Senior Game Producer Leaves Diablo III


Premium Member
Jan 17, 2006
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Senior Game Producer, Steve Parker, left Diablo III. The announcement came via twitter that the exec would no longer be working for Blizzard. No reason was given.

His twitter feed read:
"Hey Twitter, I’m no longer working at Blizzard or on D3. I’ve had a great 5 years there and those guys are going to do an amazing job with Diablo.”
The exact status of Diablo III is still unknown, so his effect on the games release and his overall footprint on the project are clouded. From comments it appears that his part in the game may simply have been over. However, his comments later on twitter
“Thanks! Looking forward to bigger and better things.”
does give the eerie sense of a man laid-off.

Speculation, Speculation, O' sweet speculation