Need help to get from the monastery to darnassus


Premium Member
Sep 8, 2003
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forgive me, i dont know the names of all the places. from the NE spawn you follow the road south until you get to another city, just follow that road until (this is a part i forgot) the end of that city where there is a portal or if there is no portal continue to follow the road until you get to a city then there is a portal. take that portal(its purple) and it will take you to another city where there are docks. take the boat on the docks and you will get off at another city. once you get to menethil harbor you run across the pier until you get to another boat and that one takes you to menethil harbor. once there, follow the road again, leave the city, and just follow the road until you go south. be careful of the hard spawns. anyways, follow it until you start getting into the mountains and all that. again, be careful. follow the road suntil you reach a place called the valley of kings, (at least i think this is the spot) instead of following the road you got to follow the road when it forks to the right. then you end up outside of ironforge. follow the road until you reach a fork in the roadt that goes uphill and then you will be in ironforge. take the tram in iron forge to stormwind and bam thats the human lands.. it's harder and longer than it seems..