Leo nonchalantly leapt down in his Calico, unloading a full clip as he rolled off his ledge, the rounds destroying a Calico. Dodging gunfire with unnatural speed in his Calico, Leo whipped over to Simon, shielding him from gunfire with his own mech.
"Simon, eject!"
Popping out his spent clip and slapping in a fresh one, Leo stood his Calico up, unloading precise gunfire into the cockpit of another Calico.
Meanwhile, on the ledge, Leo's backup opened fire, covering him and Richards.
"Hey ladies, move! We gotta take down that bigass motherfscker!"
And then the lights went out. The cloaked Calcios were invisible, their silenced barrels making nary a sound. One Calico, the one that Leo didn't take down, continued to fire on Simon, his gunfire pattering across the back of Leo's Calico.
"Warning. Minor hull breach. Warning."
A red light light up Leo's HUD, indicating that the engine housing on his back had several minor cracks. His left arm was damaged, moving slggusihly. Luckily, both his legs had suffered only minor damage and were still functioning at 94%.
"Simon, move your ass!"