Music File Piracy


Jan 28, 2003
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Originally posted by CelestialBadger
It is legal for all the companies to agree to raise prices for no reason? That's like borderline monopoly. If that's legal in capitalism, I'm moving to China damnit! I bet CDs are cheaper there!
...Asia is the land of the bootleg...that of course includes Russia, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, get the idea...:)


I heard something from a friend of mine who works at Best Buy, that one of the possible solutions that music stores were thinking of implimenting is to stop selling actual CDs and have people pay a certain amount for a number of tracks. For instance, you go in to Best Buy with a track list of random songs and ask them to burn you a cd right pay $1 per song (and you know you like them because you have heard them on the radio or wherever) and that money goes to the music companies. I guess that is how that works, I dunno she overheard it at work the other day and told me about it. I don't know how much sense it makes but, hey, if it solves the problem without alienating the customer. Personally I hate the idea, because when I buy an entire CD, I want the little booklet and jewel case it comes with. I wouldn't wanna go in and pay $1 per track for the Christina Aguilera CD burned and not get all those fun nudie pics of her. LoL

As far as the running debate goes, I agree with the people who have been saying they DL for previews sake. That is what I do. I DL music to see how I like it, and if I like more than two songs from a certain artist, I will buy the CD. I see no reason why I should spend $16 on a CD that I am possibly going to hate. I am poor and it is pointless to pay for a CD that I am never going to listen to. I should be able to preview it first. As far as washing cars to pay for music, I'm a little old to be getting an allowance and doing chores for extra cash. Sure I can use money from my paychecks, but that is money I need to spend on school, food, and bills. Not everyone who downloads music is a 15 year old with rich parents and not everyone who is a 15 year old kid downloading music has parents who can afford to pay them to wash their car or mow their lawn. Some kids have to *gasp* mow their lawn for free.

Anyway, I don't agree with all this music industry crap but I do see why music sharing can be a problem. I don't mind paying $16 for a CD, as long as I know I am going to like it. I don't fancy going to jail just because I DLed a few Cher songs when I didn't want to buy her whole CD...especially when I am more than willing to support an artist whose music I truly enjoy (like Evanescence).


BattleForums Senior Member
May 10, 2003
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Burning cd's in best buy? that would still put the artists at a loss of $. Plus the RIAA would never allow that. There would be no more albums there would be like a bunch of singles which would be totally pointless, I hope and think they will never do that.


The point (I think) was that the artist and/or music industry would be paid for every song of theirs that was burned. Don't ask me how that works.