WoW: Forum


Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
Denmark EU.
So I decided one day to go my realm's forum... I logged on my account(still level 69 Paladin, GG Blizzard -.-) Checked some of the stickys... and I scrolled longer down to check some new topics... then I see this topic:

Title: Suicidal, but worth it

Okay. I was walking down the road to Elwynn from Stormwind when I suddenly got hit. I chouldnt see any mobs around, so I decided to run so I would go out of combat. I ran all over to the deeprun tram, but something where still following me. I went inside the loading portal and when I came out something was still hitting me. I looked all over the place, nothing to be found. My health was dropping below 5o% so as a Paladin, I started to heal myself. I was retribution so my heal kept getting interrupted. Freaking annoying. Then I came up with the idea! If I go up on the train the mob(or whatever) wouldnt be able to follow me! I went on the train and I was coming towards Ironforge. I went outside the Deeprun Tram but still got hit!1!!!1! I thought: ''There must be some way to get this thing off me!!'' so I ran around in Ironforge intill I got a idea! Suicide! I didnt want any high repair bill, so I decided to go naked.. My health was dropping below 3o%. I went outside the Ironforge Gate and jumped down... I fell on the ground and died.
Then I see a emote on the screen. Someone is laughing at me. Chouldnt see anything. ...I went on my Horde char and asked that person: ''That werent nice of you!'' and he replyed: ''Seriously, you chouldnt see me at all? I was hitting you all the time, and you chouldnt see me??'' . . . . .

I dont get why this horde didnt get hit by the guards, but Im telling the truth here. Belive it or not. You can even check his name. ******(this name has been censored becourse the player didnt want his name on the topic)is his name. ...What a day. Later on I found out I had a graphical error on trolls...