ooooooooooooooo can i join?
i will use
Name: Naran`The Destryor (thanks BAMthedoc)
Race: Human/Demon (1/2)
Class:Formor Dark Worrior
Wepons:Sword of Dark Destrution, Sheild of Darkness, Darkness Armor of Hell
Dark Destruction- able to destroy a lot of things in 1 sweep of a sword usage-4x a day
Dark Mist-Creates a tempary mist for quick get away or stealt attacks
Hell Barriar- Creats a strong barriar for 1 muinite usage-3x a day
Miasma(mi-as-ma)-creates a poisinouse cloud that can kill any thing that is touch except for the party wich the user is traveling with. usage 1 a day
Change form-change forn in to sombody for 2 hours
Special:4 Dark Abilitys only one of these can be used 1x a day
Dark Ability 1:Terror Destroyer-creates a huge dark energy ball destroys any thing,Stronger if opponent is pure of heart
Dark Ability2:Gate Of Death-Creates a huge worm hole sucking
anything and sends it stright to hell.
Dark Ability3: Soul Manipulate- Ablity to manipulate anybody doing the masters bidding
Dark Ability4: Soul Drain-Drains soul(s)
History:Ledgendary Dark worrior who has many past foes curently a Merc for a hefty price (lets just say u guys paid me way back