Neolch's Starting Story


Apr 9, 2005
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****ing little cheezes mom
My name is Jason Summers, a name I hate. When your in school, and your name starts with the letter J, you are often the victim of, “Whats your name again?â€. My name is as average as anything, but I suppose it was a proper fit. I am about as average as anything, I do average in sports and games. As for my work in school, I am a bit.....â€special†as my teachers say, for the truth, I'm an idiot at some points. Brown hair, blue eyes, dominate right hand, and I live in Chicago Illinois. I'm a bit on the short side, not too much though, I don't really mind it. I go to Elmersion, its a little school, average size classrooms, perfect for me. I'm 12 years old and I'm in 6th grade. My life was pure average until one day...
NARgoingfar: I normally wouldn't have payed the new kid any mind, its seems tradition to either bully the new kid or not even look at him, I'm no bully. On his name, my ears seemed to shoot up and I looked at him, most of the kids around me stared and smiled at me thinking, “HA, what a loser, looking at the new kid!â€. His name was, “Mathew†a name that no kids in our school had. When the teacher told everyone his name, he got up and waddled over to an empty desk next to me. He was very small, he had blond hair and green eyes. He was wearing blue overalls and a turtle neck sweater with a picture of a turtle on both arms. I looked at him trying to guess how stupid he could be going to school in that outfit. The teacher walked to the board then smacked her head, Mrs. Jellings and a... ability of forgetting things. She clapped her hands and started, “Oh yes class, Mathew Kirling is a very special studentâ€
You don't say.... “he has moved up multiple grade levels to have class with us in Math today, he is 6 years old.†Most of the classes jaws dropped at that, a funny look shot across my face. I don't know very well why I became so very sad and angry, it could have been because the 6 year old was most likely smarter than me, or... no, it was that. I convinced myself Mathew wasn't that smart, but going through class I was proved wrong time and time again. At the end of class I slumped down into my seat and banged my head on the desk.

Lunch came around, and I sat by myself, it seems that no one really wanted to sit with me today. Mathew saw me alone, he himself being alone, and got up to sit next to me. He chewed on his cheese sandwich, yes cheese sandwich, no meat, just cheese. And put the little straw in his mouth as he sucked up some fat free soy milk from his little bottle. To be honest, he made me feel more of a loser than before. He looked at me with the little straw in his mouth making a slurping sound. I turned my head slowly at him and picked up my own sandwich and started eating. “Five bites†I looked at him,
“What?..†he pointed to my sandwich and spoke again,
“You can finish the sandwich in five bites.†I stared at him and moved my hand,
“GO AWAY!†He finished his lunch and was off, I shook my head and ate my sandwich, in exactly five more bites as he said....

Neolch wrote that, Hope to god your children do not read this book if it gets published.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
Joe's Garage.
... Ill be honest. There was no climax. Any plot needs the propper set up for an exciting climax which yours was 5 bites.

I liked the writing style though. Just no boom boom