Map Making Frequently Asked Questions

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Premium Member
Aug 6, 2002
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Middle of Nowhere
Scm Toolkit Troubleshooting

This is how I installed the SCM Toolkit to get it to work on Windows 98, and Windows XP.

After downloading from this site.

I followed the instructions found there, plus a few extra that allowed it to work on my system, your system may not need the extras to install, but if you have had problems, this may help.



Now that is out of the way let’s proceed.

After un-installing, and reinstalling StarCraft, I patched it up to 1.07. Then I copied the StarCraft folder to another location, for the SCM Toolkit install. Then I replaced my maps to the main StarCraft folder. and went to Bnet to update my patch to 1.10, as in the tutorial.

The “folders†for the VBR4, and the RUNPACK1, “with their contents still in themâ€, I placed in the 1.07 StarCraft folder.

I installed each of these to their default locations, then I changed their paths to the 1.07 StarCraft folder, for a second install. This is in case there is some file needed to make SCM run that needs to be in this folder to begin with.

I transferred the contents of the HELPER, MPQ2K_PACK, and SCMTOOLKIT_MPQ2K, into the 1.07 StarCraft folder, as in the tutorial.

I then went into the FOLDER OPTIONS of the TOOLS tab of the 1.07 StarCraft folder, and set it to SHOW HIDDEN FILES.

Inside the 1.07 StarCraft folder there should be an MPQ2K setup, a SETUP_9X_ME, a SETUP_NT_2K_XP, and a INSTCC. I double clicked each of these to install them. But, I doubt that I needed to install the SETUP_NT_2K_XP on a Win 98 OS, but it didn’t seem to hurt, and in the end, it worked.

At this point the SCM Toolkit worked for me on Windows 98.


When I installed to XP, I had to do two extra steps to get it to work, that the site owner of the SCAG site let me know about.

There are three green planet icons in your 1.07 StarCraft folder two of then need to be copied into the specific map folder that I planned to use, for the SCM Toolkit. I set up a folder named SCM Toolkit, in my maps folder just for this. I then copied the STAR EDIT icon, and the MPQ2K icon and placed them in this SCM Toolkit folder,,, again,,, located in my maps folder.

At this point the SCM Toolkit works for me on Windows XP.

I am not saying that any of these extra steps would be needed on your system, but it is what I needed, to get it to work. If you have been having problems, this could be the cure.

The tutorial on the download page covers some of the SCM Toolkit’s uses, the rest is for the most part self explanatory.

Some of the things that the SCM Toolkit can do.

Change the dimensions of an existing map. (Stretch, or Shrink)
Change player colors. (make everybody a funky pink if you want)
Change the tile settings. (take a desert map, and convert it to jungle with 1 click)
Protect maps. ( permanent, or with a password)
Edit player type, and race, from a different point of view than SC Editor.
And of course, stack units, and rescourses.

If you can get past by the concept of a stacked $ game,,, imagine setting up a comp placement in an RPG castle, place a siege tank, stack a missle turret, a firbat, and finally a greater spire on it. You will have a tower (greater spire) with with an interesting welcome mat.

I'm in no way saying it's the perfect program, or the easiest to use, if you've tried them all, let us know otherwise, and how to get them to work.
It does do some interesting affects.
I've found that it's interface is easy to use.

If you don't want to use it,,,, Don't,,, leave it to the users choice.

But, there are a lot of gamers out there asking how to set it up, who want to use it, who have been having problems getting it to work,,, and the above post is what I had to do to get it to work with two different operating systems.


Premium Member
Aug 6, 2002
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Middle of Nowhere
Installing Starcraft X-tra Editor

I emailed the creator of the SCXE, telling him that people were having occasional installation problems.
The following is quoted from that email.

Originally received 3-5-03


As this is problem has been reported sometimes already, I've made a checklist
for solving it:

1) Broodwar isn't installed. SCXE requires this SC Expansion Set.
2) An Entry in the registry was missing and SCXE wasn't installed into your
StarCraft directory. If this is the case, please move the files there.
3) SCXE wasn't completely installed. Try installing it again.
4) A third party file is causing the error. Make sure the following files -
apart from the SCXE ones - in your SC directory:
stardat.mpq, broodat.mpq, local.dll, storm.dll, standard.snp, SEditDEU.loc,
SEditENU.loc, Staredit.cnt, Staredit.gid, staredit.hlp, staredit.fts,
starcraft.exe, riched20.dll, battle.snp, bncache.dat, smackw32.dll

One of these four points should be the reason in each of the cases. This error
message has nothing to do with the OS type or WinRar.
As I don't have an account on yet, it might be good if you
publish this checklist there. When the new SCXE is complete
I'll make an account there. ;-)

General Mengsk


May 18, 2003
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My house
The one and only thread with all your answers to stupid questions!


switch 1 is cleared
center location on unit
set switch 1
preserve trig

switch 1 is set
wait 0
clear switch 1
preserve trig


-disable doodad state for :UNIT: at :LOCATION:
-create 1 :detector: for :pLAYER: at :LOCATION:
-wait 500 millieseconds
-remove 1 :DETECTOR: for :pLAYER: at :LOCATION:

The unit should be a computer unit and you should not be shared vision with it. The detector should be yours.

- Terran Marine (includes hero one)
- Terran Ghost (includes all the hero ghost and even infested duran)
- Terran Firebat (includes hero one)
- Terran Siege Tank 'Tank Mode' (will still attack, includes Edmund Duke in 'tank mode,' siege mode will crash SC)
- Terran Science Vessel (includes the hero)
- Zerg Broodling (will always stay cloaked when disabled)
- Protoss Interceptor (will freeze and remain stuck in the air, carrier is still needed)
- Reaver Scarab (same as interceptor will freeze in the air but will eventually explode, fast reaction trigger might be needed to get this one to work)
- Zerg Egg (will always stay cloaked when disabled, Lurker Egg doesn't work and will crash SC)
- Nuclear Missile
All the following Power ups will disable and when disabled can no longer be picked up by SCVs and other peon units
- Khalis Crystal
- Uraj Crystal
- Psi Emitter
- Young Chrysalis
- Khaydarin Crystal
- Data Disc
- Mineral Chunk 1
- Mineral Chunk 2
- Vespene Orb 1
- Vespene Orb 2
- Vespene Sac 1
- Vespene Sac 2
- Vespene Tank 1
- Vespene Tank 2
- Flag (will not cloak)

-- Buildings --

- Terran Barracks
- Terran Bunker (Units already loaded into will still attack)
- Terran Supply Depot
- Terran Engineering Bay
- Ion Cannon
- Terran Factory
- Terran Machine Shop
- Terran Nuke Silo
- Terran Control Tower
- Overmind 'with shell'
- Protoss Assimilator (you can still harvest gas from it)
- Khaydarin Crystal Formation
- Stasis Cell/Prison
- Protoss Temple
- Unused Independent Starport (says its hallucinated when disabled even though its not, and if the owner clicks on it will say "your base is under attack" where it normally didn't)
The following Protoss Buildings require a pylon before they can be disabled, must be powered first.
- Protoss Observator
- Protoss Robotics Faucilty
- Protoss Citadel of Adun
- Protoss Gateway
- Protoss Cybernetics Core
- Protoss Templar Archives
- Protoss Forge
- Protoss Stargate
- Protoss Fleet Beacon
- Protoss Arbiter Tribunal
- Protoss Robotics Support Bay
- Protoss Shield Battery
- Protoss Cannon (can attack if enabled again)

-- Extra --

- Terran Beacon
- Zerg Beacon
- Protoss Beacon
- Terran Flag Beacon (I think if computer owned it may not randomly drop flags on it)
- Zerg Flag Beacon (same as above)
- Protoss Flag Beacon (same as above)
- Doors (disable and enable will toggle between open a close)
- Floor Hatches (disable and enable will toggle between open can close)
- Traps (disable and enable will toggle between activated 'will attack' and non-active 'won't attack'


player brings 1 spell to anywhere
center location 'spell' on spell
create 1 [unit] at location 'spell'
remove 1 dark swarm for p12
preserve trigger


Run AI script:

Ground units only:
Un-check all the boxes on the right side of a location, then make your trigger.
Air units only:
Un-check all the boxes on the left side of a location, then make your trigger.


Switches are like a light switch, they can be on, or off (set or cleared) they act as a checking system, they can also be randomized by the computer. Switches always start cleared in maps.

In a map, switches can help you 'remember' if someone has been to a certain location.


Send All Units on Strategic Suicide Missions:
Units will try to find the smartest thing to attack, whether or not they die.

Send All Units on Random Suicide Missions:
Units will randomly attack any unit that is close to them, whether or not they die.

Switch Computer Player to Rescue Passive:
The computer player becomes a neutral, rescuable player.

Turn ON Shared Vision for Player #:
Let's the player who owns the trigger, see the other players units.

Turn OFF Shared Vision for Player #:
Like above, but backwards.

Run AI script at location:

Build Nuke at Location:
If there is a nuke silo at this location, it will auto build a nuke there.

Race Custom Level/Race Expansion Custom Level:
Custom level settings, depends one what the map looks like.

Race Campaign Level (easy/medium/...):
Easy: builds lower class units only, Medium: builds stronger units/buildings, Hard: Builds all units, Insane: Special AI

Expansion Race Campaign Level:
Same as above, with BW units included

Set Player to Enemy:
Sets a player with units in the location to your enemy

Set Player to Ally:
Same as above but backwards.

Value This Area Higher:
Computers will think this location is special, and protect, or attack it more often.

Enter Closest Bunker:
What do you think? bunkers must be in the location

Enter Transport:
Same as above, transport must be in location.

Exit Transport:
Same as above, but backwards.

Target Nuke at Location:
If ther eis a ghost in range of this location, and the chosen player has a nuke, it will target here.

Harass Location:
Comptuer will randomly attack this location with small groups, then they will leave once they have control.

Set Player to Enemy:
What od you think? Units in this locationw ill become your enemy.

Set Junk Yard Dog (Roam Around):
Units in this location will run around aimlessly.

Cast Spell at Location:
Casts the chosen spell at this location, if possible. (mana, unit, upgrade must all be valid)


The use of never is like this:

comment: UNITS:

then when you look at the list of triggers:

STUFF: <-this uses never
UNITS: <-this uses never
unit check 1
unit create 1
unit check 2
unit create 2


Unsure of a true way to get totally black terrain for the moment.


Unsure of a true way to get 'weird' terrain for the moment (besides using GUEdit)


On some maps you may have seen colors the Fade this is done using hte following combinations of colors, these will sometimes work, if used correctly.

invisible - grey - white - grey - invisible
invisible - light green - green - light green - invisible
invisible - green - blue - green - invisible

Expirement with these and other combos.


To make square terrain, you will need a working copy of GUEdit, and a map that was previously saved. (once edited for square terrain it will not be re-openable in normal editors or the squares will dissapear)
Sometimes you will run into creep while using GUEdit for square terrain

1. Run GUEdit
2. Load your map
3. Hit Edit Terrain
4. Wait for it to load
5. Once loaded 2 windows will open
6. In one window, click the square you want on your map, and switch to the other window, then click on the map
7. Once finished close both windows.
8. click Export Terrain and save
9. Exit GUEdit, do not re-open in any editors



May 18, 2003
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My house
Ever seen explosives in a map? Need to know what unit to kill for each color? Here is the list I've made:

Red - Dark archon
Blue - Archon
Flame blue - Zealot/Probe
Explosion - Terran air units/Tank/Firebat
Hallucination - High Templar
"Poof" that stays - Dragoon
Blood - Zergling
Big Blood - Hydra
Huge Blood - Ultralisk
Air Blood - Zerg air units

Check out other units by making a map, that kills one unit at a time (Centering on each unit before it kills it)so you can quickly write down what they look like.

1. Requires SCMDraft
2. Go to "Place Mode" under the "Unit Placing" tab.
3. Click on overlapping
4. Find the word mineral field 1, 2, or 3 under the word resource at the bottom left


-All Human Players
-Wait 0 Millieseconds
-Wait 0 Millieseconds
-Wait 0 Millieseconds
-Wait 0 Millieseconds
-Wait 0 Millieseconds
-Wait 0 Millieseconds(Repeat until there's 2 empty spaces)
-Preserve Trigger.

Now you must copy this trigger at least 2 more times. After doing these triggers, the player (whatever you put under) must not have any other triggers that has a wait action. [Example: player 1 has hyper trigger, now player 1 must not have any other wait triggers.]
These triggers will make the game go ultra fast and eliminate the 1 second wait for preserve trigger. [Example: In mass maps, when you get a unit, you get a unit every second. That's done by: create marine, preserve trigger. Well the hyper trigger will eliminate that 1 second wait.]

Full list of units:

Marine - 100
Ghost - 350
Vulture - 150
Goliath - 400
Siege Tank - 700
SCV - 100
Firebat - 200
Medic - 250
Wraith - 800
Science Vessel - 1250
Dropship - 600
Battlecruiser - 2400
Valkyrie - 800
Gui Montag (Firebat) - 400
Civilian - 10
Sarah Kerrigan (Ghost) - 700
Alan Schezar (Goliath) - 800
Jim Raynor (Vulture) - 300
Jim Raynor (Marine) - 200
Tom Kazansky (Wraith) - 1600
Magellan (Science Vessel) - 2500
Edmund Duke (Siege Tank) - 1400
Arcturus Mengsk (Battlecruiser) - 4800
Hyperion (Battlecruiser) - 4800
Norad II (Battlecruiser) - 4800
Samir Duran (Ghost) - 700
Alexei Stukov (Ghost) - 700
Gerard DuGalle (Battlecruiser) - 4800


Vulture Spider Mine - 25


Command Center - 1200
Supply Depot - 150
Refinery - 150
Barracks - 225
Academy - 300
Factory - 600
Starport - 600
Science Facility - 825
Engineering Bay - 195
Armory - 300
Missile Turret - 150
Bunker - 150


Comsat Station - 225
Nuclear Silo - 225
Control Tower - 300
Covert Ops - 225
Physics Lab - 225
Machine Shop - 225

Special Buildings:

Norad II (Crashed Battlecruiser) - 5000
Ion Cannon - 5000
Psi Disruptor - 3600
Power Generator - 600


Independent Starport - 10



Zergling - 50
Hydralisk - 350
Ultralisk - 1300
Broodling - 25
Drone - 100
Defiler - 450
Infested Terran - 400
Lurker - 500
Overlord - 200
Mutalisk - 600
Guardian - 1100
Queen - 800
Scourge - 200
Devourer - 1100
Torrasque (Ultralisk) - 2600
Matriarch (Queen) - 1600
Infested Kerrigan (Infested Terran) - 4000
Unclean One (Defiler) - 900
Hunter Killer (Hydralisk) - 500
Devouring One (Zergling) - 100
Kukulza (Mutalisk) - 1200
Kukulza (Guardian) - 2200
Yggdrasill (Overlord) - 400
Infested Duran - 700


Larva - 10
Egg - 25
Cocoon - 10


Infested Command Center - 900
Hatchery - 900
Lair - 1200
Hive - 1500
Nydus Canal - 225
Hydralisk Den - 300
Defiler Mound - 450
Greater Spire - 1350
Queen's Nest - 525
Evolution Chamber - 120
Ultralisk Cavern - 825
Spire - 750
Spawning Pool - 225
Creep Colony - 120
Spore Colony - 195
Sunken Colony - 240
Extractor - 75

Special Buildings:

Overmind (With Shell) - 10000
Overmind - 10000
Mature Crysalis - 5000
Cerebrate - 2500
Cerebrate Daggoth - 2500
Overmind Cocoon - 4000



Dark Templar - 650
Dark Archon - 1300
Probe - 100
Zealot - 200
Dragoon - 500
High Templar - 700
Archon - 1400
Reaver - 800
Corsair - 700
Shuttle - 400
Scout - 1300
Arbiter - 2050
Carrier - 1900
Observer - 450
Dark Templar (Hero) - 400
Zeratul (Dark Templar) - 800
Tassadar/Zeratul (Archon) - 2800
Fenix (Zealot) - 400
Fenix (Dragoon) - 1000
Tassadar (Templar) - 1400
Mojo (Scout) - 2600
Warbringer (Reaver) - 1600
Gantrithor (Carrier) - 3800
Danimoth (Arbiter) - 4100
Aldaris (Templar) - 1400
Artanis (Scout) - 2400
Raszagal (Dark Templar) - 1300


Nexus - 1200
Robotics Facility - 900
Pylon - 150
Assimilator - 150
Observatory - 525
Gateway - 225
Photon Cannon - 300
Citadel of Adun - 600
Cybernetics Core - 300
Templar Archives - 750
Forge - 300
Stargate - 900
Fleet Beacon - 1050
Arbiter Tribunal - 1350
Robotics Support Bay - 375
Shield Battery - 150

Special Buildings:

Stasis Cell/Prison - 5000
Protoss Temple - 5000
Xel'Naga Temple - 5000
Warp Gate - 2000



Rhynadon (Badlands) - 10
Bengalaas (Jungle) - 10
Scantid (Desert) - 10
Kakaru (Twilight) - 10
Ragnasaur (Ash World) - 10
Ursadon (Ice World) - 10


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
My house
Master Virus's Original Good-Bye Thread​

If a Download link is broken, Please PM ShaftedTwice so I can fix it as soon as possible.

WinZip brings the convenience of Windows to the use of Zip files and other compression formats. The optional wizard interface makes zipping and unzipping easier than ever. WinZip interfaces to most virus scanners.

WinRAR is a powerful archiver. You may use it to backup your data and reduce size of email attachments, decompress rar, zip and other files downloaded from Internet and create your own file archives.​

WinAce is an archiving utility with an easy-to-use interface for creating, extracting, and viewing archives. It includes built-in compression for ACE, ZIP, LHA, and MS-CAB formats, and built-in decompression for ACE, ZIP, LHA, MS-CAB, RAR, ARJ, ARC, GZIP, TAR, and ZOO formats. You can create multivolume (disk-spanning) archives for ACE and MS-CAB formats and self-extracting archives (sfx) for ACE and ZIP formats.​

Starcraft X-tra Editor version 2.5
This program has 5 different staredit modes. Classic, P12, Base, Alternative, and Special. Each mode has different purposes. Special mode can allow you to place units basically anywhere. However, none of the modes can allow you to stack units and other stuff. It has a built in color tool. It lets you have instant upgrade. Allows up to 255 upgrades. Basically the best staredit program out there.​

Starcraft X-tra Editor version 2.6
Just a more advance version of Starcraft X-tra Editor 2.5, as in, you can stack. This version can be bad for you because the the trigger screen takes up the whole screen. You need to be under 1024 x 768 pixels to view the trigger screen.​

ScmDraft 2
A very powerful map editor, programmed from scratch. Places both square and isometric terrain, with different sized brushes, a perfect tool for the professional terrainer. Places doodads (tiles and sprites), units (various modes), and edits fog of war and locations. For each of these features, the current build is at least equal to StarEdit in functionality.​

Guedit 3.6 Alpha
This nifty program can do a lot of nice stuff that every map maker needs. It can protect maps, set upgrades to instant, save triggers as text, create square and tweaky terrain, change the map terrain, and change player's colors.(can have all players to be black)​

This program is a very nice tool to use for maps but can be the hardest tool to get it to work. This has features that Guedit doesn't support and vise versa. ScmToolkit has a better protecting map system than Guedit. You can resize your map.(change it to 50x50 for all I care) You can move units around in your map, change player colors, edit the text you have in your map, and change players races.​

This program creates one of the hardest triggers in Staredit. Kills for cash. This program can create 100 triggers in a snap. You can create triggers that converts kills to minerals or gas.​

This utility lets you take a .jpeg of your map. Pretty nice tool because Blizzard doesn't allow you to take .jpegs of your maps. All you do is right click on a map and click on: make jpeg. But this program requires you to install with Winzip. If you didn't install this program with Winzip, then this program won't work.​

Currently in beta testing stages, StarForge promises to be "the only editor you'll ever need - or want." Not all features are complete, but it already has gained high praise for its terrain editor, ability to place units for 256 distinct players, and the ability to place sprites.​

The latest and most advance Map Protection program! You never need to be afraid of Unprotectors unprotecting your map. Be Worry-free!​


Player 12
This trigger provides all the possible conditions and actions that applies to Player 12. Player 12 owns all the neutral units and player 12 gets all units owned by a player who has left or has been dropped. You can use this trigger to give all the units to the human players, kill the units, give the player minerals for each dead unit, etc.​

This trigger makes the game go super fast. It takes off the 1 second wait for every trigger. If you have another trigger that has a wait action while you have the hyper trigger on your map, the hyper trigger will mess up your other wait action. To prevent this, move the hyper trigger to a computer player that has no wait triggers.​


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
My house
Fixed by -Matrix- on 10-26-2003 at 06:14 PM GMT -8:00.
  1. Take your Zergling, and burrow it.
  2. Move your Arbiter just outside of the cloaking range of the Zergling.
  3. Tell the Arbiter to patrol just past the Zergling.
  4. When it's just before cloaking distance of the Zergling, the unburrow it.
  1. Get your probe right next to the minerals.
  2. Start mining the minerals.
  3. Right after you have started mining, build a Pylon right behind the Probe. This will force the probe to roam and move around.
  4. At that time, start clicking rapidly on the other side of the minerals and the Probe will move through the minerals.
  1. Make a building.
  2. Cancel the building construction.
  3. Click where you want to go.
It's almost the same thing as 'Push an SCV' except you don't click on the minerals, you just keep on clicking ahead. Eventually it goes through. You can also use 'Hop a Zergling' to push almost any ground unit over structures.
  1. Burrow a Zergling.
  2. Put another Zergling on top of it.
  3. It will hop the wall if done correctly.
  1. Take two Dark Templars.
  2. Bring them far away from each other.
  3. Make them merge.
  4. Hold shift.
  5. Click on one of the Dark Templars.
  6. Click 'Hold position'.
  7. Click them both.
  8. Click the place you want them to go, and they will fly over any terrain.[COLOR=0000FF](NOTE: This also works with the High Templar)[/COLOR]
  1. Have the Command Center lift off.
  2. Move right next to the Tank.
  3. Tell the Command Center to land.
  4. As soon as the Command Center starts landing, move the Tank under it and Seige it.[COLOR=0000FF](Hotkey: o)[/COLOR]
  1. Hot key [COLOR=0000FF](Press Ctrl + #)[/COLOR] the building that lifts off.
  2. Lift it off.
  3. Turn out the lights.[COLOR=0000FF](Take out vision with yourself)[/COLOR]
  4. Press the hot key.
  5. Land it on the building that will be crushed.
  6. Turn vision on, and voila, no more building, just the one you landed on it.
  1. Hot key [COLOR=0000FF](Press Ctrl + #)[/COLOR] a worker.[COLOR=0000FF](Drone/Probe/SCV)[/COLOR]
  2. Turn out the lights.[COLOR=0000FF](Take out vision with yourself)[/COLOR]
  3. Start constructing buildings on the same spot, they will be placed over each other.
  1. Surround the Drone with any type of unit/structure.
  2. Have the Drone build a Hatchery somewhere out of the surrounding.[COLOR=0000FF](Remember that your drone needs to have access to the place you want to build the hatchery[if you're on a island, you can't have your drone build it somewhere out of the island])[/color]
  3. Right after you have clicked on the place you want the Hatchery to be built, press 's' to stop the drone from building it. Right when you press 's', your Drone should start flying to the Hatchery building place.
  1. (NOTE: Only works with Zerg buildings)(Same thing as cloaking a Zergling except you do it with a Drone.)[/COLOR]
  2. When you do that, build a Zerg building, and the building will be cloaked.
FLY A USIT[COLOR=FF3333](Unedited)[/COLOR]​
Get the Ghost and USIT to attack each other at the same time then cloak the Ghost then make the usit run then it will fly.
[COLOR=0000FF](Don't ask what a USIT is... If you know, PM me)[/COLOR]


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Since I've seen alot of people asking questions about bounds I decided to start this bound tutorial topic... now after I submit my help list, you can add stuff if you wish well here's my tutorial... more will be added with more posts

Starsoft's Tutorial:

Switch's are very important in bound making... as you see in most bounds when you enter a certain location it turns off the previous trap and sets the next here is how you use switch's.

Force 1
Conditions :
'Force 1' brings 'atleast 1'/ 'exactly 1'(exactly 1 would be used if you use lives) 'unit(the bounder guy)' to 'location(ex.setswitch1)'
(Now if you have any other switch's before this you would put Clear 'Switch' here aswell)
Clear 'Switch'(if needed)
Set Switch 'NextSwitch'

Now once you've done your switch's it's time to make the explosions I will give you an example explosion. Now for the explosions you have to have the players for the computers.
Player 7(or whatever the computer is)
'Switch' is 'set'
Create '1' 'Terran Firebat' at 'firebat1' for 'player7'
Kill all 'men' for 'all players' at 'firebat1'
Wait 100 milleseconds
Create '1' 'Terran Firebat' at 'firebat2' for 'player7'
Kill all 'men' for 'all players' at 'firebat2'
Wait 100 milliseconds
Create '1' 'Terran Firebat' at 'firebat3' for 'player7'
Kill all 'men' for 'all players' at 'firebat3'
Wait 200 milliseconds
Preserve Trigger

Now let's say you wanted to make a building instead of a unit then you would do:
Kill all 'any unit' for 'all players' at 'firebat1' ect. Also let's say you run out of triggers and can't fit anymore space... then all you would change would be...

Player 7(or whatever the computer is)
'Switch' is 'set'
Create '1' 'Terran Firebat' at 'firebat1' for 'player7'
Kill all 'men' for 'all players' at 'firebat1'
Wait 100 milleseconds
Create '1' 'Terran Firebat' at 'firebat2' for 'player7'
Kill all 'men' for 'all players' at 'firebat2'
Wait 100 milliseconds
Create '1' 'Terran Firebat' at 'firebat3' for 'player7'
Kill all 'men' for 'all players' at 'firebat3'
Wait 100 milliseconds
Clear 'Switch'<-----
Set 'ContinuedSwitch'<--------
Preserve Trigger

and then...

'ContinuedSwitch' is 'set'
Create '1' 'Terran Firebat' at 'firebat4' for 'player7'
Kill all 'men' for 'all players' at 'firebat3'
Wait 100 milliseconds
Clear 'ContinuedSwitch'
Set 'Switch'
Preserve Trigger

For more tutorials look in the map making faq or at

If anybody wishes to add anything pm me and I'll add it.


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 17, 2003
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Using StarCraft Customs

Have you no idea how to use them? Read this tutorial and you'll be able to run customs in your sleep.

The StarCraft Editing Bible

The best resource for basic to advanced level custom making. Covers all the basics up to ICE, and has good theory on how StarCraft works as well. Since it is a bit old, it will be outdated in parts. For example, ignore all the bits referring to StarDraft, as we now use MPQDraft and WinMPQ these days.

ChauSara's Introduction to Modding

Never made a custom before? ChauSara's Introduction to Modding tutorial will tell you everything you need to know to get started with StarCraft modding.

Simple ICE Tutorial

Now that you know the arsenal III inside out, it's time to go to the next level. If you've played the Doom Dragoon patch, you will have noticed that one of the changes was that the Dragoons shoot out a cluster of five phase disruptors instead of just one. BSTRhino's simple ICE tutorial will teach you how to do just that.

StealthyDeath's simple StarGraft Tutorial

This tutorial teaches you how to create a button for the barracks that lets you build Jim Raynor units. It's a good place to start if you've never used StarGraft before.


Triggers Explained
Triggers in Depth

Ever wonder what the hell a trigger is? Or what they do? How about how to use them? This guide will be full of information on triggers, what they do, how they can be used, and what you can do to make your map-triggers better.

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