My Zerg Strat


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
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Well since I've been playing Starcraft again, I'm postin' my Zerg Strat.

Ok, I usualyl play 0clutter or Money maps so this strat is omstly for those.

-4 Drones to minerals
-Spawn a Drone
-Build Spawning Pool
-Get 3 Drones
-Have 2 BNuild Extractors and send one to go get more minerals
-Build 2-3 Overlords
-Build 3 more drones
-2 to gas, one to build another hatch
-Once I reach 100 Gas I get Lair
-Get 3 drones
-One to build a Hatch
-One to build a Spire
-One to build a Queens Nest
-Build more drones, have a couple build some hatches and more to Extractors and Minerals
-Once Hive is done, get Greater Spire and start getig mutas
-Alternate between Gaurdians and Devourers

Then I just attack everyone. It's worked well vs. comps, but thats about it, it's worked ok against other people.

My SN(s) are HoneyNut_Hacker and HN_Hacker[FA] and I play on US West

-Frank :cool:


May 22, 2003
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whoa....5 pool???hardly seen anyone do that on $$$ cause if they do...they will surely die from a rush...

try my build order

- drones up to 9
- overlord
- when ovie done, build 2 more drones, and use it to build 2 hatchery
- build another drone, and use it to build a hatchery
- build another drone, build an extractor
- take a drone off of mining and build a spawning pool
- keep building drones
- get a 4th hatch
- once geyser done, immediately 3 on gas
- 2 hatcheries should be completed, build drone and overlord
- third hatchery should be done shortly, keep pumping drones
- once spawning pool done, get a should have exactly 100 gas...
- once you get 100 more gas, upgrade ling speed
- build more drones/sunkens/hatchery/extractor/overlrods as necessary...
- once lair done, build spire and upgrade overlord speed
- start pumping lings from your multiple hatcheries (should have about 6 or 7)
- build a queen nest and upgrade hive
- upgrade adrenal gland attack speed for lings..
- alternate between lings and mutas according to how much min/gas you have
- attack
- upgrade greater spire and build guards if needed

This is basically all muta/ hydra, no lurk...


BattleForums Senior Member
May 20, 2003
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i see none with defense
my NON money map strat:
-10 drones (with extractor trick)
-*keep building drones keep building until lair is done*
-2 creeps+make it to sunkens
-extractor (+3 drones to it)
-(optional: hydra den when lair is 1/2 done[lurker])
-(from here u choose whatever unit u like... i usually go ling//muta, but if it is a money map i make hive and make mass crackling)


Oct 21, 2003
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i hope that first strat was for NR....
and for those of you who build defence with zerg: go play single player, and stop being my allies in games... or better yet, go and play some other game, where you wont bother me with your noob ass 'strategy'

i urge eeryone here, as i have everyone in almost every one of my posts, to understand the value of a zergling. they work wonders... i have tried mutas with them, but this is not as effective as just all out lings, with defilers, and here is why: if you go all out lings, but DS the enemy, then you loose almost no units, if you do this, but have muta back up, you loos all of your mutas, and if you dont DS, youll be worse off. now, if there going all out zelots, or firebats, THEN i can c mutas, but the wonderfull thing about zerg is that it would take all of 2 mins to switch half of your controll over to mutas (just send in the lings you need to kill to free up controll, and keep them buisy, and then build enough drones to cover all the vespane, and send 3 to each gyser, then muta heaven, with at least 150 lings to keep em on the run.

oh, and, just a side comment, defence with toss is almost as bad DONT DO IT.... EVER!


Feb 5, 2004
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too slow...

try with a classic bild-base with 3 hatches, only 3 sunkens. by the time that is done, u should have abuot 20 hydras, whitch should have been sent, on oponent. it's kind of a rush, with hydras, but not... in the meen time get 4 lurks(enough). if it doesn't work, mutras will do the thing, and on top of that put allot of drops. heavy drops are a major kill if used properly. Just distract with mass hydras on front, sent mutras on workers, and drop in the midle of the base. After that they don't know what hit 'em. It requers speed with mouse:fwink , but it's very efective. Try it!