Specialized Mage Frost Build (Godly for MC Raids)


Jul 25, 2005
Reaction score
Montreal, QC, CA
Ok, I have a few things to say first. This build is Godly for MC raids and any guild will love you, but you need to understand that this build may not be as effective in the beguining of the game as some other builds. I would highly suggest reading my other Arcane/Fire build to level your character up first. The guide can be found here. When you reach level at least 55 (60 recommended unless guilds let you in MC earlier) you can go to a trainer and unlearn your talents, then redistribute them.

Anyways, enough of that, lets get down to the Talents:

Frost Talents - 46 points

Improved Frostbolt - rank 5/5
Permafrost - rank 4/5
Ice Shards - rank 5/5
Winter's Chill - rank 3/3
Improved Frost Nova - rank 2/2
Piercing Ice - rank 3/3
Cold Snap - rank 1/1
Improved Blizzard - rank 3/3
Arctic Reach - rank 2/2
Frost Channeling - rank 3/3
Shatter - rank 5/5
Ice Block - rank 1/1
Improved Cone of Cold - rank 3/3
Frostbite - rank 5/5
Ice Barrier - rank 1/1

Arcane Talents
- 5 points

Improved Arcane Missiles - rank 5/5

This build will make you a survivor. You will practically never die if your good with the buttons. I took out 5 in Frost Ward since it is no use in MC and the 5 Arcane Missiles is good just in case. This build is very unique and versitile.

Good luck in MC!