Tons of D3 suggestions, (long constructive)


Apr 22, 2005
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First off I would like to say that in this post I will compare WoW with the diablo series and add tons of ideas and suggestions for d3. These are my oninions on both games and I am attempting to start a constructive discussion about ideas for d3.

Early on in d2 I had a ton more fun finding items than i ever have in wow. It's becuase the item dependancy is far greater in d2 than that of wow.

I like the character development in d2 better becuase each skill or stats makes such a significant difference in your character's overall performance. In WoW you can't even edit your character's stats. I like the risk of crippling my character, it brings a sort of "elite" feeling when you make a strong build. The untrain option is a good idea but I hate the small effect a talent has on your char in wow. Wow is like the 4 year old friendly version of d2. In wow there is no originality in ANY character build since it takes no thought whatsoever to make a good char. All you do is go what type of chracter you want and max out each talent in that tree. No brain power required at all. In d2 however you only use the stronger skills from each tree. Now that the game has been around so long there are tons of definitive builds that everyone else copies, but if there were a couple more trees in d3 with more skills per tree you could have alot more good builds.

It is true that nking sux and town huggers are the bane of all true pvp'ers. I still like the pvp in d2 alot more. In wow the pvp is just not exciting at all. You challenge someone to a duel and if you win you dont even kill them. Even on a pvp server the only real pvp there is is across faction. You still have to challenge someone from the same faction to duel and there are no reprocussions in any way as to whether you loose or win. In wow you will never see 8 ppl all hostiled running around killing eachother and just straight up dueling for hours becuase its so fun.

In d3 they should keep the hostile pvp system the same only make it impossible to kill someone without their corpse. And at the same time add a certain amount of time of invulnerability to yoru char after you get your corpse. Maybe make it while you're invulnerable you cant attack other ppl either. This eliminates nker's and dishonorable duelers who kill you 1 sec after you get your corpse. It also gives you time to cast your buffs and heal after picking your corpse up.

I am REALLy dissapointed in WoW. Maybe it's becuase I was a diablo fanatic and warcraft is nothing like diablo. I just feel like a good rpg needs things like multiple elite builds, and pvp that ppl can really enjoy. Not just something that happens ONLY if you see someone from the other faction. Or ONLY if you challenge someone to a one on one duel. Pvp should be a a huge part of the game. If you dont like pvp then mind yoru own business and dont involve yourself in those kinds of things (trash talking, annoying ppl, etc.).

Every choice you make in your chracter's build should SIGNIFICANTLY affect your character's performance. The untrain option is a very good idea but the ability to cripple your character is a risk very much worth originality in character development.

Plus the horribly repetitive quests are just too mundain. In wow most of the quests are exactly the same. You have to kill a certain amount of one kind of monster or you have to gather a certain amount of items from one kind of monster. In d2 the quests weren't all exactly the same. Some of them were, but it didn't matter because you were working towards your ultimate goal. The ultimate goal was a super badass character that could own everyone. Thats becuase pvp is such a huge part of d2. The quests weren't the game. The pvp, the character development, and the items were the game. And that is what made d2 so much fun.

I love the dark, twisted feel of the Diablo series. The happy go lucky feel of WoW is too fabricated, and immature in my opinion. Also, I loved the cinematics and the story line in Diablo 2. If they would just incorporate more in game story line and some role playing in diablo 3 it would rock.

The pvp, combat, character development, stats, and skills of D2 are still far beyond that of WoW in my opinion. It really takes alot of thought, planning, and effort to make a good character build in diablo. In WoW the stats are not customizable and whatever talent tree you decide to go with there will always be someone out there with the same build. Character originality in your build is where the diablo series really shined at first. Now that it has been played to death there are popular builds out there and there are unpopular builds. But that is what happens when a game has been out so long.

The stats and skills system from d2 is excellent in my opinion. Being able to "cripple" your character by building him/her wrong is a good thing. Freedom of character development is worth the risk. Once again, the "untrain" option eliminates wasted time and effort into a build that doesn't work.

Add all the classes from the past diablo enstallments in d3 and then some. There is no need for new races since the story line has always involved humans and demons. Instead make it so you can play on the evil side. Maybe even play as a demon on the evil side. Since necros are considered nuetral make them an evil exclusive class. They decided to side with the demons since good has been whooping their ass since the first diablo.

Another good thing about diablo is the real time combat. I dont mind having to click over and over to attack since it brings much more tactic and strategy to combat. Maybe even make it so you have to right click to dodge or block. If youre dual wielding or using a 2 handed weapon then you dodge when you click, and when you're using a shield then you block. Obviousely you can't attack while blocking or in the middle of a dodge. This would bring even more tactic to combat, ESPCECIALLY pvp. Instead of having dex affect your chance to block have it affect how fast your shield comes up after you hit the block button. With a similiar affect on dodging.

Don't make d3 an mmorpg, and don't make it one big seamless world. When the world is seamless there is a significant increase in lag. And when you're trying to play with tactic this seriousely inhibits that aspect of gameplay. When you have only so many ppl allowed in each game the lag never gets as bad as that of one giant seamless world running on one server. If it is going to be an mmorpg at least make each town/area of the world have its own server. With a loading screen inbetween each instance. The time you have to wait for it to load is worth the significant decrease in lag.

Instead of the inspect option you have in WoW it would be better to implement certain stats that display over each player's head as you put your cursor over them. The stats could include your pvp record, how far you are in the game, and your character lvl. However to be able to look at everything they are wearing sort of eliminates that player's originality. Maybe they have a setup that they don't want others to know about. Not being able to see what they are using adds a certain amount of mystery to pvp.

Make it so you can have the classic diablo view, plus third person and maybe first person in d3. Being able to play in third person view would be tons of fun if they made the game with killer 3d graphics. Plus I think the armor as displayed on the characters in d2 looks way better then that of WoW. Even though WoW has better graphics the armor in D2 isn't as "cartoonish", or as "fake" as it looks in WoW. Now imagine being able to see a paladin in his full plate mail up close. The polished steel would look very cool. The purple and pink, non-reflective, armors of WoW wouldn't hold a candle.

Also the random items generated when adventuring through the world of diablo is still the best ever. I don't think that should change one bit. The excitement of seeing a unique elite drop off of a boss in hell as everyone rushes to grab it first is very fun. The runewords and imbue quest are very cool as well. The way the did items in general in diablo 2 is the way all games should copy, or try to build upon. The only things I would change are the significance of the imbue quest, and the mf system. Instead of having one imbue quest in each difficulty with totally random stats generated, maybe try one quest towards the far end of the game that makes 3 random stats (based on your character class and the weapon), and 2 stats you can choose. Make the 2 stats you can choose have a base amount that comes with the stat. The more you put into stat number one the more you take away from stat number 2. But the other 3 stats are still totally random. For example you choose enhanced damage for stat number one, and increased attack speed for stat number 2. The base ED starts at 300% and the base IAS starts at 60%. For every 10 percent you add to the enhanced damage you take away 5 percent of your increased attack speed. And vise versa. The most you can get to in ed would be 400 wich would drop your ias to 10. Also I would probably just eliminate mf altogether or make items that add to mf extremely hard to find. Make it so only higher end uniques have mf on them. And even then the mf stat is the only good stat on the item. So that you are sacrifising alot to have more of a chance to find magical items.

Well those are my thoughts. I would like to hear what other ppl have to say about the subject. I am really hoping that they announce d3 at this year's e3.


Nov 7, 2003
Reaction score
I agree with this post.

I hate going on WoW and seeing EVERYONE with the same look. Also hate the fact that everyone on WoW are between the ages of 10 and 12. The children's mommies put them on WoW as a babysitter and the rest of us have to deal with GMs telling us not to say "nipple" because there are young children online. The game is rated T yet I see so many kids in the game it sickens me. Even having ANY MMO rated T is ridiculous. I say EVERY MMO or online RPG whether it be massively multiplayer or D2's style of multiplayer should be MATURE. That way if you are mature enough to commicate in a decent manner but still younger than 18, it doesn't much matter. Rated T, any kid can go buy the game regardless of whether or not he is even able to type. I like being able to go online and not seeing "I NEED GOLD SOMEONE GIMME GOLD I AM SO BROKE PLEASE HELP!!!". I also like being able to tell a mature joke and people laughing rather than saying "THAT IS SO GAY I PHUCKING HATE YOU YOU'RE REPORTED AND YOU BE BANNED TOMORROW !". For example, I can go into WoW and say to my brother or one of my buddies who also play WoW something along the lines of "that armor looks like shit on you" just playing around. I would have a million kids attacking me telling me they are reporting me, when in the first place it is none of their business. The main vibe of the whole game is terrible. Everyone runs around trying to prove the other person wrong. Someone asks a question and instantly a hundred kids give a repulsively sarcastic answer. I can handle being told something I don't want to. It happens to me on a daily basis, that's life. But when I try to play a HOBBY and free myself from the worldly burdens of every day life, I'd like it to be in a mature ambience rather than a flamefest of 12 yr olds. Just my input.


Nov 7, 2003
Reaction score
Face it. You post something no one can say "YOU ARE WRONG!!!1111" about and you will get no replies. Personally I liked the idea. You can tell these idiots only post when there is opposition to their personal opinions.

Which means there will be replies to this thread now, telling me I am wrong. Or coming up with some lame, under-thought, shit burn.


Praetoris Maximus
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
The one thing I wish is that you got more skill points, since you could more effectively build a "hybrid". Hybrids nowadays are few and far between, and usually only occur if two good, but relatively different skills synergize (umm yeah that happens a lot).

I thought synergies were an interesting concept, but I liked 09 better where for instantce you could build a druid with max armaggedon, and yet maxed lycan/wearwolf/whatever so you now have a caster/warrior. And I think the character hit hardest was the paladin. He was meant in my eyes to max one combat skill, and then put points in a variety of auras to help him and his party. Now pallys typically max 1 aura, unless the other auras synergize, and then of course they arent ever used. When was the last time you saw a pally with max salvation? Cleansing? Prayer? There are so many skills that are NEVER used because they dont have good synergies and are therefore considered useless. I think synergies made characters more cookie-cutter orriented, not less, since now basically every char has a few distinct builds that if you dont max all the synergies you're toast, and making something like a Double Swing barb doesnt work because there arent good synergies.


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
EEX_ca_aok said:
When was the last time you saw a pally with max salvation? Cleansing? Prayer? There are so many skills that are NEVER used because they dont have good synergies and are therefore considered useless.
[glow=green]Hehe, I use those skills on my cleric pally. :p

I can not say what WOW is like since I myself do not play it. From what I have read, both positive and negative statements can be applied to both WOW and D2 for the most part. I mean if you want origninal characters, create them. I know it has been done before, but a werebear sorc, minion pally, melee sorc, a duel or tri ele sorc, for example, is not that common, and doable. This is where the true talent lies. I mean way back in the original days, no one thought of a PVP wind druid would work till someone tried it and others followed. D2 is all about personalizing a character in every aspect. That is IMHO the only thing that keeps ppl playing still.

If D3 ever comes out before my bones turn to dust, I hope they have all the D2 characters,(with some revamped, and new skills of course) and a few new classes as well. I wish that they would have a specialized room, or area to duel others. Maybe an arena, or something of the sort. At the same point have no hostiling for any questing games. This to me would get rid of the whole PK thing while lvling up, and would keep everyone who is low lvl and/or without good gear from being treated like amitures.

To break the monotony of the game, you could maybe even have 1 or 2 base characters, male and female. You could have alternate quests, that could mix up the whole character class thing. Example could be killing something in a graveyard would open a new tree of skills like a necromacer, to where defeating a melee monster in a certain area may give you barby tree skills. Another alternative is, after beating Hell difficulty,maybe your character is sent to the hardcore area. Where anyone can die.Their are endless possibilities, it's just a matter or what will actually be done.

Many people have a idea what they think D3 should be, (including me) but its a matter of pleasing the most people, so that it can generate the most sales.

No offence, but, if you hate WOW as much as I think you do why in the world do you play it then? Also, no matter what game is being played online, you will always have people who are either really young, and/or really old, in comparison to the masses of other players.

Finally, in D1, the game play was ok, the characters where not bad, blah blah blah. But almost everything was improved with the sequal. Give WOW some time to evolve, and let all the little groupie kids get tired of it. Then, you will truely see, what WoW is all about. When the hype of it all being a "new" MPRPG. The true fans of WoW will remain while everyone else has moved onto the next "new" MPRPG.


May 1, 2005
Reaction score
Most likey not authentic. yet creats suspence