process honostly], Install diablo however you like/wherever you like

-after diablo is installed, connect to bnet and update the patch

6. Install mmbot

you can do one of two things, go to and do a fresh install or share the mmbot folder from your REAL computer and copy it through your VIRTUAL computer, pasting it wherever you want

setup mmbot accordingly, run and enjoy.

TIP: CTRL + ALT = lets you get out of the virtual drive desktop

now all you have to do is run the virtual computer, startup windows xp, run mmbot, and minimize the virtual computers window, your all done. enjoy
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