1.10 Editors and Hacked Characters! Updated!!

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Latest Open Battle Net Editor Releases

All the editors Below are for OPEN BATTLENET ONLY and have been developed for the duelers of Ladderhall.com (formally Nightshiver.com)

These are the very latest builds of the best editors ever built for Open Battlenet

You will need to register to access downloads.


1. Mitjas Diabolic

If you host a multiplayer game after successful installation,
everybody who joins your game will be able to edit their own stats using diabolic commands. They do not need to be running diabolic, only the host has to.

However, if they want to use the integrated fixes, they must be running diabolic as well.
Following fixes are availible:
- highlevel crash fix: no more crashes using uncommon levles
- additionally, highlevel players may kill monsters without turning to level 1 characters
- negative speeds (like -120) do not crash the game host anymore

Stat editing commands:
They support hex values (must be prefixed with 0x) and modifying values.
"str += 0x64" will increase your current strength by 100 (64 in hex). Other modifiers are: "-=", "/=", "*=" .

These commands modify the basic stats :
- str (strength)
- dex (dexterity"
- vita (vitality)
- energy (...)
- life (...)
- mana
- stamina
- level
- exp
- gold
- stashgold (gold in stash)
- skills (skill points remaining)
- stats (stat points remaining)

However, Diabolic is not just an in-game stat editor.
It gives the host some ways to better control his game:

- kick (type "kick name" and player "name" will get kicked out of the game.
Now, you can kick annoying people out of your game without the need to crash them lol. They will recieve a "connection interrupted" message and time out).

- statedit (host can allow or deny the editing of character stats. This is useful in ladder duels...not only ladder hehe. Just type "statedit on" to enable or "statedit off" to disable)

- punishlevel (This is a feature against highlevel players who kill regular 99 chars.
It counts, how many 99 chars a highlevel player has killed. If this counts reaches 3, the highlevel char will be slain. Any further kill will bring him another death usage is "punishlevel on", "punishlevel off")

Other features:
- showlevel (displays the level category of a character - regular, elite, supreme.
If he's masked as 99 and lower, it will show the mask ).
- showversion (displays character version - this is good to spot "fake" 1.10 a.k.a. 1.09RO).

- rank (maybe useless......shows a score board with player kills/deaths/ratio.
The table seems to be messed up, but that's not my fault. It's because diablo uses letters with different widths)

If these functions turn out to work properly and stable, I will concentrate more on item spawning and item editing features.

So, try it out and tell me what you think.

2. Mitjas Versionhack
VersionHack allows you to duel on bnet in a 1.09 version game which means you can ennter Battlenet without downloading the patch and play the same as you did priior to Patch 1.10

3. Zonfires Hero Editor
This is the most coplete editor ever built for open Battlenet
some changes in Version 8

Some of the changes:

- Set Items properly implemented – several things added
- fixed Aura’s display so they stack, and display with the name of the Aura
- 3 “missing†States have been added (these were added in V0.71)
- fixed combined Magic Attributes for proper decoding (“Min-Max 1-H Dmgâ€, “Min-Max 2-H Dmgâ€, “Min-Max Throw Dmgâ€, “All Resistsâ€, “All Stats&#8221
- added Runeword selection and display of Runeword on items
- Magic Attributes display window now can be scrolled and can display up to 100 different attributes!!! (i.e. useful only if many magic attributes will be hidden from display in D2)
- added keyboard functions to Magic Attributes TreeView
- fixed/added keyboard usage for lists (e.g. cut&paste, search using #'s or letters)
- added Menu shortcuts (e.g. Del key to "quick" delete items)
- added Menu access keys
- fixed re moving an item used to restore minimized Extras window
- Quests selection/changes fixed
- added F1 help functionality
- added option to display Set Magic attributes in "Description" list
- max value to gold has been fixed
- when changing Item Codes, the list is now sorted alphabetically by the item name, not Item Code
- added ability to use Buffer and Favorites with Runeword magic attributes
- added Runeword magic attributes editing to menus
- added selection and display of “Monstersâ€
- .icon property set for Main and Extras windows
- editing a character no longer forces your character back to Act I, Chapter 1
- Current Act batch button works now, if the Act is selected (not just Quest) (was added in V0.71)
- NOX support added (was added for V0.71)
- “Newby†renamed to “Starter Itemâ€
- fixed Skill names, such as “Royal Strike†=> “Phoenix Strikeâ€
- fixed Simple Item decoding re Unknown10 (flag + time codes [just ignore this])
- fixed Merc item decode error
- allow “unknown†items to be loaded (for Mod games)
- added option for up to 25 “new†items to be created (for Mod games)
- old “Hero Editor.INI†file gets renamed (i.e. not deleted) when a new version of Hero Editor is installed
- the “unknown†char/class picture is removed, unless “required†by a Mod game
- items can now automatically be created as low or high level items (high level = to use max sockets)
- added Arrow Key functionality to TreeView displays: Extras – Item Attributes, Item Create; Main – Quests, Mercs
- fixed the display window for Buffer and Favorites magic attributes (used to truncate at ~20 attributes)
- increased size of “Save Modified Item†button and “Save New Item To PickedUp†button
- fixed Runeword magic attributes re selection of Max Dmg for fire, ice, poison (used to default to 0, not max)
- if change item quality from Set, Set magic attributes are deleted
- fixed making (and decoding) of Tome of Identify
- Moved "Bonus to Attack Rating %" from Other, to Attack
- Moved "Aura" from Other, to "Aura (Skill when equipped)" in Skill

4. UDIE2 by RVS

This Editor works like the game does and is a very different approach to other editors well worth using this is a great editor for MOD makers
OS - win98,win2k etc.
Version of Diablo II (Lod/nox,1.09/1.10).
Version of Udie 2 from the 'About' dialog or zip name.
The text of any error message you got.
A description of exactly when the problem occured.
(on starting,after splash, when loading character, viewing an item, etc )

Please read through to see if your problem has been solved before.

I hope you enjoy using Udie as much as I enjoyed making it ;-)

5. Horadric (editor for Macs and Pcs) by Chacha_die
This is a cross platform editor and is fully functional items and stats however u will also need a hex editor such as winhex or similar to load your character from then on its very easy to use and very flexible.

Full details and Downloads available from Ladderhall


Have fun Regards Nightshiver
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