Middle Earth Mod Installation



I recently downloaded Middle Earth for LOD. I am familiar with the game but not with enabling the mod to play. I attempted the -direct -txt and nothing. There isn't an .mpq file to copy and paste and the author didn't leave any installation instructions. The mod sounds great and I can't wait to play, but I need some installation instructions. I hope someone can help. Thank you.:D


re: BAALSminion

In The MiddleEarth Folder, there seems to be Folders/files for game setup and game play, but no discernable .MPQ file. I know that in Tides of War, I have to rename the file to Patch_d2.mpq, but in Middle Earth, I can't seem to pin down which file that might be. Is there a file am to look for that may need to be renamed. What did you do to get yours to work. I appreciate this. Thank you.


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