ive seen ppl with like 3 botds and 5 enigmas... im like wtf? so how in the world do u get rich like dat? is it they just traded their hexes in 1.09 for the runes? or is there some cool new 1.10 method to get all dose godly runes? or do they just do meph and pindle runs over and over and trade the stuff they get for the runes? i need to know coz im going for enigma, botd, hoto, and cta and i have no idea on where to start to get them
Also, I need to know which type of sorc kills meph the fastest in a solo game and which type is most likely to not die.
Fireball/Meteor Sorc
Blizzard Sorc
1.09 Orb/TS Sorc
when they wear the same decent items like shako skulders occy arachnids etc with NO mf.
and is it better to kill meph with mf?(it slows me down a lot coz im so much weaker)
or kill meph with no mf?(lot faster for me but dont get much good items)
ok dats all thx
P.S. does it work when u have like occy and lidless, then switch to gull and 4 ist monarch right b4 meph dies and hit him with dose 2, do u still get the mf bonus from the gull and monarch?
Also, I need to know which type of sorc kills meph the fastest in a solo game and which type is most likely to not die.
Fireball/Meteor Sorc
Blizzard Sorc
1.09 Orb/TS Sorc
when they wear the same decent items like shako skulders occy arachnids etc with NO mf.
and is it better to kill meph with mf?(it slows me down a lot coz im so much weaker)
or kill meph with no mf?(lot faster for me but dont get much good items)
ok dats all thx
P.S. does it work when u have like occy and lidless, then switch to gull and 4 ist monarch right b4 meph dies and hit him with dose 2, do u still get the mf bonus from the gull and monarch?