Lokking for somebody


Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
I alreeady posted this once in clan announcments and stuff but its been about 2 days and only 2 views...kinda looking to start this soon so here goes again. I have the name [ent] on useast and i would like to start a clan based on the name i have tryed several times before but it failed beuase all the leaders were very unexerenced and just left me out of nowhere most all of the times i am looking for something with bot expearence that would help me recruit so i dont have to do everything also with some maturity and wont ban everyone asking to join like previous leaders have do i am looking for up to 3 other leaders for a total of 4 if you are interested please contact me on b.net (useast) ~t3~ or aim DEATHS FUEL or post here. The clan would be based on sc / D2 but anyone from wc3 is welcome just not gonna have many tournys or anything special like that going on unless we get a leader that plays wc3 often and will be able to get some wc3 people i would love to expand to every game