Shouldn't D3 have more options?


Dec 18, 2004
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For D3, there should be items you can custom order. YOu can explain what you want, and the blacksmith can tell you if it is possible, how much it will cost, and how long it will take to make them. Also, you should be able to customixe orders from all merchants in towns. Also, hagglining should be permitted. The town should be close to as aimportant as the outside realms. Libraries should be in some large towns and you v=-can reasearch things. Also, you should be able to have charisma as a stat so you might be able to decieve, or change characters minds. the game characters should be having random answersand calculated answers. All of these would be good for online epecially with real people woith real minds and such. Life and culture in town should flourish, and make the game very interesting.