~ The Hackers Manifesto ~


May 17, 2003
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My Room. Yar. Posts: 503
This is for all those who dont understand hackers. I AM NOT talking about so called hackers who just download programs and cheat. Im talking about real hacking. So none of you who just game hack come in here and be like "Damn Straight!" Btw, game hacking ruins the game for everyone, stop if you do.

Edit: Dont ****ing turn this into a debate on game hacking.
K thnx.

-------------------------The Hackers Manifesto-------------------------------

The Hacker's manifesto - By The Mentor

Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers. "Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime
Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"...

"Damn kids. They're all alike."

But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the
eyes of the hacker? Did you ever wonder what made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have
molded him? I am a hacker, enter my world...

Mine is a world that begins with school... I'm smarter than most of the other kids,
this crap they teach us bores me...

"Damn underachiever. They're all alike."

I'm in junior high or high school. I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to
reduce a fraction. I understand it. "No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head..."

"Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike."

I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it
to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me...

Or feels threatened by me...

Or thinks I'm a smart ass...

Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here...

"Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike."

And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through the phone line like heroin
through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day
incompetencies is sought... a board is found.

"This is it... this is where I belong..."

I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never talked to them, may never hear from them
again... I know you all...

"Damn kid. Tying up the phone line again. They're all alike..."

You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for
steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip through were pre-chewed and tasteless. We've been
dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic. The few that had something to teach found us
willing pupils, but those few are like drops of water in the desert.

This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make
use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by
profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek
after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality,
without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you
murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the

Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what
they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that
you will never forgive me for.

I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all...
after all, we're all alike.

Gg, to all those who oppose.

PiNk PeOn

Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2003
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I have left, And started a new
No hackers, the movie... you can so tell that you stole this from it ----->
We make
use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by
profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore... and you call us criminals. We seek
after knowledge... and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality,
without religious bias... and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you
murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 20, 2002
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Wasn't that from the Anarchist Cookbook or something?


Aug 8, 2003
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Theres a difference between hackers that explore and learn what they can,and hackers who maliciously destroy others' property.Sadly, the government sees both the same, while the second is the only true criminal, and the far minority.


Retired Staff
Jan 21, 2003
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Originally posted by Tokin
*...Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that
you will never forgive me for...*
This is a great quote.


Aug 11, 2003
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I'm not sure...
Cool! It's obvious you didn't write that, but it's still sweet. Anyone here aver heard of NMap? If you're interested, it's downloadable at insecure.org/nmap/ (it might be .com or .net) It's a stealth port scanner, not illegal but fun to play with. I advise you use it only if you are using Linux, Unix, or a similar OS and have sufficient experiance. Also a good idea to Dl nmapFE, a GUI for it. First time I used it, I got a huge long e-mail in spanish, scared the **** out of me, thought I was in trouble or sumthing. Hackers? sounds like a good movie. Gotta go rent it.

PiNk PeOn

Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2003
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I have left, And started a new
Originally posted by StarlightDragon
...... Hackers? sounds like a good movie. Gotta go rent it.
It is a kewl movie although quite old... apparently 36k was a good modem back them...It also has Angelina Jolie in it as a girl hacker... Although she looks completely different...


BattleForums Senior Member
Jul 18, 2003
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I would like to point out speculation has it that the term "hacker" is a term that was made up even before are computer age. it was first used as a term to describe people who spent mass amounts of time on typewriters "hacking" away at the keys such as authors and editors.

the term obviously carried over to our computer age and is only stereo-typed as a bad thing becuase that is what most people like to do is exploit the bad things in life as a "hacker" exploits weakness's in system.

those types of "hackers" in any case are braking the law becuase they are tampering and destroying property witch does not belong to them and need to be dealt with like a criminal just like a person who would do the same thing physicaly.

i.e. if you rob a bank whether it be with a gun or a computer you still have commited an illegal act.

of course this is not always the case if people wouldn't look at the word "hacker" so blindly they would relise that not all people with this stereo-type are out to screw the system.

i.e. Bill Gates is not only the richest man in the world. He is also one of the biggest "hackers" in the world.


Sep 18, 2003
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ALthough I was never good with computers I do understand how agitating it is to just sit there stagnating in the public school system learning the same shit evey year and fading into an ever deeper rut. Then something new comes along much later after so much of your potential has been wasted just sitting there. Suddenly your realise that you could be so much more had you just had more opertunities feeling lucky that you can still recognize something new. All the while being hated by your peers because you remember that the answers on the test are only slightly different from last year.

You find an outlet, you climb within, or you commit intellectual suicide becoming one of them. These people found other outlets than I, and if they don't hurt me then I say good for them. You should further what it is you know. If a hacker doesn't cause harm, then what is the problem? Maybe people don't like to be reminded that they are dumber than someone else.


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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Originally posted by PiNk PeOn
No hackers, the movie... you can so tell that you stole this from it ----->
He didnt still that from hackers though that was in the movie. That was The Hackers Manifesto written in like 1986 by some guy named "The Destroyer" or some shit..


-=[ Retired BF Admin ]=-
Sep 17, 2002
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Ugh... I wish http://everything2.com wasn't still down. They had the perfect definition of what "hacker" means, but is basically similar to what nevergoingback said.

This is the definition according to Everything2.com, which would back me up normally, if they were still active.

<jargon> An individual who attempts to gain unauthorised
access to a computer system. These individuals are often
malicious and have many means at their disposal for breaking
into a system. The term was coined ca. 1985 by hackers in
defence against journalistic misuse of "hacker". An earlier
attempt to establish "worm" in this sense around 1981--82 on
Usenet was largely a failure.

Use of both these neologisms reflects a strong revulsion
against the theft and vandalism perpetrated by cracking rings.
The neologism "cracker" in this sense may have been influenced
not so much by the term "safe-cracker" as by the non-jargon
term "cracker", which in Middle English meant an obnoxious
person (e.g., "What cracker is this same that deafs our ears /
With this abundance of superfluous breath?" -- Shakespeare's
King John, Act II, Scene I) and in modern colloquial American
English survives as a barely gentler synonym for "white

Thus, there is far less overlap between hackerdom and
crackerdom than the mundane reader misled by
sensationalistic journalism might expect. Crackers tend to
gather in small, tight-knit, very secretive groups that have
little overlap with the huge, open hacker poly-culture; though
crackers often like to describe *themselves* as hackers,
most true hackers consider them a separate and lower form of life,
little better than virus writers.
Ethical considerations
aside, hackers figure that anyone who can't imagine a more
interesting way to play with their computers than breaking
into someone else's has to be pretty losing.


Dec 30, 2002
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destroy stuff for no reason OR cracking a program = cracker
code and exploit stuff = hacker

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