::sorc godly lite build plz::


New Member
Apr 6, 2006
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ya mannn i need some ideas of a godly lite sorc buildlike whats the deal i heard i need around 95% es


Sep 19, 2004
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some one help him i heard about it too 95%ES means 95% Energy Shield used for dueling lit sorces some1 make a guide for this :p i dont have d2 to do one :)


BattleForums Junior Member
Jul 17, 2004
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ok, for pvp purposes ill give the best i can, ill give two type choices:mid-rich, rich

str: enuf for gear...
Dex: either none or max block (personally i got with max block)
Vitality: rest...
Energy:if mid-rich then prolly base 50 is a good number->no worries about low mana (or into vitality if that conscious of life), if rich, then base

Max Charged Bolt
Max Lightning
Max Chain Lightning
Max lightning mastery
Max nova (last to max)
1 in warmth
1 in frozen armor (optional but gives good def)
1 in all light other light skills (tstorm is a nice lil thing, for me as a mfer i do over 1k dmg with it with 1 pt into it) teleknesis is prereq for tele...needed also for energy shield, static always good idea)
this is 107 skill pts, and at lvl 99 with all skill quests u will have 111 i believe
you can put other 4 into energy shield or frozen armor, if you dont put some into tstorm thats another pt, but otherwise u need everything else as a prereq heh

Gear (im 90% sure on this (including merc)) (left to right:mid-rich to rich)
wep1/shield1: occy/spirit (or if dont need skills cuz you have enuf then SS) P lite eschutas w/ 5/5 lite death facet/P fcr Spirit (suggest monarch)
wep2/shield2 low Cta/lidless/any spirit P bo cta/spirit
Helm: shako (lite facet, may be better than griff, depends) Pgriff helm with P death lite facet
Armor: Tal arm/vipermagi (lite facet in which ever one) Im gonna say Coh, resists, skills, dmg red str.....yeah, either dusk or archon plate
Ammy: tal ammy Maras/3(2) to lite(or all sorc) skills ammy with fcr resists..other mods
Rings:Raven (CANNOT BE FROZEN<-you need this from something)/fcr ring with other mods soj/bk/fcr rings with resists and otehr mods (str, mana, life, dex, etc.)
Boots: treks/boots with fwr, resists, etc. P eth treks/hi def boots with resists, fwr, str etc.
Belt: Tal belt or maybe dungos if you need a lot of life+dr (i use lol :D) Arach/belt with fcr resists, other mods (never really heard of one of these heh but w/e) or P dungos....same reason
Gloves: frosties/magefist P uppd magefist/gloves with fcr,resists, etc.

Merc: act 2 nm def (holy freeze aura) or hell (defiance) (personally i use nm)
Helm: (eth) gaze (Cham) Dream/Delerium (funny when turn into lil guy (guess what mine uses heh)
Armor: (eth) (upped) shaft (pul, ber, shael (fhr)) eth Coh/eth Fort/Eth stone
Wep: (eth) bonehew (amn amn)/ (eth) reapers toll (shael)/ Ebotd ghostspear (other polearm)/ (eth) infinity/ (eth) insight

Iventory: Anni, hellfire torch, Lite skills grand charms with extra mods (resists, life, mana etc.)
life/mana/resists smallcharms just play it by what you need most, if you have max resists in hell then you obviously dont need these

Sorry if i am wrong on any of this, but this did take about an hour of my time and when im tired i kind of wander heh, im just trying to help, dont argue with me, just suggest something in place if you would like plz, thank you


Battle God
Nov 29, 2004
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thats pretty good. what i would have put. except made a few minor changes. if you make it a little more organized and added strategies for pvp, it would be a great guide.


BattleForums Junior Member
Jul 17, 2004
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heh, im little out of it, only started playing agin two weeks ago, and njust made my first lite sorc ever (mfer...) abotu 5 days ago, so heh, dont quite know a lot about them :D but i helped with what i could, dont really know about strat though as i hate pvp and always have heh, prolly best would be stay away from melee using tele, if merc can freeze them maybe try static couple times, but mainly use lightning as main skill, maybe some telekinesis to knockback if realy needed, thats about it...change gear accordingly to have resists and dmg red against casters and melee users, keep your merc alive, by giving him plenty of life steal and tele'ing away if hes in danger of dying, all i can offer :D

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