Favourite Game String



This is for posting your favourite game descriptions, what not. I'll post a few of mine ;)

Sergio loves to visit the Streets at night!
He relishes the feel of the cold snowy air gusting through his loincloth as he scampers up and down. But most of all he loves to show off with his rocket launcher in front of all the lovely ladies.
Ghost and a crack team of pacifist Monks are taking on the Riot Squad in a running Streets battle for some bags of munchies. The monks are riding a heady sugar rush after a rice cracker binge and are pretty wired. So much for non-violent protest!
Welcome to Hatchet Sal's cheese induced nightmare. Well, at least now we know what Big Tony's left hand man looks like. Just goes to show, if you mutilate people for a living you've got to expect to lose some sleep.
The life of a zombie would be far more pleasant if it weren't for the Hunchback spoiling the Wednesday morning sacrifices. Get your own back on him and knock out as many stained glass windows as you can within the time limit.