THE REVIVAL!!! A megaman Universe RPG


Jul 28, 2003
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*After Dark Blade and Ryu went back up to the main base the Captain came to tell them news of a new Maverick*

Captain: We have found FireMan's position

Frost: Where?

*The captain hands Frost the readouts from the computer*

Frost: Looks like we will be taking a trip to Insabar

Dark Blade: Sounds like a plan...

*the four of them walk over to the transport bay*

OOC: I'm taking the place of Dark Blade because he is banned and he asked me to take his place while he is banned :)


Jan 16, 2003
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not posting, but make me aware of this before you do that, i AM the maker of this thread so i should b aware............maybe his banning coulda been gone in this forum as well? well......this DOES sorta screw up my RPG now.........w/e


Jan 16, 2003
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OOC: Im not going to bother using colors right now maybe when i post again some other time, but im just too lazy to do it, srry. BOT.

Frost heads back to his living area and sits down on his bed. The sheets turn cold and rigid as he lays down to relax for a while. almoust instantly after he was just getting relaxed a heavy knock comes at the door. He bolts upright and sits there listening tgo the knocking. He readies his spike and slowly approaches the door.

Frost: WHOS THERE?!?!
Jarbled voice: H311111|> m33333333
Frost: What the hell?!?!?

Frost steps back and types a few numbers onto the keypad the beeping bringing back memories from the past, Frost shakes it off as he hits Enter on the pad, opening the door. Just as the door is about halfway open a body falls to the floor, synthetic blood spilling out in gushes of deep maroon mess. Frost quickly bends down and looks for his ID plate, suddenly after a few seconds of searching its found...............

Tek and Ryu were in the training room, Tek testing his circuts, awaiting Frost for his update on the next area they were to infiltrate. Ryu was sitting in the corner watching Tek do this wondering what it was like to be a Human upgrade parts store, they had become quite close over their adventure, and theyd get any chance to crack a joke on each other, but just as Ryu was getting up to go help Tek train, the door to the training facility was ripped open, Tek and Ryu lunged back as they saw Frost out of breath and doubled over..

Frost: TEK!!!!! RYU!!!! COME TO MY ROOM!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tek: What could it be Ryu??
Ryu: I really dont know, lets find out.

Quickly they boosted out of the training facility. The way to frosts area had never felt so long that night. The first snow of december had fallen around the Maverick HQ and there were many of the trainees playing and having fun, but none of them knew the suprise that had been waiting in Room 3C Section Q54. Tek, Ryu, and Frost fineally arrived to his room.

Frost: Guys......i have no clue what to do about this......

Frost enterd his passcode and put his hand on the panel where it went. the door slid open but not fast enough as Frost and Tek tried entering it at once, they got through and then tek fell down only to find a mangaled body on the bed of his partner, Ryu rushed in wondering what was going on but when he saw what was laying on the sleeping area, he too needed frost to hold was X, or so they thought.......

Jarbled voice: T3k....H311111|> m3333333.......!!!!! ARGHHHHHH

The body coughed up synthetic blood and spasmed, bolting his body upright and rolling over. the body was coverd in a white cloak, stained in blood, his head was cracked all the way to the back in half, but right then their wodners were confirmed, it really WAS X.

Tek: X?!?!?! HOLY......NO! IT CANT BE!!!! IT CANT BE YOU!!!! YOU DIED!!!!
X: T3k...........h33333lllppppp m333333

Once again he coughed up blood as tek ran to his sideto attempt to aid him. Tek took out a finder. A Tool used in the repair ward to find broken circuts and wires. The finder went off the charts, there was way too much work for Tek To do alone. He put his arms inside his and frost helped him by carrying his legs, they carried him down the halls to the repair wing. Everyone groaned,, gasped, and gaped at who they were looking at, everyone was sure it was who they thought, but noone could be positive. As they arrived at the hospital wing they recived thanks after they told the doctors who they wre and who the patient was, they dont think that the Doctors belived them that it was X, but like the others, they couldent be sure. Ryu and Frost headed back to their rooms but Tek stood to see how everything turned out. Tek was X's first in command under himself and they had shared everything. After about 3 hours of waiting The doctor that had taken him in came out and asked Tek aside.

Doctor: He is alright, but you must tlel me, is that REALLY the legendary Hero X??
Tek: Yes doctor it is, it says on his ID plate, and in the wiring you can tell it was Dr.Rights work.
Doctor: Indeed, we studyd that before but i never knew it could be him. There was a messege played when we soulderd one wire X became active and said "Sigma is alive, there is no stopping him now" Could he be lieng Tek?...........Tek??????

Tek just stood there gaping, wondering what was going to happen now that Sigma was alive again. Just then the lights shut off and the Red Alert light started to flash. a Rumble occurred then a large explosion happend. a female voice, that had to be Alia's came upon the intercom

Alia: Do not panic, all personell and trainees please report toi the bomb shelter, we ARE under attack, i repeat please do not panic, all Hunters class AA and up please report to briefing IMME-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Just then the intercom went to static, everyone knew what that ment, Tek stood up and wonderd, the only hunters class AA and up that were registerd were Himself and Ryu, but what would they want with them two?

Tek ran as fast as he could to the briefing room, where there was s uprise waiting there too, ryu was already there standing behind him.......Zero.....

Zero: Yes, Tek its, me, Fireman and a uncharted Elecman are attacking the base, theyve taken out the Com room and the MAverick storage facility, they NEED TO BE CONTAINED! im going to aide you but you cannot tell ANYONE i am alive, i have been in a coma like state for the past years and i faked my death to stay perfect for when this time came.
Ryu: He already told me everything, sigma being revived, all the uncharted mechs, we have a real doozy here Tek....

ooc: there we go........Bam i want u to have the honor of takin it form there, it may not be the best, but hey it will push the story faster ;-)


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Tek: *shaking his head* You''re both alive?!
Zero: So it would appear. You've both changed since I last saw you. And you both have our weapons.
[color=sky blue]Ryu: Yes. The Ryuken will help.[/color]
Zero: Follow me!

Zero rushes out, knowing that everyone should be in the bomb shelters. Ryu and Tek are close behind. [color=sky blue]They're both alive... Interesting. I wonder if he'll want to see Reyan...[/color]

Zero: Sigma is even more dangerous than before. He actually managed to damage X to the extent which you saw. You... You two will see soon enough.
[color=sky blue]Ryu: We'll take Sigma out! For what he did to X... We will take him![/color]
Zero: I've always like that about you. *smirking; to himself* And I have a feeling you can; both of you will need to work together.
Tek: Where are we heading now?
Zero: Sector Xentor.
Tek: Where?!
Zero: A top-secret research area. Normally, not even AA ranked can go there. Only S and SS.
[color=sky blue]Ryu: There aren't any ranked that... Only you and X have ever gotten that...[/color]
Zero: We'll just have to change that. Oh! Don't forget that Prims was S. X and I were SS. You met a few other S; you know.

They stop in the middle of a hallway. There doesn't appear to be a doorway in sight. Zero looks at the wall for a second. He then places his hand against it. A scanner appears and reads his palm. A door appears then and opens. He walks in, followed closely by silent, and somewhat awed, Ryu and Tek. There are beakers, computers, and all sorts of things everywhere.

Zero: Are you so surprised?
Tek: What?
Zero: Ryu was...discovered here. Tek, you were first patched up here.
[color=sky blue]Ryu: Yes...[/color]
Zero: *to a tech present* I need to know exactly where those fiends are!
Tech: *giving Zero an item* They are constantly moving. This scanner should help you out.

Zero heads for the door without a word. He holds there as the tech hands both Tek and Ryu an item. Ryu recieves a prototype sword weapon (works like a Lightsaber). Tek gets a prototype sheild attachment (it can be attached and unattached, but doesn't activate on will).

Zero: Good. It's time to move out.

Zero, Tek, and Ryu all head out toward a sector Zero is leading them to. His scanner is going crazy, or so it would appear. They are heading toward their first battle together in a long time.


Jan 16, 2003
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The wane of the wind through the desolate hallways of the maverick hunter hq, and the clank of metal on the runners armor. The vocal silence was overwhelming, the brash warriors knowing that their fate was upon them. Suddenly the rush of knowlage, and the visions that appeared as they neared their fate were vivid, and only the strong survived. As then the young warriors reached the stronghold exit, the silence only deemed appropriate for what was going to happen. The final fight of their lives and of their destiny was upon them, and at that point, turning back was not an option....... -The Final Fight Pt I, Scott Nelson (TekBlade)

They were at the door, the curtain of silence blended with darkness to give a errie sensation to the chosen 3. They needent to say a thing, they all knew what each other was thinking, that were they going to get out of there alive? Zero made the move forward twords the door, it was a Old card lock, they dident use that anymore, because it was easy to hack into, but this specific lock was protected, only 3 class S hunters could access it and they had to slide their cards at the same time, there were 3 slots, and to hack it you would need supreme talent.

Zero: Tek, Ryu, here are your Class SS security Cards, they are ONLY to be used here, if they are used anywhere else then we WILL know, after today, if we all get out alive, then these are to be destroyed, do yo UNDERSTAND me?!?!?! it is IMPERITIVE!!

Tek: Yes Sir!
Ryu: Understood......

All three of them slid their cards into the lock, the door emitted smoke from the cracks around the outside and it fell inward slowly like a drawbridge...........actaully that had been what it was. Around the hunter HQ an the area was a enormous pit and inside was corrosion acid. they crossed the bridge and already they could see sigma standing there waiting.

Sigma: I have been waiting for you........see my TRUE form!!!!

Then what looked like the ordinary sigma was coverd in a dark dark blue cloak. And what emerged was a horrible horrible beast.

There were bloody spikes on each of his shoulders, mounted directly onto his shoulders his scyuthe had turned red and grew longer. His head was coverd by a blue helmet, his body bloody and gore hanging off it.

Sigma: Do you see this helmet? that was the helmet of your so called leader X, before i tore it from his head he cried in agony and defeat, he begged for his life, hahahaha AND YOU WILL DO THE SAME!!

Sigma rushed forward scythe out and ready, Tek Ryu and Zero all took out their weapons, knowing their fate was amung them.

The fight was on. The heat of battle was turned up, the mighty warriors fighting evil, and the only hope was teamwork. The battle raged and fought till only 1 survived, Good, and then all were happy when the evil lord was banished from the realm, never to be seen again........till the time came. The Final Fight Pt II Scott Nelson (TekBlade13)

OOC: Im still here guys ;-)


Jun 26, 2003
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OOC: hmmm, where were we....its been so long..


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
OOC: All AA ranked warriors and above have been called to the command center. Ryu and Tek are AA; Frost and Dark Blade aren't considered ranked (or are A). Ryu and Tek met up with Zero after taking X to the infirmary. Now Ryu, Tek, and Zero are fighting Sigma. You'll meet up with them after this. Zero doesn't want Dark Blade to see him -- I don't know why exactly yet.

As Sigma rushes, Ryu and Tek begin to feel eachother's movements perfectly. Zero, feeling the energy begin to accumulate on the field, rushes Sigma -- knowing what will happen. Sigma easily dodges the initial strike, but fails to block or dodge the second as he lashes out, nearly taking off Zero's arm.

Zero: *to himself* Come on Ryu... Sync already...
Sigma: *seeing waves of energy coming from Ryu* I see... You want him to sync with that human.
Zero: No!

Sigma rushes at Tek only to be met with Zero's blade. Zero is thrown aside in extreme pain -- damaged to the same extreme as X was. He remains motionless on the ground, saving his energy.

Zero: *in mind* You must do it...

Ryu and Tek respond immediately. They attack Sigma at the same time, surprising him with their strength. Sigma attempts to respond but Ryu's new blade and Tek's scythe are more than prepared and coming at him with amazing speed and agility. Sigma is actually forced back, further and further.


After what seems like hours -- actually no more than a few minutes, Sigma and Ryu and Tek all show signs of quite a battle, signs of damage all about them. The energy from thier weapons are actually low enough that all three discard them at the same time. Sigma stands in both awe and anger. Zero has managed to regain some conciousness -- partially to his dismay as he is in quite a bit of pain. He can feel a strange energy now, one he can't explain.

Sigma: I see... You two were able to sync... Zero chose you for that...
Tek: Sync?
Sigma: *smiling* One of Ryu's abilities!
Tek: Ryu?
[color=sky blue]Ryu: I don't know what he's talking about.[/color]
Sigma: *warping time/space; reappears behind Ryu* Oh? Don't you?

Ryu is barely able to duck and roll under Sigma's following charged shot. Tek, seeing this, activates his new shield and charges at Sigma. A single, charged shot from Sigma breaks the shield, but Tek is able to land a direct blow as he comes from the hit. Sigma shows signs of wear as he lands hard on the ground. Tek shoots off his own Buster shot to damage Sigma even more. As it looks like Tek is about to finish off the beast, again, Sigma raises his Buster. They are in a deadlock, both able to inflict fatal damage at this point.

[color=sky blue]Ryu: *warping time/space around him; appears between Tek and Sigma* I understand.[/color]
Tek: Get out of the way, Ryu!
Sigma: Yes, Ryu. Let me kill your friend. Or will you go in his place?
[color=sky blue]Ryu: That's why Zero ensured that I'd be ranked so long ago.[/color]
Tek: Whata are you talking about? Get out of the way!

Tek sees something he hadn't expected. A time/space bubble seems to envelope Ryu. Tek hadn't expected this, though he had discovered Ryu was a being who existed in time/space. He couldn't figure out what had made him take on a humanoid form.

Tek: Ryu! With how much damage you've sustained...!
[color=sky blue]Ryu: I know. I hadn't expected this... I did not know I was a part of Sigma...or that he was a part of me. We are two parts of a whole, seperated in an accident.[/color]
Sigma: So! My brother remembers! *taking aim at Ryu* I can't let you do anything about it!

As Sigma fires, the energy wraps around Ryu, and they become engulfed in an energy. Ryu and Sigma both disappear -- wrapping into the very fabric of time/space again.

Tek: Ryu? Ryu!?
Zero: Ah! Take me to the medical bay... I'll explain there... After I'm repaired...

OOC: Don't worry, Ryu's not gone and I didn't kill myself. I just wanted a quick pause for a variety of reasons. Go to the medical bay and just catch up with Dark Blade and Frost. I'll explain after a bit -- We need you Tek!

Dark Cloud

Sep 13, 2003
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uh this is probably a bad time to join but if I can.....

Street Name:Quickster man
Armor:red upper body armor, yellow soulder armor, tall metal boots yellow points, red arm gaurds, and yellow gloves classic Quick man helmet with bigger V.
Weapons:a giant quicksterrang(can only be used for close range attack) goes on his back, and a quicksterang buster, shoots quiksterrangs made out of energy.
History:His memory banks are damaged he has just woken up, the only thing he remebers is the basic history,(sigma wars and stuff) and knows that he has or had some comerodery with Quick man. so he named himself Quickster man beleiving that he must be the modern version. and now he's not sure what to do.
Specail:Quickness:he gets really fast, so fast that like everyone else's that every thing moves slow.(lasts 15 minutes, or til he's struck can be used 15 minutes a day) can also be used with no consequence outside battle to do misc actions like running up walls nothing big, cant use projectile type weapons when this specail is in use and he must take his giant Quicksterang off so he is lighter.
Partical fuse: he can vibrate the molecules in his body and intergrate his sytem with another robot, giving them full control of his abilitys, he has to have knowledge of the robots system in order to fuse, and fuse lasts the duration of the battle, when the difusion happens Quicksterman is absolutly exhausted and must be recharged before he can even move.
Vibration fists: when his Quickness is activated his fists vibrated to the point where they actually do some damage
giant quiksterrang shot: he summons all his strength to throw his Quiksterrang at the opponent, i takes a Quarter of his energy, because IT's really big also it doesn't come back or anything so he has to retreive it.

I'm looking back and i realize how strong i made this guy so if you want any cjanges tek let me know

and put me in whenever as soon as possible..that is if i can join


Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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*Walking back to his room Dark Blade seems bored and pissed off*

Dark Blade: I need an AA license...untill then...

*Walking into the training room and set a few jailed Mavericks loose just to amuse him*

Dark Blade: This shall be fun...

*A maverick appeared and Dark Blade seeing the maverick draw his weapon, Dark Blade jumped over the maverick and sliced his head off*

Dark Blade: Where is the other one?

*Seeing a blur of movement behind him, Dark Blade jumps cuts down a tree and the maverick trips and Dark Blade kills him*

Dark Blade: Fun.. hmph... I don't even know the meaning...

*Walking back to his room he senses something on his scanner*

Dark Blade: Who could be this powerful? It isn't Ryu or Tek, it is a power I haven't noticed before...

*Dark Blade shrugging it off, went back to his room*


Jan 16, 2003
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Tek ran as fast as he could without activating his boosters. At the time before the battle the rules were taken very strictly, now that nobody was around, he could activate them. He did so, throttling ahead at blinding speeds he fineally reached his destination, the Com room. Tek loomed over the com panel, typing up 2 names to have a specific com signal, Dark and frost.....

Comlink Signal: Frost!!! Dark!!!! COME TO THE MED BAY FAST!!!!!! I NEED TO EXPLAIN SOMETHING!!!!!!

Almost an hour later there they were, the three of them. Tek explained what happend at the battle, telling every detail, and why X and Zero were there, and why they wernt, everything......especially........why Ryu was not there......

OOC: thats the best i could do at the time, sorry guys, GF is distracting sometimes.


Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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*Seeing Zero again for the first time in years made Dark Blade glad, unfortunatly Zero was being repaired at the moment*

Dark Blade: Zero... Ryu.... What will we do Tek?

*Tek just staring at Dark Blade then facing the other way*

Tek: We will have to do without them for the time being...

Dark Blade: Hmph...

*Dark Blade not wanting to show the others his feelings, walked out of the room as if nothing happened.*


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Ryu and Sigma open their eyes to see that they are in an odd looking realm. They, infact, have also merged to one body. Ryu residing on the right, and Sigma on the left. Only that part of their body remains in this "glued together" form. They then start to hear voices, distorted to near utter confusion. They try to talk and hear their own voices distorted and in unicance. They then make out one voice. A familiar voice it is, but they cannot make out how they recognize it.

???: Ryu! Sigma! You have returned!
Ryu and Sigma: Returned?
???: You have forgotten your original mission!
Ryu and Sigma: What mission?
???: You were to stop the force that was taking advantage of our powers!
Ryu and Sigma: Why don't we remember?
???: You somehow split! You became, seperate, the Vaccine and the Virus!
Ryu: Vaccine?
Sigma: Virus?
???: Yes! Now! Rejoin!

Ryu and Sigma feel an immense pain! They grasp their head(s), and try to fight it. The unseen voices seem to be watching as Ryu and Sigma are emmersed into an intense light. A short while later, screams are heard. After about three for four minutes of this, the screams die down. The light dies down about five minutes, and a new warrior emerges from where the light that consumed Ryu and Sigma was.

Ryu/Sigma (you can call him Ryu)

Trans Time/Space Being

Dragon Warrior Maverick

X Buster
Zero Shield
Ultima Beam Sword

White main armor with Blue sub-armor and a Black, Red-inlined cape. Buster is Gold with Silver/Golden flame decals. His shield generator is Silver with a Golden aura. His beam sword is at his side, and it is black in color.

Charged Shot
Dragon Strike
Time/Space Warp
Ryuken (ultimate, 5x per day)
Deep Scan
Sword Strike
Prims Boost
Transform (turns into Sigma form; attacks seem berserk)
Call (calls the voices of the time/space elders who can drive enemies to insanity)
Luna Shine (heals all allies and lights up area; prepares Ultima Beam)
Ultima Beam (Ryuken enhanced, now includes all elements to attack; prepare with Luna Shine)

Ryu and Sigma relized their destiny when they merged back into time space. After a conversation with who can only be assumed as the elder, they emerged with more power than they had imagined. Their appearance changed in accordance. They are the Vaccine and the Virus merged into one! They are now the Dragon Warrior Maverick!

???: You are restored!
Ryu/Sigma: We will call you. We will succeed! We shall not be split again!
Ryu: I will take control. Sigma, I'll call you when needed.
Sigma: I agree.
???: You will return soon enough! Master your new abilities!


Jan 16, 2003
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a much needed revival

OOC: Hey..............a much needed revival to a much needed thread. :shoot :lucifer BOT

Ryu/Sigma were standing in the light for god knows how long...they couldent remember, all they could se was white.......all they could feel was power..................there memorys had been erased by the elder, and replaced by false memories...images of death and destruction.....ones that might ultimately lead to the destruction of the Maverick HQ if the body of sigma were to take over...hopefully that day will never come....but back to the likes of other ever so mortal friends....or foes..................
Tek: So where do you guys think that Ryu could be?....

just at that moment a white light flashed into the room, blinding all of the inhabitants momentarially, when the white light faded................thre.......was...........nothing but a note. this is what it said.


The three of them were standing around the note, they all knew what it had to mean, Sector 24, the maverick HQ sector in the New Eden world, Are 76 S5.....the old breeding facility.........they all looked up and ran offtwords that sector. After about an hour of running they fineally reached the area they ran inside. The scientists, had never seen them before, were wondering what they had been doing in their section of th eHQ.

Tek: "The numbers have to mean something.....wait.....2, 4, 7, 6, 5........WAIT!

Tek ran to pod #24only to find Ryu....

Tek: ryu..........

tek punched a few buttoms and the fluids in the tube drained and ryu slumped against the wall of the tube. Tek punched a few more buttons and out came ryu into his arms.

Ryu: TEK!!!!!
Tek: sound diffrent, your voice seems syntesized a little.....and much deeper....
Ryu: Its just a effect of the revival........the sigma revival........the final fight is near Tek.....a fight to choose weather or not the humans and reploids live in peace..or everybody dies........i saw it.......the Elder commands it.....we must not be allowed to dither form the course.....we must find a man named Quickster man....his real name is unkown...but he is known to reside in the Gamma quadrant of the HQ, the mental block...i dont belive he belongs there but many oters think diffrently. We must go.

And as quickly as he said it, they were gone. Ryu at everyones heels, trying to remember how he knew where Quickster man was....

Soon enough they were at Gamma sector. large heavy gates blocked off the areas where the worst were held. Tek saw the warden and started to talk to him about something, the group coul dnot see. tek handed him a zenni and told him that they sould remove one of their patients. The warden quickly went post haste and brought back a very tall man is red armor, almost identicle to Quickman but with alot of diffrences as well.

Frost: THIS is the man that will save the world???
Ryu: Do not doubt his possiilities.........he is one of the best....

the man named Quickster man came over to the group and introduced himself.

QM: I am quickster man...........hello.......

OOC: The end of the thread is near......................i will start another soon, Bam the Doc if your intersted IM me please for ideas. Dark cloud please post now, your character is active.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
Sorry, but, I was waiting for Dark Cloud... I'll get up with you on AIM when I can to discuss some ideas and the like.