Hell/Heaven Pop.


Jan 28, 2003
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I was just sitting and reading and thinking (woot! three conjunctions connecting three verbs take that basic rules of grammar set by the Man!) on something besides world domination and all. I mean think of how many people have to be in hell if your a christian, jew, or muslim. As far as I know whoever doesnt believe in a specific one of these gets the ol' bucket ta hell and all. Add together all the other religions that really take up the majority of the global population and how many people die each year...plus all the different individual sects of the three main monothei-wats it called (religions with one god im too tired to think THAT much right now)- and there has to be only like 89,000 people (take or add 10000) people actually in "heaven". GeEz that suxs....atleast ill rule the world before I die....and besides I'm sure Genghis Khan, Aleaxander the Great, Hannibal, Sun Tzo, etc. will be there to greet me. Heh not to forget that hot ass mother teresa...ok Im just rambling now :D