Writers Wanted


Premium Member
Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
Battleforums.com is made by hardcore gamers that provide helpful insight to others. We are always looking to get more content creators on our team to provide intriguing news, dirty gossip on games, and the latest strategies and hacks (if that's your forte).

If you have a creative writing sytle or just want to be heard, there may be a position for you on the team. You don't have to know that best strategies out there but if you are willing to learn from other sites and relay it back to us in original content with pictures 8) we love pictures 8) , then we would love to have you do that.

To start off just make some quality posts on the forum, if they are good I'm sure we will notice and others will too. But also feel free to shoot me a PM saying you'd like to join the team. That will basically put you on my radar to feature your post.... meaning eyeballs actually make it to your stories/ news/ whatever. [it's a lot nicer having people read stuff you slaved over writing].
We might sticky it, we might share it on other blogs with a link to the story on this forum, we might message our 80,000 member base saying "HEY, God himself couldn't write an article as well as this kid just did".​

So we would love to have you. Start dropping by the forum daily. Leave your footprint.
:bowdown: Become king of news on Battleforums :bowdown:


Premium Member
Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
Really need someone to head up Diablo III content


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