Playing Diablo 3 for profit... a discussion


Premium Member
Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
The fact that Diablo III items can be sold for real money with Blizzard's approval has raised a lot of discussion on the web. I'd like to discuss real ways one could make money from playing the game (not as a byproduct of playing the game).

First note though: I assume one could figure out how to profit on the system but once going to claim the monetary rewards it would be hard to separate 40 different bank accounts to receive the small amount of money from each account. I assume Blizzard would not allow one bank account to receive for more than one character.

A thought on multi-boxing:

In World of Warcraft you could do alot of setup work to create paths, leveling plans, etc. and then run 40 characters through it with a bot and you just sat back and monitored 40 bots running at once, making the $0.50 per hour (per character) worth it as it was scalable. Added concern came in third party transactions, and a lot of customers didn't want their accounts banned for buying gold.

BUT in Diablo 3 the market is open, however addons and bots are likely to be even more heavily controlled, making the feasibility of running this very impractical.

Do you guys think it would be possible for someone to make good money with Diablo 3 characters somehow? Or would you have to hire 20 chinese people to run 2 instances at once on a crap computer and relay the IP to the US and make very small profits?