Newbie4lyfe's LLD Assassin Guide


BattleForums Guru
May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by newbie4lyfe
Super Fantastic Powerful Low Level Dueling Assassin Guide

at level 9, the assassin must be the strongest dueler you will come across. with proper gears and strategy, you can kill upto at least a level 23 with your assassin. (i've also heard that lld sins kill lvl 40's before but the highest i've killed was a lvl 35 trapsin). this requires an assassin to defeat at least upto hell act5 anya quest, or else you will have some problems with this build and resists.

with all stats and skills quests in all difficulty (normal, nightmare, hell), you should be left with 55 stat points.
strength: 40ish (enough for equipment)
dexterity: 45 (max block)
vitality: rest
energy: none


The items are in order of what you should try to get first. if you cannot get the item at the top of the list, try getting the ones below it.

  • biggon's bonnet socketed with ed//max jewel - its the prefect helm. life ed... just awesome

  • bloodfist - another wonder. dont dare changing it to some other shitty gloves
  • death's glove - k some ppl just want to get +20ias to have an "increased attack speed" however bloodfist is probably a better choice, cuz it has a lot more than just -20ias

  • 3 socketed breast plate with flawed rubys or max/ed dmg jewels - if your low on life, use f. rubies, otherwise use ed/max
  • 2 os magic (light plate) armor with fhr socketed with max/ed jewel - u will need the fhr and its really my favourite, i personally use it
  • greyform - adds dex and ll... i personally wouldnt like it cuz you will leech very little

  • death's sash - if you know your opponent has some form of cold damage use this.
  • rare belt /w fhr + mod - only if you know your opponent isn't using "cold"

ring 1
  • rare ring with ar + mod - ar is everything in dueling with a lld adding some more magic properties makes it even better
  • silver ring of (suffix) - like stated above, try getting a rare with ar + mod though
  • nagelring - basic ring, if you cant find the two, use this. its pretty good, cuz it includes dr and mdr however ar is not as good though

ring 2
  • rare ring with ar + mod - (see above)
  • silver ring of (suffix) - (see above)
  • nagelring - (see above)

  • rare amulet with ar + mod - remember ar is everything, try finding an amulet with one

  • hsaru's - prob the best boot for lld cuz most boots dont have frw and fire resist at lvl 9
  • gorefoot - 20 frw, mana leech but no resist

  • pelta lunata socketed with ed//max jewel - (u will NEED the FBR)

  • rare eth assassin claw/katar with repair and ed - eth adds 50% and if mod includes additional ed it will be better (remember to have self-repair as well) unless you can find another eth claw
  • 2 flawed emerald "fine" scissor katar / blade talon - if you cant find an eth rare claw, go for one of these. you can find them at anya in normal difficulty. use a high lvl char to buy them
  • 3 flawed emereld scissor katar / blade talon - this and the one above are pretty equal imo

I highly recommend you get an act 3 cold merc and revive him everytime u battle. items for him is as followed:
helm: 3flawed rubied mask - merc needs life
armor: 3flawed rubied breast plate - merc needs life
weapon: 6 flawed emerald eth crystal sword - oh yah thats godly
shield: - (shield is very minimal here. you can probably use anything below lvl 9 here)

note: inventory should be FULL of charms. dex, life, strgth, ar, anything good for a lvl 9 dueler, avoid getting useless mods on a charm like extra gold, stamina, mana, etc.

with all stats and skills quests in all difficulty (normal, nightmare, hell) you should be left with 20 skill points.
Claw Mastery: 7 - mixed with ts will give you the highest possible dmg for a lvl 9
Tiger Strike: 9 - mixed with cm will give you the highest possible dmg for a lvl 9
Burst of Speed: 4 - fastest attack speed per frame

DON’T PUT ANY POINTS INTO ANY FINISHING MOVES. Use your normal attack for your finishing move. Why ts instead of fof? cuz ts gives better + damage than stupid fire dmg

PvP strategies

before you start dueling you MUST cast Burst of speed or else your attack speed will be too slow or not fast enough to catch your opponent. you may need some practice on your mouse work when u are dueling cuz u cant just click and hold your mouse button. Good chance you would miss neways. in most cases, they will probably run or use pot. if they have some form of merc ts charge and kill them off not with normal attack but only with tiger strike.

bowzons: a real pain in the ass cuz they are really sneaky. most of the time you will see a guided arrow zon, therefore i will talk about how to kill these assholes. initially you should go out first, the moment your opponent comes out, you charge up ur tiger strike on them until you have the full three charges, then finish it with a normal attack. they may try to escape or run n shoot, thats when you need to learn to control your mouse, try not to click and hold as he/she will run and you will keep missing, eventually ruining the charge u just had.

melee javazon: prob, click and hold on them this time. 3 full charge of tigerstrike and end it with a normal attack.

missile javazon: like the bowzon, another pain in the ass. try to avoid getting poisoned and try to dodge attacks as well.try not to click and hold as he/she will run and you will keep missing, eventually running out of time to finish the charge u just had.

martialsin: hard to kill, cuz they also have charges which is a killer. if they cast a shadow, charge up on them and finish off on the assassin. otherwise good luck

trapsin: easy to kill. but they tend to be longer to kill. dodge all traps shooting at you until it dies off. if they have a shadow charge on them and finish normal attack on the assassin itself. once again avoid click and hold.

summonecro: pretty annoying, but still beatable. just kill his GOLEM first using only charge then kill his skeletons. when he has only a few army left, charge on one of his minion and finish off on the necro. try not to click and hold as he will run and you will keep missing.

bonecro: bone spirit is a pain in the ass and bonewall/prison is also lame. just try to use your merc as bait and absorb some dmg coming from bonespirit and just charge on his golem, or himself and finish off with normal attack.

thrownecro: i suggest you DONT go out first (unless you are far away), in this duel AR IS VERY IMPORTANT. you will be able to survive if you have a high enough ar to block and make the necro miss. 3 charge and finishing move. try dodging the javs/throw weapon as well

barbarian: frenzy and whirlwind is your worst nightmare, otherwise your okay. click and hold will do.

zealdin: depending if its a lld as well, try click and holding. i guess its good luck

hammerdin: try to attack from the bottom up. hammers cant reach close to him from the bottom. you should do good if he is stupid enough to know that he is not even attacking you.

sorc: probably the most hardest of them all to kill. her elemental skills are killers and she will run alot. if she have a merc, charge up on him/her and finish off the sorc

druid: ironically one of the easiest to kill. charge up on his sage / wolf and kill the druid off with a normal attack.


BattleForums Guru
May 10, 2003
Reaction score
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