Helpful Links for WoW Players


Apr 4, 2011
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Saw this on another forum and it looked extremely helpful so I figured I mine as well copy and paste it and bring it on over here! =D

Volatile Fire Farming in Twilight Highlands - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Volatile Fire Farming in Twilight Highlands
Volatile Water Farming in Twilight Highlands - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Volatile Water in Twilight Highlands
Volatile Earth Farming in Twilight Highlands - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Twilight Highlands Volatile Earth
Volatile Air Farming in Twilight Highlands - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Volatile Air in Twilight Highlands
Volatile Fire Farming (#2) in Twilight Highlands - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Volatile Fire at Humboldt's Conflagaration
Embersilk Cloth Farming in Uldum - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Embersilk Cloth in Uldum
Embersilk Cloth Farming in Twilight Highlands (1) - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Embersilk Cloth in Elementium Depths
Embersilk Cloth Farming in Twilight Highlands (2) - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Embersilk Cloth in Glopguts Hollow (Twilight Highlands)
Volatile Air Farming in Uldum - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Volatile Air Farming in Uldum
Blackened Dragonscale Farming in Twilight Highlands - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Blackened Dragonscale Farming in Twilight Highlands
Embersilk Cloth Farming in Twilight Highlands (3) - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Embersilk Farming in Twilight Highlands
Lost City of Tol’vir Farming - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Lost City of Tol'Vir Skinning
Savage Leather Farming in Twilight Highlands - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Savage Leather Farming in Twilight Highlands
Embersilk Cloth Farming in Deepholm - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Verlok Stand Embersilk Cloth Farming
Mount Hyjal Savage Leather Farming - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Setharia's Roost Savage Leather Farming
Embersilk Cloth Farming in Deepholm (2) - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Embersilk Cloth at Fractured Front in Deepholm
Mount Hyjal Vendor Trash Farming - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides - Mount Hyjal Vendor Trash Farming
Quite possibly the best farming location ever - YouTube - Almar's WoW Farming Guides: 700 - 1000g an hour Icecrown "Gold Mine" Cave