Regarding Map Unprotecting

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Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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We have decided not to allow Map Unprotecting, both in the StarCraft and the WarCraft sections of The one reason to do so is to prevent stealing of the author's credit for the map. If the map is unprotected, his work may be stolen. But we believe that if the author of the map decides to protect the map by using any sort of protection program, it is his wish to keep his rights on that map, and it is his full right that we respect that, thus not breaking such desire.

Just imagine: You have made this great map, one that has stolen you endless hours of work. You protect it because you do not want anyone tampering with your map, which took you a while.
Now, if you came here to BF and saw your map in a thread, at everyone's disposal, you would not be all too happy.

Map unprotecting can be compared to breaking a copyright law. If some one copyrights something, it is not meant to be 'un-copyrighted', changed, and 'put back on the shelf'. This is mainly the same thing as Unprotecting. Unprotect it, change it, 'put it back on shelf.'

However, if you have came across a map that has a cool trick in it and you want to know how to do it, relying on map unprotecting is not the way to go. This is a Starcraft UMS Forum. We have members that know a substantial amount of tricks and knowledge. If you need to know how to do a cool trick you saw in a protected map, ask in this forum, but don't unprotect it.

I hope you understand where we are coming from.

Thank you

~Battle Forum's Staff


Dec 22, 2004
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I want the unprotect so i can at least modify some maps that i think need to be modified. I never steal credit kas its just wrong to do that. And i cant even find one period.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 19, 2005
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Map unprotecting can be compared to breaking a copyright law. If some one copyrights something, it is not meant to be 'un-copyrighted', changed, and 'put back on the shelf'. This is mainly the same thing as Unprotecting. Unprotect it, change it, 'put it back on shelf.'
That's your answer. If someone wanted their map to be modified, they wouldn't have protected it. Have some respect for the person who took the time and effort to make the map in the first place. If you really enjoy it so much that you absolutely have to make a new improved version, just recreate the map from scratch. If that's too much work for you, then you must not want to modify it too badly.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 19, 2005
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As of now, discussion of map unprotection will no longer be allowed in this forum, as it has absolutely nothing to do with the construction of a map in the intended fashion.

All comments regarding map unprotection will be edited out of the post, or the post will be moved to the hacking forum. All links or attachments regarding map unprotectors will be removed, with the commenting member being banned.

This rule will be zero tolerance. No one in this forum needs to worry about their work being stolen or altered by them showcasing it here, assuming they protected it.

On a side note, for all aspiring mapmakers who wish to protect their maps, use Proedit v1.4.2, as your map cannot be cracked after being protected with this.

Thank you for your cooperation, please enjoy yourself here.

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