Hi all, this post is to announce the beginning of an awesome campaign. its realy not the begining i dont suppose- more like the hatching of this campaign. for those of you who were once watching our projects website and eventually noticed that it was no longer being updated we are sorry, but we are happy to announce that in roughly 2 weeks part one of the three part campaign will be released. it will include a package of battle.net compatible maps which will contain our custom demon race, our naval units, and our race specific air transport system. for those of you who have not heard of our project ( Warcraft III: The War of Tortonus ) the website can be found at http://www.waroftortonus.com
also, if any one has any questions about the campaign or about modding/map editing, there are three of us working on this project and each of us has mastered at least one different aspect of the editor so if you like you can email all questions to waroftortonus@cox.net campaign related or map editing related and we will get your questions answered.
also, if any one has any questions about the campaign or about modding/map editing, there are three of us working on this project and each of us has mastered at least one different aspect of the editor so if you like you can email all questions to waroftortonus@cox.net campaign related or map editing related and we will get your questions answered.