Fun things to do in Diablo II & LoD?

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Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
This thread is essentially a collection of ideas from people who have posted in this thread, submitting their idea to be put in this thread for everyone to view at their leisure. The point of this thread is to rekindle any fading interest in Diablo II as well as Lord of Destruction with fun things to do while in-game, which can be any number of odd and out of the ordinary activates and tricks, depending. If you have a suggestion for this thread, please PM me, Minny, or Sweaty Ogre to have it added ASAP. If enough suggestions are made, then it may cause a resurgence of interest in some people who still play Diablo II and Lord of Destruction!

The suggestions made in this thread are mostly comprised of ideas that people have learned from other people, whether it be in-game or on different forums. The ideas listed here are probably not by the person who originally thought them up, but rather put in here by people who've done them in-game and consider them a good source of fun while playing Diablo II and Lord of Destruction. Some of these suggestions, you've done yourself, seen other people do, etc. Keep this in mind. With that being said, you can suggest anything as long as it hasn't been suggested. If you have a unique idea that people have never heart of, you will be credited for it.

icastbigspells said:
I like everyone to drop there items and me pick them up... Fun things to do hmmm Leap attack duels thats what i do or boxing
icastbigspells said:
But not actually hide items i do that alot lol for free games im just like free enigma in den of evil and there all hostiling eachother
Trojan Man said:
or play hide the item and see if anyone can find it
Samsara said:
I like the "herd as many fallen as you can" game in hell w/o dying :)
DragnSkull said:
-gathera bout 1mil gold, and go into act 1 and following the dirt path, make it a "yellow brick road" by dropping 1 gold out... its kinda slow but the end result is quite amusing

-or spell out your clan name using gold

-or go to a2 and fill the temple w/ gold...

-also: do iron man contests (those actually bring fun in) in hc

-kill durial, and attempt to smash all the maggots that come out. (works with any area almost)

-go into games and repeatedly drop your item on the ground, then when someone runs to pick it up, grab it before he can. eventually someone will mimic u and start doing the same thing, but the fun part is here: your character is a necro. and you have iron golem. nuff said lol (this brings on a good few minutes of amusment especially when its a runeword)

-create a new character, and using maphack, go into normal games, and start arguments, then act like your a "leet uber haxor" and using color, say things like
<red>Uploading Hydra Virus </red>
<red>Hydra Virus Status:</red><red> 0%</red> <normal txt color> Uploaded
<red>Hydra Virus Status:</red><red> 10%<red>
<red>Hydra Virus Status:</red><yellow>25%</yellow><normal txt color> Uploaded
<red>Hydra Virus Status:</red><blue>45%</blue><normal txt color> Uploaded
<red>Hydra Virus Status:</red><green>75%</green><normal txt color> Uploaded

and whatnot, and watch the noobs get nervious.
0nyx said:
Have someone drop the same item a bunch of times to fill up the floor and have one SOJ somewhere who ever finds it keeps the soj.

BAH im not creative as u can see :]
binny said:
this is along the lines of what dragn said. Say that you are selling an anni, try to sell for an ebotd or something and once they drop it iron golem it right in front of them and watch them go crazy.

play capture the flag in act1 with 6-8 people. bases are den of evil and the hole or w/e its called in cold plains. I read a rule guide for it awhile ago and it looked really fun.
CelestialBadger said:
One of my bnet friends a long time ago built a barb with the highest possible faster run/walk mods. I always thought that would be kind of fun to do.
Emolite said:
What i like to do thats fun to me, is find a group of ranged units, and be playing as zon or assassin, use burst of speed, or the ability that slows down arrows, and i play a lil game of "dodge the arrows." Its fairly fun, and the most i've lasted was about 10 mins in norm a4 lvl 27 assassin lvl 1 speed burst Vs those invisible things that shoot lightning.
XxSworn_EnemyxX said:
[glow=green]Some ideas I have actually done out of bordom.

Get a full room of Barbs and leap frog each other from the town, to the boss of that act. (yea really bored)

End of every ladder season, I make a room for trading and ask questions. Whoever is the first to get the answer right gets that item. For me I only keep 1 character after the ladder is over, and he always has the end gear on. So I just give the rest away.

Tag PVP. Get a group of friends in a full room and try to find one another. After finding somone try to kill them. This actuually gets pretty interesting, if 2 or more ppl find someone at the same time then it becomes a free for all.

In hardcore, a friend and you create the same character, lvl it to 10 or so, put all your skills and stats exactly the same, drop all your gear to a friend to hold. Now box with no gear, using no skills or whatever. (HC Bordom yippy!)

Something I have done, while waiting for friends to finish xfering, or waiting for D clone to spawn is try to kill ever last monster in that act. (Bordom extrodinair)

Lastly, make a character using only gear bought from merchants, and see how long it survives. Another varient is get a character with nothing but cursed gear and see how long he survives.
Melting_Steel said:
i like stealing other people's gold w/ telekenisis RIGHT BEFORE they get to it :grunt
Darkmatter said:
I figured you would know some fun things to do while dueling. Like using Slow Missiles, and Slow Effects on gear to have Matrix Fights. (Non Guided of course.) I always used too do that with a friend. They dodge slow and it's really awesome to do, from my experience.
COTA-GoD said:
i used to get people to slow arrow me and i would multi (i got max multi) and i would clear out full games doing that cause they would tele into it not seeing it, haha, pretty funny.
WhiteScimmy91 said:
1. Paladin Races ( Use Charge And Run To an Obstacle)
2.Kangaroo Races ( Barbs Jumping)
3.Make Fire Wall Maxed And Spell Things With it.
4. Diabloican Idol *Barbs Use Shouts Etc./ Skill Noises.
5.Charge Fights ( Charge With Pallys)
6.Survivor (Go on hardcore and Train ur charather to lvl 9 and fight to death)
7.Make Palazons
Thats it for now
Emolite said:
what i did with my new char... and omg this can take forever

kill ALL the monsters in ALL the areas, and pick up EVERY item they drop and sell it

good way to help out your lower lvl chars

i did this all the way to stony field... and then after using 30+ tp's i said **** it.. and just went along killing everything

i got about 20k gold.. not bad for a char just created

it will take prob 4+ hours to go through the whole act, kill EVERY monster, and sell EVERY ITEM ( even potions )
Big-Fat-Homo said:
Idea: Build a bowsassin then duel with somebody. Fire a couple of guideds, switch IMMEDIATELY to two bartucs. I find it hilarious. They run up to you, and see you holding 2 claws...

Noob: Wtf?! Where did that guided come from?!

Me: Idk.>_>
Darkmatter said:
I've always had fun doing this: Being a Frnezy Barb and trying to out speed a Sorceress or Assassin when they teleport, or when the assassin uses Burst of Speed. If you got Frenzy High enough you can usually beat them. I made a pure speed barb dedicated to running and frenzy and he was really, really fast. My friend in turn made a pure speed assassin! We were too fast to tell where our characters were going or to even control them! :D
-Azrael666- said:
Ok, first you have to get everyone in the game to come to some point to meet up, like in town. Offer gold or items if you want to, that usually works. Once everyone has gathered in the meeting place, have them all go hostile with eachother.

Once you've accomplished getting everyone together and hostile, have them all use the waypoint to go to the same place, or just leave town, and form a circle. Now, one person runs around outside the circle, as many times as they want, until finally they hit someone with a melee attack. Now that person has to hit them back with a melee attack before they can run all the way around the circle and take their spot.

It's like duck-duck-goose, except more fun. Now, if the person who gets hit can hit them back before they make it around the circle, then the person who is trying to make it around the circle is out of the game. The circle should get more and more spread out as the game progresses, until finally 2 people remain, at which point they are the winners. You can modify the rules so that there's a way to pick one winner at the end, but that's up to you.

Of course, you need to pay the winners whatever you said you would, and it helps if you're supplying them with health potions to make up for the damage they take. If anyone gets out of line, have everyone teach them the meaning of punishment, although that's usually not a problem.
-Azrael666- said:
Use a high leveled Assassin and go hostile towards everyone as soon as you join the game. Make sure you have really powerful traps, and rig them right outside the Act I town. Now sit back and watch people coming out get unsuspectedly brutalized.

I can't remember if you can, but if so, go into town far enough that you're safe and let your traps do all the work. I think they might all be destroyed when you enter town though, and if that's the case, it's not like it's any less fun when you're standing outside.

Their reaction the first time they come out is priceless :D If you're skilled enough that your traps kill them before they can get by them all, well, it just gets increasingly more entertaining as they continue trying. Really fun stuff.
MardoXide said:
act like you are going to help someone, and leave the game, and dont come back, its sad, but funny.
WhiteScimmy91 said:
1.Duel For Prizes.
2.See how much people you can kill in a hour.
3. Grizzly Fights With necros
bitWISE said:
I like the idea of building level 9 duelers. It only takes about an hour and then you and a friend can duke it out to see who's idea was best. Last time I did it my sacrifice/might pally wearing full sigons kicked the shit of my friends thorns. I think I did around 300 damage or something ^_^
MardoXide said:
You know what you could do for real fun, is run around the cow level with a high lighting zon, and gather ALL THE COWS in teh cow level, i mean ALL and spray all of em, it lags any computer, its funer than hell..

there are other fun things to do, like role play, like get 8 friends and goto like act 2 and have someone be a bar master, and stuff like that all useing !talk to talk and normal chat as a moderator thing.
NtRik_ said:
The funniest thing Ive done in D2?
Make PK trapsin, pk everyone in Baal runs, follow them when you can use waypoint, and trap around and kill em.

of course this doesnt work because of teleporters, but Im talking about the days when w used to walk down to baal's throne.


me my bro and my friend used to do this, fun as hell.
Guru said:
That reminds me, the most fun I've ever had in diablo was back in the day with whippy and liquid goat...we would herd a ton of cows around the portal and then spam up the game name in the cow channel and just watch people run in and was especially good if you could get a cow with a fana aura. Too bad it doesnt work anymore since no one gives a **** about cows now
XxSworn_EnemyxX said:
Fun but evil things to do:
Get a high lvl Hammeridin, and enter a Baal run game. wait till everyone is baaling, hostile and tele to them. They will all die, or run out of the game.

Do cows with a high lvl Windy Druid for all those trying to lvl up to 24. Run around them atracting all the cows and then, tp out to town, watch everone flame you.

Q&A for items. At the end of every ladder season, I have a Q&A room where I ask a question, and the first person who gets it right, gets a free item. I only keep 1 or 2 characters with their end gear, so everything else goes.

Go to a trading room, and tell someone to create a privite room for trade since all your gear is on a mule. Show up, and tell em you'll be right back, but get his character name first. Then go to another trade room and get someone else to go to the first privite room, where you will be waiting for the item you were suppose to trade for. This creates a bit of confusion between the two players. I did this as an april fools to some players.

create a hardcore character and lvl it with a priend in a privite game. Then go and PK some noobs in a open HC lvling game.

Just out of bordom, do a baal run game, but act as a bot. Then after so many runs, confuse the hell out of them by asking who the bot is.

Make a clan called KKK, and use nothing but pallies. (Uhhh they are black guys)

Join a low lvling game with a high lvl character and kill all the act bosses then leave.

This takes some work, but try chatting backwards in the chat rooms, and games. Or simply join a game, and say "long time no see (make name up)" They will get so annoyed at you for calling them by the wrong name that they will ignore you, then talking in the bubbles, tell him that "I guess you don't want that Nigma I owed you then" and leave. This will piss em off so bad he will msg you the rest of the night while kicking himself in the ass for ignoring you.

enter a game for new character lvling, and tell them all you hid something in the room, watch em all scramble to find it.

Try to pretend to cyber someone playing, they get annoyed fast.

start a rumor see how far it goes

When someones character dies, drop a worthless item on their corpse, if done right when they return to get their body they will leave behind an item they were using instead.

In a HC game create a suicidal character, join a game with a friend, but give the frined the opten to grab your gear from your corpse. Then wait till everyone is battling by a waypoint then go into town and hostile them, ifthey are high enough in character lvl they wont even bother to see if you have facets on because of their high lvl. When they attack you and them die. Arrogence at its finest.

give some noob maphack, then tell them to activate it you need to press 5 as they enter a new game, this will cause them to kick off the room, when they come back, say " what happened you did something wrong, try again. " After 4 or 5 time BNet will thing they are a bot and lock them from joining a new game for a few mins

befriend a PKer, and after they have trusted you, they might ask you to help xfer, or hold something. Take it and run lol.

be as annoying as possible when lvling in a full game.

help someone do the Mephisto quest, but after they kill him, hostel them till they leave. If they have not gone into the portal to act 4 they must kill Meph all over again for the quest.

Uhhh thats all I can think of for now be back later with more.
MardoXide said:
Its funny to tell people and waste their time by making a falty account with peoples names making fun of them, and say its legit, and then go make people fallow you around and do shit, and then give it to em, and then your done. :D
TopGun said:
It may take some time but its hella fun! first you have to acquire someones password, then play along for a couple of weeks getting them to believe that everythings cool you trust them they can completely trust you, and all that other good stuff, then you can just go in and wipe them out. They will probably change their password after that but then you could say this,
Me: Hey i got my account robbed wtf ? Do you know who did it? (act as if you never knew about his getting robbed and that yours got robbed)
Person: No, srry, mine got robbed too wtf? i wander who did it.
Me: Hey well lets be careful about the password things, what is your new one?
Person: its ................
Me: thanks
Person: yea np
See thats it thats all you gotta do , i have stolen this persons account like 2 times already and i have gotten his new pass every time! lol its great these people are sooo dumb to give out their password!
NtRik_ said:
I knew there was some injustice here, I dont get 20 gils or 50 gils for giving a great fun idea.

in HC, make a sirceressm high lvl, learn hydras, and kill newbs when you're giving waypoints or something.

or even better, make rooms named "NEED TAL RAHSA CHARM" with fake items, see idiots join and flame you, and eventually waste time while you're just doing meph or pindle run.
Trojan Man said:
fine fine :D.
How bout play dodge the souls? First one to die loses.
Nicholas The Slide said:
fun things to do...hmmm
1. Chicken
Its naked dueling, but melee only and two people riun at each other. and if you chicken out and turn off, you lose. (you use your normal weapons)​

2. Assasin foot races (always fun)

3. LLD
not really a "game" but its a really fun way to play, just keep it under lvl 30!​
MardoXide said:
When me friend started filling act 4 up with gold i was like wtf, when he got 1/2 it dont i was laffing my ass off, an dthen i started to help, it was fken awsome.
BoD_zhadow_magick said:
i prefer the ever more wonderful way of makin games like "free ebotd zerk here" and stuff, tellin them its in the den or sometihin and then settin up trpas or hammers, very entertaining, then after a bit you let them look and theres nothin there. its great when they freak out bout you lying, i mean, who would give way a ebotd zerk unless they werelike uber rich and had like 20 of em.
*Turok said:
a nice idea would be to scam a person with the old switcherue..and watch him beg u for it back for hours... lmfao ahh the good old days........
BoD_zhadow_magick said:
hha, or the ever more wonderful act 2 scam, were the bar is you get one person inside in the corner, and your on outside, works good for anni or gheed trades, the person inside drops, and you drop, you can pick his up there and yours, he cant touch yours though, its grea,t listen to them freak out and curse and swear and try to pk you sometimes, its hilarious
Draygonia said:
Something fun to do in diablo eh? Having some n00b get his high level char and you getting your low level and own him. Hence when this guy got his pally zealadin and I got my low level fire sorc and one fireball killed him. Or when I got my summoner nec with nigma on old acct and pwned him by tele and skelies just swarmed and owned him.
Emolite said:
this is entirely funny...

after a ball run in norm and you've got ur lvl 60+ char

if your lucky some ppl ( lvl 30-40 preferably ) will stay after all the minions are dead and chat

go kill baal, and when they freak out and start calling you fag... just sit back and laugh

ive done this before when there were 6 other ppl in the game.. fun stuff right there

when they do


Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Page 2 of suggestions starts here. The first page has become too long in character length.

Draygonia said:
Your sig is from what its like by everlast song... Nice, they are good....

Anyways, OT. Whats fun is leveling like 3 times per game when you start out a fresh character, takes like 16-20 runs to get to level 15 and its so fun and easy, wish all leveling was like that...
SouLeSS said:
1.04 Actually is about when that started. I'm sure people did it before then, but not as much.

Funnest thing to do, is go into a cow game, and if something good drops that you don't really want (say a Shae rune, because people go after those all the time) and just telekensis it until they pick it up. My highest count was 42 I believe once
Draygonia said:
This may not be funny, but its fun to fool stupid people... Tell them that you have a maphack and link them to a drop hack site and have them download and open it... than pick up all their items and leave the game, only after they do so they dont get your account name... But thats just mean and jackassaniacle.... Is that a word?

I got popped one time, they stole my sig set, boy was i pissed, but i was more pissed when I lost my 5 accounts with level 99's... That was one sad day...

I really like doing norm runs with a high level char where I shoot one fireball and it kills the boss... Whereas I look back when I was so weak I couldnt even kill him! Its just weird how you can go from weakling to god in just a couple days (of leveling). Currently, im working on leveling my sorc.

I remember when they had the arrow piercing bug where you would shoot an arrow and it could go through the target like 50 times, peeps would just go out and shoot 5 times and go back in... they were especially dangerous with a pally fana aura.
BoD_zhadow_magick said:
i like the best way to power lvl, get a glitch rush to hell at lvl 1 and get friend(s) to do diablo runs for you till lvl 60, if the game is full you get like 10 lvls per run, and some awsome drops if theres an mf character, its frickin awsome, i made a lvl 90 summon necro in one day doing that.
Emolite said:
be like Galatia and get to lvl 99 with no botting

sure to keep you playing for HOURS!
Emolite said:
i may have said this... but w/e

get 8 lvl1's in a game together, and go through the whole a1-a5 together, nobody stopping, nobody leaving the game

you level uber fast that low a lvl and there 8 of you... so it makes things ez :)
-Azrael666- said:
Diablo H&S

Have everyone meet in a certain town, any act of your choice. Have everyone go hostile with eachother. Now, everyone leaves and hides somewhere in the act, via waypoint if they want to, while two people stay in town. After publicly counting for so long, say, 60 seconds, one person leaves who is it. The other person stands by the waypoint in town to make sure no one uses it, since players can't use waypoints after the person who is it stops counting.

The person who is it can, however, use the waypoints. That person should also stand just outside the city limits until they're done counting, to make sure no one sneaks back in, or just runs in as soon as they're done counting.

Now, the goal of the players is to make it back into town without being attacked by the person who is it. If they are attacked (by magic, ranged, pets, or anything else caused by the person who is it), they become it as well, and help the original person. Then, everyone they attack is also it, and so on, and so forth, until everyone is either it or safe in town.

The last person who was made it in that round is the one who starts off as being it in the next round. If no one was caught, then the last person who made it safely back to town is the one who starts off as it.

Offering money and items as prizes usually makes this go smoothly. If anyone gets out of line, you can have everyone kill them, but usually someone deciding to ruin the game is too much of a nuisance. Simply messaging everyone but that person that you're making a new game, giving them the password to it, and then leaving and making the new game for them will get rid of pests like that. Playing solely with friends also ensures a fun, unproblematic game.
The_Raven7 said:
Telling people that alt+tab+f4 is a cheat hidden as the kill command so nobody thinks of using it.

points plz
Emolite said:
people get pissed off as bash barbs :)

make a warcry barb...

his final one stuns for 6 seconds :D
Big-Fat-Homo said:
Making uncommon builds like a hydra sorc, or an inferno one.

I also started a bash barb for laughs.
BoD_zhadow_magick said:
oh, and when ur pkin in hell with hi lvls or somethin, go to cold plains wp and then tele or walk up to were their pkin and rape them, the element of surprise works wonders:p

sorry fpor the double post, but you said earlier on if we post two suggestions as one we wouldnt get the points for both, just one. sorry if i pissed anyone off
BoD_zhadow_magick said:
or the ever more wonderfulk team pk in norm, get a high lvl char about lvl 80-85, lower if you want and make a pk game, then hostile everyone and tell them to team, bribing helps, like if they kill you, you'll give everyone an ss or a shako or somethin. i do this lots with my summon necro, they never win, een when they had like 4 lvl 33-39 trap sins tryin with a few ww barbs, its great. then i give em some low-mid runes just b/c of the ammusment
Bio.Hazard said:
ive done that, i have all the wps on my hammerdin, DONT; get all of them except the halls of pain one because you wont be able to do pindle; ive also done all quests except norm forge, that way i can get a hammer to use when i make a lvl 1 char
Draygonia said:
What is soooo fun is getting the maphack and teleporting to every waypoint in the game in all difficulties and than making people pay u with items for them all :D
COTA-GoD said:
true, only fun i have is pwning other people that think they are leet :(

ps. Spongebob is fag.


just thought of something that is even more fun, use charci gear and pwn people that think they are leet.
XentX said:
Oh there's a fun things to do in Diablo LOD Post.. you can umm quote this and shit there: Im too lazy to pm you so hehe..

Repeatedly casting BloodGolems/ShitGolems and other Druid summons on towns create alot of umm corpse trash. If the townportal area is littered with these trash, it wll appear somewhere else (on clear grounds). Sometimes if you drop an item, it could go someplace else too (sometimes it doesnt work). This is very funny when joining slower Baal runs. Spam your BloodGolem or Shit Golem (shit golem takes less mana but blood golem looks uberer) EVERYWHERE in the tp area. When someone doing the run casts a townportal, it could appear inside one of the NPC's (Old fag's) house or Behind the wall of the Blacksmith NPC's uumm blacksmithery... thus making the tp hard to spot. The runner sometimes wonder why nobody is entering the portal, (thus the title of this post)

Its also funny to hide behind BAAL in his throne and spam shit golems or blood golems under Baal and it makes it look like Baal has a bad period or a bad diarrehea. Doing this also makes the minions confused and it is a really great tactic sometimes... ROFLOLMAOMFGODAMNTEE-HEEKTHXBYE^_^:p:)
Bio.Hazard said:
instead of cta+spirit on switch, y not 2x +3wc weapons

my suggestion: make color chars example= char w/ all stuff socketed with sapphires to make him blue, all rubies to make him red, all skulls to make him black.

this would be interesting because it could be fun to play color team tag, color team duels (llds), ect. (what ever some of the other suggestions are except do it in color/team color)

Diatenshi said:
i made 20 sm charms with +450% experience gained...

put em on a lvl 1

and got to lvl 3 from 1 monster


*single player*

i ended up lvl 21-22 b4 i left a1 and i rushed through it.. didnt even bother with the cave, or other such sub-dungeons

Darkmatter said:
Heh, I'm guessing you used a Trainer or somesuch to do that too Matthew?

30 Points to you!

Mr.Sloth: read this, and then this thread.

hell yea

i was lvl 20+ b4 i finished a1

Cappy said:
Here is an idea my friend and I got after watching Fast and Furious. lol

Make charaters that are super fast and have races. The pally and barb would be VERY good runners. The gear would be pretty interesting. All faster run/walk gear and what not.
We never got to try it, but I think it would be cool to have some tourneys like that. Run from A1 Rogue Camp and see who the first one to get to the CP wp. Play for items or whatever the bet may be.
Diatenshi said:
try and take a weak spell and make it strong..

such as teeth

w/ the right EQP and synergies, teeth can do over 1000 dmg :)
chocofilez said:
Sorry about that. Couldnt help it i was in a rush and i didnt want to for get what i wanted to say ;) Also, here another noobie glitch if it still works. In act 2 there is a wall in town (i think its the 1 behind fara but not sure) where if some 1 drops something on 1 side you can pick it up from behind the wall. good for free anny/ghead charm "trades". PLease tell me if this was fixed.
Just test it to see if it works before any 1 loses items this way. That is you guys not the noob your getting free items off.

If you have 2 computers with diablo you can rush yourself, then join a baal game or any crowded game and have wierd conversations with yourself like your romantically involved or something and wierd people out.

Make a char and enter big games that are for xp like a baal game and spam so no 1 can see anything and they all die. or after just say god i hate spammers. If you like getting flamed its a sure way to get flamed.

And then of course you could just try to beat the game with no help the old fashoned way, but i guess u leets think thats too boring.
Noob-Spree said:
Also turn annigrab on and act like a noob to someone. Ask them if they would like to trade Anni. And if so tell them to show it to you in trade window. Whjen they tell you that it cant be done ask them how they will show you and bam they drop it and you pick it up. Boom eaqsy anni.
XxSworn_EnemyxX said:
Do theme builds, like bear sorces. Friend of mine and I are making Yogi, and BooBoo as bear sorces. Just out of bordom.
Noob-Spree said:
Heres an Idea try doing this. Make a drop game. The rules of Drop games are Everyone takes a turn dropping elite items but when it comes to your turn you have intownpickit which enables you to keep whatever you drop. But turn it off when it is there turn. Just so they dont catch on. only turn it off for two times. Most people are unaware of the fact that you can turn pickit it on and off at will. When you do turn it on you could be standing 30 feet away and score a jah or maybe a soj. Thats what I did. This is all in closed of course. I love this
Slayer777 said:
that was crazy cool of u,

n e wayz, i usually have fun color hacking, lol

bring many people into one game and pretend to be some kind of god by typing in colors and yeah they really want to know, its funny what people would just for a color, pretty gay though, now gimme a point, lol
Mist said:
Wow, just read all of those posts. there were a total of two good suggestions, the capture the flag, and teh colored armor idea. I am actually inspired and I'm going to make a plan for this and do it right away. Thanks guys! I have a level 9 dueller of every class, glitch rushed through hell with every quest done... you KNOW how bored I am, lol. Anyway here's my plan for combining these great ideas!

Color-Coordinated Capture the Flag by Mist

Firstly, you will need the following:
-eight Leather Armors with at least 1 socket (these have 15 str req. so a Sorc competitor must have at least put 5 points in strength. I chose this because Quilted is 12 str (odd #) and doesn't show as much colour when gems are inserted)
-four chipped sapphires and four chipped rubies, inserted into the armor
-eight Skull Caps with at least 1 socket (these also have 15 str req.)
-four chipped sapphires and four chipped rubies, inserted into the caps
-two caps, personalized with names as similar to "BlueTeam" and "RedTeam" as you can get, thus creating 'BlueTeam's Cap' and 'RedTeam's Cap,' you could use any item you want but I like Cap
-at least four players of at least level 9, willing to participate

Secondly, while those are the only technical requirements, some other things must also be considered. Characters under level 9 will screw up the game if they participate against your will (they can grab the flag and you cant touch them). Therefore it's optimal to get 3+ friends and make a game with that many # player limit so strangers dont come in to mess things up. Also, the balance will be thrown off if characters differ too much in level (9-20 is my reccommendation, my level 9s can kill 95% of players within that range).

The location to play as previously suggested should be in act 1, but instead of the Den and the Cave, use the Cave and the Underground Passage, or for a REAL gauntlet, use the Cave and the Pit. These all have 2 levels, allowing you to keep the flag on the second level.

If you're fortunate enough to have everyone rushed into act 2 and beyond, you can also use the following locations to spice things up:
Act 2: Halls of the dead / Stony Tomb (easy) or Ancient Tunnels (medium) or choose a random Tal Rasha's Tomb and try and seek out the tomb the other team chose
Act 3: Flayer Dungeon / Swampy Pit (easy) or Sewers (hard) or choose a random temple in Kurast (Ruined Temple, Disused Fane, Forgotten Reliquary etc.) and try and seek out the one the other team chose
Act 4: Hellforge / Chaos sanctuary, this one sounds like FUN
Act 5: Abaddon / Pit of Acheron, this one sounds fun too, also you could kill ancients and go from Infernal Pit to Throne of Destruction... LONG run!!

Now onto the procedure and rules.
we're going to assume for ease's sake that we have four players on each team, 8 friends. They meet in game and the 'leader' who keeps all of the uniforms (armor and caps) distributes them properly. Then choose where you're gonna play (lets say cave / underground passage). 4 'blue' players party up, and the red players party up. Teams enter their designated cave.

Each team has a leader, and the leader will carry the flag (personalized cap) into level 2 of the cave and drop it. When each leader has dropped their cap, a timer begins for two minutes for everyone to get into place (TeamSpeak or Ventrilo or a phone conference would be great if this is at all possible. If not, that's fine, but chat will get cluttered). By this I mean the leader designates where 'guards' should stay or patrol and what their job is. On a four person team you might assign your strongest player to stand by the flag, one person waiting inside the entrance to the cave, one person patrolling outside of the cave, and a fast or high defense character to go after the other team's flag.

When you take the flag (cap) it goes into your inventory. If you are then killed, you take the TP of a team mate closest to your death spot (this is why you need at least 4 total people, so there's no corpse running) and approach your body again, which will be camped by your killer. Here's the rule everyone MUST follow: if you were killed and you had the flag, you must DROP the flag when you get to your corpse, for the person who killed you to take, BEFORE you pick up your corpse, or he has the right to NK you. Then he has to return the flag back to its place.

It's simple: you are Pro and your partner is Leet. Your enemies are Noob and Nub. You run in teh cave and kill Nub and take the flag. Noob kills you on your way out. You take Leet's tp which will be somewhat close to your body (closer than town at least) and run to your body from there. Noob is standing at your body. When you get on his screen, you MUST drop the flag. He'll pick it up and walk away, towards his base. Then you're safe to collect your corpse. If you're an ass and don't drop the flag, he'll NK you as you try to get your corpse.

If Noob takes your flag and you kill him, WAIT at his body for him to return. If he walks all the way up to body before giving you the flag back, NK him. When he gives you the flag, leave him alone and head towards your own base to return the flag to its proper holding place.

When one Leader holds both his flag (cap) AND the other team's flag, he wins. When this happens, he declares his team has won the game, and everyone goes to town to make sure. He shows both caps to the opposite leader in a trade window or by dropping, and the game is over. This means you must not only have captured your enemy flag but your own flag must also be at your base.

if you want to play best two out of three, or first to [x] amount of points, then you can have the leader show the other leader both flags, confirm a point has been awarded, then the leader gives the other leader his respective cap back and the 2 minute timer starts again for everyone to get in place for the next point.

other info
everyone must ALWAYS wear their jersey (leather armor). they'll be penalized if they do ANY of the following:
-take their jersey off to act like they are naked so they won't get killed
-Wear a rigged jersey (any armor that looks identical to the issued jersey but differs in stats, or wearing a jersey of the opposite team's color)
-taking off their helmet for any reason (safety hazard!)
-keeping the flag or leaving the game with the flag
-clogging chat log so much that it impedes upon the ability of team members to talk to eachother
-anything else impeding upon the way the Capture the Flag game should work

I think I'm going to start getting this set up RIGHT away. Gonna go hunt those chips and see is BlueTeam and RedTeam char names are taken. Woo! Give me any feedback you have, I'm excited about this lol.

And make sure to tell me stories if you pull this off! Thanks,

alright, just came back from some very disappointing tests. It was actually surpisingly easy to organize the teams and have people follow the rules... but there were tons of things I didn't consider.
-Flags should be high elvel elites so it doesn't go on people when they try to pick up.
-You can't go through tp's in pvp. DOH. this rules out many locations. Any location you choose, everyone must have to WP and the two bases must be equal distance from the WP to be fair.
-run from caves to pass is WAY WAY WAY too long. WAY too long. Never play a ctf game with bases that far apart and big.
-The crypt / monastery worked well as a location.
-Any less than 6 people is a 100% bore. Don't try this with 4 or 5... it's worthless.

I think this can still be a good idea, but it needs to be mroe though out, and I need to get 7 other poeple who already want to do it. Any less than 8 just isn't fun. Next I think I'll try forge / chaos sanctuary. :)

again give me any feedback if you try this out.
Slayer777 said:
yeah your it wasn't that funny but i got another one

Im sure a lot of people have heard about the green check game, u put an item in the trading screen and u click the check really fast. if he clicks it at the same time he gets the item and he has to put something better the next time, (this is very risky but pays off if u win)


Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Page 3 of suggestions:

TopGun said:
This was hilarious!! I made a game called free armor.. So after a while people started to join and i was like i put the armor on duriels body. But before i did this i lured all these monsters SCARABS especially to the COM wp. so as soon as the went in the wp they died .. lol Then when they and if they made it to duriels body they were like wtf? after dying all those times and wastin all that gold and Losing exp on it. (i made it in hell mode) it was great!! When there was no armor there or there was just a hard leather armor that i put there! lol
Noob-Spree said:
Get drunk and play diablo thats my suggestion!!!! when your drunk try to focus on your guy. Thats a game in it self.
Mist said:
Get a few friends to get together and start low level pally duellers with you to do team duelling, and have all your different friends specialize in different auras so they all stack on everyone in your team. This can yield some potent results, we did a 5 vs. 3 team duel, there the 3 was my Might pally, my friends Defiance pally and my other friends Thorns pally, and we owned the floor!

Another fun thing to do is make an Enchanter sorc (max enchant and fire mastery) and go into low level duelling game (if level restricts allow you to) and Enchant one person in a duel but not the other :)
XxSworn_EnemyxX said:
[glow=black]I believe this has been done many times, but figured I would put it down here. Go into a dueling game and drop your gold outside town, but only 1 gold at a time. This will sometimes have a palyer click on the gold instead of attacking you, or other player. Pisses ppl off to no end.[/glow]
TopGun said:
lol thats what happened to me tortilla lol i did that and they were like give it back , give it back! lol .i think it was a raven frost ring lol

another fun thing to do is go into a trade game with a friend and start showing people ur nigma or hoz saying its up for trade then act like u just gave or got the free nigma or hoz or somethign from someone(actually ur friend) and be like " HEY THNX FOR THE FREE NIGMA!! DUDE UR AWESOME"
acting like u dont even know them or they dont know u and u just got a freebee. Do that and people will be like dude thats crazy he just gave it to u for free? and they will be all ed off cuz u were wanting stuff for it and just decided to give it to someone else ...LOL
tortilliachips said:
well i quit d2 and went to aa while ago and now im comin bak, but i used to buy cheap weaps and spread em bythe town exit then watch ppl get popped, was a while ago donno if u can even do it in this patch

also in duelin i used to fite ppl with diff skills, not my main one like if i was a cold sorc and i used orb, i duled with something smaller like frost blast or something like that, its something else to do

oh yeah lol this doesnt work often but it has twice, when ur trading right away press accept wehn they have their item out and say free? then since the close button is close to it they may accidently hit it and woot u getsa free item

dam im bored
XxSworn_EnemyxX said:
[glow=black]Here's one that I day just a few min ago. Find a norm rush game and screw over some noob to bnet, by giving them a completely f'ed up build. For example, some kid, was playing a barb I told him to max out bash, leap, throwing mastery, find potion, and grim ward. he was like: "wow thanks man, your the first person that took time to help me out." I then gave him a 2os criptic axe, and told him to socket it with el runes, then try to trade it for grief, or zod rune. Then he asked if he could add me to his friends list. I gave him some name of some kid I pked in hardcore. Can you imagine the conversation between these two guys.[/glow]
Sword Tip said:
Make a game called : Enigma for trade. Then when everyone comes start running around in circles. When someone finally gets to trade with you, laugh at their offer(even if it's fair or a little overpriced.)
Gummy_Demonz said:
hmm, how about you make a game name called sexy female zons and when people come in to meet them, you have all these necromancers running around!

talking about mancers, play a normal game with adventures etc. then to piss people off, keep spamming bone wall on the enterence to a town or cave!!
XxSworn_EnemyxX said:
pick some pker at random, and wait till he leaves game to get his accnt name. Then constantly message him for cyber. This is such an annoying thing, I actually had this happen to my friend. He had to squelch the person everytime he came onto bnet.
XxSworn_EnemyxX said:
[glow=black]Create a fake clan, on a new account, but tell people that their will be a community mule account for anyone in the clan as long as they put some good items in. Hr's, runewords, sets ect. Then make a new privite game, take all the gear and delete the account. Only catch is most will want to see proof that the clan is "good" so you need a pimped out high lvl char on another account to show them that it is indeed good to join said clan.[/glow]
Cappy said:
Where's my 30 gil?? lol. I never got it! Lol. I'm soo greedy; just like EVERY player in diablo2.
Its funny, really, how when hackers get involved the entire economy gets screwed over.
Enigmas worth 3 sojs, but each HR = 2-3 sojs. So, buy one, don't make it?

Here is an idea to do on
Get a dupe. And dupe like there will be NO battle forums tomorrow morning.
Without "their" dupere, they're randoms. That's all they are, randoms.
XxSworn_EnemyxX said:
[glow=black]creat a team duel game of 4x4 your group will have a bowzon, trapsin, bonenecro (with some summons) and a cleric. The cleric will heal all and FOH anyone who gets close, zon will stand by cleric and guard with valk, decoy and multi/guided arrows zon will set traps and shadow master while bone will wall you all in and create a barier of skeles while spamming spirit. This is unbeatable. If done right sorcs wont get close enough to use any spells due to arrows traps spirits and minions. barbs wont be able to do anything, hammerdins same deal and anyone else will just kill off the minions before they die. If possible create this bonewall barrier with a wall to your back.

Just out of bordom I actually give free rushes to new chars trying to lvl to 24. I figure not too many ppl these days are nice on bnet anymore.

end of ladder season create a game saying something like all free. Then when ppl come ask a question first to get it right gets a free item. I personally get rid of everything after ladder resets.
Gummy_Demonz said:
hmm, how about u spam the chat room with ASLs?? then flirt with every player in ur game and say ur a bi tranny and get ur zon to wear cuztom armor that looks like a warrior set!
Mist said:
Make a game with a level 1 character and have a friend join with his level 1 character. Have someone else, or one of you guys on a second key, come make cows, then leave. Then race your level 1 friend clockwise around the cow level with all of the cows still in the level. If you can get your friend to agree to toggle Walk on so you both are walking, this can be really fun. lol.

#2: create a level 1 char and join random questing games. Try to join games where people want to stay in the game for a while and are just trying to have a good time and level legit. Spam PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP over and over and over, even after they have all invited you. If they all squelch you, accept their invite so you can see where they are. When someone comes to town, constantly follow him asking him to trade, but as soon as he accepts just hit esc.

Or go into games/channels saying "SCAM PLZ.. I NEED TO BE SCAMMED CAN U DO IT 4 ME"
TF-Tube said:
OK here's ANOTHER one (dirty trick) Make sure you're a teleporter and you have a middle lvl rune and you gotzpickit:

Get a rush by someone in hell for the hellforge drops, when you get to the forge, he will stay there. So you go smash the stone, run away but then the pickit will teleport you to the rune if it's good and you will pickit up, just drop the mid lvl rune and tell the guy something like "just kidding i didnt pickit up". Then check what rune you got and bam you got a free rush and maybe a hi rune.
TF-Tube said:
omg teh leet lol that's some funny shit the alt f4.. never saw that happen in a loooong time

edit: well might as well post a fun thing to doooo:

Join a clan, get to high enough rank to have access to the clan's "community chest" account. Clean the shit out then join another clan :-/

PS look at this!! :yum lolz done.
COTA-GoD said:
host a bunch of your leet screens on a server and post them....
TF-Tube said:
Go to hardcore with your really hi lvl leet hammerdin and start a baal run. Make a tp in the middle of like 31415926535 black souls and say "safe"... haha GG. Or, in HC try giving someone a full rush and then when you get to ancients, kill them HAHA. Ya so mean...
Mr.Sloth said:
Something like sworn_enemys idea. me and my friends r really trying to get this up. we are trying to have d2 lod wars (yes we are nerds we know, go ahead rub it in)... anyways this is what you do. You have one high level pally about 80-90. This is your general because it has an aura that can help everyone else. You have one "general" per each team. Each time has four players including the general. ((( Me and my friends are trying to get a 4v4 going)))... anyways. you then have 3 level 9 characters. These are like your footmen. You would prolly wanna use a lld build for these 3. Basically what you do, is your "general" orderes your "footmen" what to do. So i give commands like this (( i named my allies 1,2,3 to make easier))) 1- attack enemy 2.... 3- Help 1.
etc.etc.etc. You can also tell them to do w/e they want until you tell them to. Do you know what this means? THIS MEANs ur friends have to be friends who will listen if youre the general. And, the general, even though hes high level CAN ONLY ATTACK THE OTHER GENERAL ( DUH) if your general attacks one of the footmen, you loose all your footmen. so its all 4 of them versus ur 1 general.

HOWEVER, there is a restriction, u can only have One necro, or one sorc for one of your 3 footmen. Me n my friends found necro and sorc can be a bit too hard :p

Anyways its a bit complicated to explain but youll get it, its actually pretty fun even tho it requires... oh no.. THINKING DARE I SAY?

I forgot a few important things ><

Objective: Kill the other persons general (duh)

Once you die you may not fight again, you may only spectate.

Once all enemy footmen are dead, all ur footmen/general may proceed to beat the shit out of enemy general :)
chocofilez said:
Lol. ok. thats funny. heres one. get a really high character, put absolute shit on him and then duel your friend who is a low lvl. let him kill you and then let the nubs try, and then destroy them all with one crowd control attack.
chocofilez said:
but with a good melee you could easily rape. ok now for the suggestion. make 2 boss games with a friend and see who can kill the act bosses the fastest. like all of em. not just andy or something.
also, have a huge LAN or internet party and see who can make the best char. in a cetain amount of time (i hope this wasnt mentioned)
Gummy_Demonz said:
Make a game called naked zons, when people come in u have naked zons hit him for 1. since the new player will go naked too, have someone be in full gear hidden and kill the new naked zon.
MorphReader2 said:
on HC get a mercy with a 3 socket helm, a 6 socket weapon and a 4 socket armor, fill it with 5/5 die facets (perferably ice) and go into a duel for fun room with a decently strong charecter, let them kill your merc and let them take a beating from your mercs gear (if its a bunch of ice facets its a blizz), then hit em with a hire level some attack and kill em, then guard their body so noone can loot it.
TopGun said:
yea that iron golem thing happened to me , except i had ally just dropped a shield and instead of picking it up the guy just decides to make a golem outa it lol , it was just like gerkes pervise , so i didn't really care

another fun thing to do is to go into one of the channels, then tell some guy that u got free stuff for him, then go and make a game, when he gets there tell him that you have to go and get ur mule, then u go into another channel and tell them that a guy has free stuff but only gives u a limited amount thats y u left, tell them his name and the game///password, lol its funny then go back in there with a diff char and watch all the people ask for the free stuff and the guy get pissed ,!! lol

do any of u have any good screen shots? if so post them in the new thread
MorphReader2 said:
1)on ladder reset if you plan on going only ladder, make a free game and bring a friend.
hide all your items in act 5, and tell them to go hunting for a full gear setup for a charecter, tell your friend where it is. and have him go there. when other people get there have him pick up all the items in their face.
repeat this for all your charecters and then get all your items back and do it again XD

2) i heard this idea somewhere on some forum, dont remember where though
offer anni for ebotd or enigma or coh or some nice item, then iron golem their item and pick up ur anni.
MorphReader2 said:
1) my friend did this, im not sure if it has been posted before so ill post it
make a lvl 27 LLD barb with frenzy and duel honors, str glitch and dex glitch ever single item on your charecter and then completly anihilate a lvl 50 while u keep disapearing and reapearing on attack and when they call you a hacker tell them about how many people you 'hacked' about threten if they report you, you will hack their account and take all their items and just hack blizz to unban yourself.
MorphReader2 said:
1) go into a game where you know a bot is running (I.E. free if you wait), and kill all the bosses before the bot does just then start spamming its a bot you noobs to all the people who enter (lame idea, its 2 late 2 think)

2) make a game called free stuff and use a gold hack to just drop 1 gold til the entire act 1 floor is covered, then when people come in, tell them that you hid a SOJ in there and first to find it gets to keep it (just lie or have a friend say that he found it and watch how mad people get)

3) kinda like the one abouve, but drop all low runes el-thul, then say u droped a zod or something and first to get it keeps it, watch people scramble around picking up and dropping trashy runes.

4) kinda like both abouve ones, except dealing with items, drop a lot of trashy BPs about 90, and tell them first to find the enigma can keep it.
MorphReader2 said:
i though of 10 more fun things (im growing point hungry)

1)get a barb withthe following gear and use him to duel in barb only games (and laugh when you win and they call you a hacker:
  • Enigma (2 all skills, 1 tele)
    SOJ (1 all skills)
    SOJ (1 All skills)
    Hand of Justice (-20 enemy fire resistance)
    Phoenix (Shield, -28 enemy fire resistance)
    Trang-Oul's Girth (first trang item)
    Trang-Oul's Claws (second item, FCR, 2 trang items mean +18 fireball)
    CoA with 2x 5/5 die facets/Shako with a 5/5 die facet (skills, facets)
    Magefists (1 to fire skills)
    The Rising Sun (2 to fire skills)

Use a a3 fire merc with:
  • Hand of Justice (-20 enemy fire resistance)
    Phoenix (-28 enemy fire resistance)
    CoH (resis, skills)
    CoA with 2x 5/5 dies

lvl 27 fireball with -96 enemy fire resistance, decent cast rate
lvl 28 fireball with -91 enemy fire resistance, decent cast rate

just teleport around, launch massive fireballs, teleport some more, or teleport, use WW, teleport, both are funny.

2) use the strength glitch to use all your items, use charms and a low enigma on a barb. then make a game called "Naked barb duels" or something of the like, since you strength glitched all your items, they disapear and you look naked. just obliterate them and tell them they have the most pathetic build ever. (to make it easy, use a bp enigma with a few str charms)

3)go into a baal bot game, then keep spamming bone prison around every charecter, so they cannot fight the minions

4)make a anni 4 ebotd/coh/enigma/whatnot trade game (this is more of a scam but still funny if it works), let them drop their item and u drop ur anni, when the head over to pick up your item, have edge on ur alternative wep set (vigor), switch to it, turn ona gold hack (to lag them up), pick up ur anni, vigor to their item and take it

5)make a dclone hunt game, and tell them that dclone was just killed right before they got in there

6)make it so there are 2 parties and keep spamming PP, just to see how people react, and if you unparty, keep spamming PP, and reparty in the second part, so there is always 2 parties and keep spamming PP.

7)go into a chat channel and spam PP, im sure you will get a laugh

8)make a charge pally on HC, go into a enchant game, and once your enchanted use charge to mass murder the other players. have it be your friend who enchants everyone and is partied with them, so you can see where they are at

9)have 2 zons go into a duel game, have them get right beside each other but hostiled have them both use slow arrow and spam it at where anyone else would come from.

10)you and a friend spell out "ur an idiot" in gold in a game and have your friend wait. go into a trade channel/game and tell them your trade an ebotd for cheap (lets say 3 ists) and have them come to that game. when they goin your friend tells them to read the pretty gold XD

if some of them where lame im sorry, its early in the morning
MorphReader2 said:
dark, you have a really really sick sence of humor. i can actually imagin u iron goleming someone's ebotd zerker/CoH/Enigma. The points should be per idea, not per post ~_~.

what idea to post now, trust me, i wont run out anytime soon:

1)craft items (lame idea, now for a decent idea)

2)get a few sorcs togather, and have them see who can wear our their occy first (get its durability to 0) it gets amusing to watch the sorcs trying to bash things to death and never hitting.
jd-inflames said:
Here's one especially for you, DM.

Creating IBaalU games and acting like you are gay :D It's nice watching the homophobes leave because they don't want to be rushed by a fudgepacker :)
chocofilez said:
Lol. thats funny. also, join a rush game, and then kill every act boss so they cant do it. then rush them and be like wtf. who killed. then do it on the next game etc.
lplasma said:
PK baal bots or mf bots for fun :D
Here are some ez to follow directions
1. Find a game that you are certain that it is being ran by a bot (make sure he is not just sitting there watching the bot run)
2. Wait until the bot finishes the run
3. Join as fast as you can into the next game
4. Hostile the bot
5. Run down to the wp and keep clicking on it until you get in
6. Use your primary attack (FB sorcs and Hammerdins work really well)
7. Collect the loot
Follow steps 2-7 until he runs out of gold or the bot stops running :grunt


Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Page 4 of suggestions:

chocofilez said:
Idea...Save every amulet and ring, put three of one kind in cube and transmute. ive gotten many +skills and mods rings and amulets that way, including a +1 barb skills, 18 to all resist, and 24 mf.
MorphReader2 said:
yeah i forgot the ctc teleport, thats always amusing. something else amusing:

everyone get the same type of merc (act 2 offensive or act 5) train him the same length of time (lets say 20 minutes), get him any gear, and let the mercs do mass murder. noone can attack the merc. now it gets funny when its all hammerdins or whatnot and that you are an enchantress. MUAHAHA, laugh as your merc does really big mass merder, and teleport onto their charecters and watch ur merc mass murder.
Flamingice said:
Comeon people we gotta keep this alive, go to meph and put a portal right on top of the red portal, its funny when they lag and double click and when they see themselves in act4 and say "WTF? DID YOU HAX THE GAME WE TOOK UR TP AND WE'RE IN ACT 4!!!!!!!!"
Off topic:Let's give it up for post 160!
Edit:This doesnt work with any other red portal, most of them are useless anyways.
zx_firebatt said:
make funny poses and take screenshots of them. For example, get a barb and try ways of taking a screenshot at the right time while doing a shout. Be creative.
try jumping with barb and have your merc or someone in the middle of screen and take a screenshot. looks like your using that guy!
XxSworn_EnemyxX said:
Do a baal run for a group of ppl but tele into a wall where their is nothing but blackness, open tp wait for them all to ome then exit game. Kinda pointless, but its funny to me when I'm bored
dbzfan420 said: go to my post and READ IT CAREFULLY enjoy posting screenshots if they are too big then go to instead of i hope that they have their cite running better now. And as for the fun things to do ill think of one, i cant atm.
EDIT: Ok what you do is PLAY D2 LIKE IT WAS MADE!!!!! no mh no pickit no botting no nothing. no help from friends either. and dont join freee stuff games. see how long you make it or see if you can mf good items like lidless or w/e. Also see how long it takes for you to feel appreciative of mh pickit or botting. Lets say your char makes it to lvl 50 or 60 see of you can kill a newb with this char.
Dream_Walker said:
ew dm changed his sig. now i cant recognize him :(

make a barb using grim ward into the build.

§tar§oft said:
I haven't read any of the suggestions so these have probably already been said.

1. Join a game full of noobs and pretend to "help" them through the acts but once you get to a really hard boss you either:

A)Leave them there to die hoping they don't have portals.
B)Portal to town, become hostile, then go back and kill them.

I just really love being a dick actually.

2. (probably already said)

Just gather alot of your friends and see how fast you can beat the entire game. (Bring beer)

3. There is no 3.
chocofilez said:
1-Get a huge party of friends and pretend to duel but dont actually party. then when a lvl 90 or whatever person who thinks hes leet comes into the game, everyone ghang up on him, but make it look like your not (i.e. look like your attacking your friends like spamming tornados so they hit him or "misplacing" a blizzard). Even better if the guy he is origonally dueling is alot lower than he is. It is also easy to do as the other people cant see who your hostiled against, so when you cast you wont hurt your friend. Ive already dont this. It made my day. :)
2-Tell some one that there is a hack where if you sell your BOTD or whatever to a certain NPC, he/she will drop 2 more, or will give you the money and the origonal wep. back. Done this too. Dont you love messing with noobs?
3-Have races against arrows or spears.
4-Get some one to do a "desperate trade", i.e. offer an item that they need really badly, but say you need it. Then some times if they are noobish, they will offer more and more (each time you say no, to good) until you rip them off like theres no tomarrow :).
5-Find fun things to do in diablo 2 LOD and then post them here to get points ;).
TF-Tube said:
K i got one

Join a naked duel game and then equip a quilted armor with a die facet on (blizz is sexy) and then let them kill you, then THEY die cause they dont have resistance, then run to their body, get your gold and their gold then do it again!
Flamingice said:
What are points for anyways, and what do we need them for?
Anyways, i have another thing but again, i dont wanna read 13 pages!!!!!!!!
Do this. Make a game called *Place runeword here* here.
Tell them its in act5, if this works right, the newbs will either
1)Ask you to rush them to act 5 or
2)Scramble around act5.
This is the funny part, you say keep earching then pretend you lag then leave, bring in another weaker char when originally you hid it in the den of evil or something. have your newb char say "OMFG I FOUND *RUNEWORD*"
and everyone will say where is it?Then say, LOL why u guys in act5? it was in den of evil, if they aren't HUGE newbs they would keep whispering you saying that u lied to them about where it was^_^Points plz^_^ basically your making newbs help u xfer!Of course the newbs will wanna see it when your about to hide it but still its fun anyways!
This most likely will only work in nm, maybe norm....
BTW if they ask you to rush them say "F*ck you, not my problem"
COTA-GoD said:
Hire a Diablo 2 hitman to kill your friends.

Darkmatter: Hah. I found some guy with the profile of ''hitman'' and I sent him to kill COTA.GoD. He says he'll do it tomorrow, but to see the reaction, it's just so hilarious. XD
god_forsaken said:
I might as well try too...
1) Create a game called free account (or something to that sort), tell the newb that you need to trust him in order to get the account, tell him that you need his pw for trust and tell him that you wont get on or change anything but you need his trust... get off and say that your testing his pw then u will give him ur pw, change pw and ur done.

2) Create crappy account with chars on it (just make them and leave account) create game free account, give the account away and if all goes to plan he will either a) use it as a mule account or b) lvl the chars and put stuff on it... (remember to register the accounts so when he changes the pw u can get it back)
Anatomy Of Vice said:
Spamming the Diablo forums about gloating with how good you are.
Oh wait...

Starting a necro or sorc and seeing how far you can get using only the skills from the wands you can buy off the vendors.

Why do you have 2 threads for this?
oryk said:
Try Pvp without the map showing and without maphack - no tele - surprise when you suddenly see someone.
Flamingice said:
OHHOHOHOHOH i got one,
ok remember when i said the barb sorc race thing?
instead of that. do this
Get any 2 chars that have put no skills into anything but 1 and prequestities or 1 into every skill from all trees.
Have them both the same lvl(it helps) and have them equip nothing but a nigma.
Do this Go to bloody foothills and see who can go all the way to wp first. Offer a prize so this isnt just a waste of time and mana.
Or u could do Blood moor to Cold plains, etc.

2)Get an act2 defensive merc with a defience pally(strange build i know) give the merc extremely defensive items and watch how u do in baal runs now:)
NOTE u will need very high lvl'd offensive spell too(preferrably Blessed hammer) and try to max concentraiton.

Edit3:Get a lvl 99(takes a LONG TIME) and then let him just stand there in a game(optional)While on another key, u have a lower lvl tombing or doing something to find amy's/rings in a different game or the same game, more exp and better drops, ne ways find all the amys and rings and give them to lvl 99,
you'll get better amys and rings and BOOM,(one time i got a +3to coldskills amy doing this and had +40mf in thesame thing)
fattyxp said:
I find running up to random idle female characters in baal games with my barb and stand right next to them so when I use taunt I kind of thrust at them. After a few times I hit the forgive me button and toggle run/walk to walk and slowly walk away. Pretty funny when your stoned. To make it interesting you can also do it to male characters... =-X

Another think I like to try and do is see how high I can jump straight into the air with leap attack. If a monster is close to you and you cast it and it moves to where you were you jump high up almost off the screen. Who said white men can't jump?

also a comment to flamingice... is there any particular reason you put 1 point in each skill for those racers? seems kind of pointless
The Voice Of God said:
i find it fun too setup a base in a house in the moor.

and drop all the pots/scrolls i got so its likes a home i can run to for safety.
Flamingice said:
Todays my birthday :D :grunt Do i get points or something :redeye
I cant believe this wasnt suggested
Give someone a link to a Ftelehack and tell them to add u to their list, u leave game so when they open it they know its not a drop hack, but the thing is theire newbs so they dont know the backdoor, so just ask to see their w/e item and when u click the check the auto accepter kicks in, hehehe :dance (trojan man i love that avatar)
BTW thanks again for the avatar Darkmatter.
XxSworn_EnemyxX said:
Fatal flaw to that is the only ones who fall for that ore noobs, and of course they never have any really good dear so that to me is pointless.

Sorry if this offends anyone but I think this would be funny and I'm going to do this next ladder for USEast. Start a clan called KKK.... but have only pallys as characters. As a added slap all my mules will be known as Slave I,II,III, ect. of course all pallys too.

Who wants to join?
Flamingice said:
Press the Print___Scrn____SysRq that takes a screenshot, then take it to image shack or paint and make it an attachment
Here's one
Have a really kick a*s damage merc give it like fort, obedience and andy's helm, Act 2 combat merc's works best, Then make a fake clan and advertise in a whole bunch of channels, When people come, tell them to follow you to the top left corner or bottom left corner, the opening gate should either be at the top, the left, or the bottom. Tell people that if they join your clan they get any item they want for free! But here's the fun part, u tell them that they have to drop their gear outside of town(for trust) and the point is to have your merc outside of town first,like show them an example, just keep doing it and make excuses if your merc comes back in, like sometimes people can Ftele or something like that. Anyways, you should always have your party screen open, tell them they need to drop all their gear at the same time, so when they drop all their gear tell them to give you a few seconds, your opening paint, then while you pretend to open paint, hostile them and BAM they die and you run to their stuff and have a friend guard the gate and nk them until u have everthing you want.
XxSworn_EnemyxX said:
If i could figure out how to add screen shots, I would show the utter noobness of some of the USEast players. Out of pure bordom 7 of my firnds and I covered the whole act 1 town with 1 gold coins. I mean from wall to wall. Then we all went into different chat rooms saying free items in this privite game. When they got their it was 2 friends in the room one acted as the maker, one acting as some noob. (these jobs rotated off on ech of us.) The friend playing the noob would have a invintory of leet gear saying in the room OMG! look what i just found.... nigma ect. and it would cause this craze where everyone would frantically click at the gold to get to these dropped items. the 8 of us out of bordom had a lvl 87 necro in this room for over 3 hrs picking up every 1gold to find these items. Every once and a while we would drop some crap gear like tear haunch boots and let him find them while wewere yelling out I found a grief, botd zerker, maras, nigma, ect. This dumb noob picked up every last 1gold drop in the camp and was pissed he didnt find anything.

And you all said gold is worthless, that was 3 hours of gut busting laughter for the 8 of us.
Now where do I find the screen shots and how do I show them on here?
Flamingice said:
lol, pretend to be a bot and when the ppl come in the tp for baal, hostile them all and kill em, hehehe.
2)make an acct with character names spelling out an insult, then sell it to somebody for something like tals armor say its godly etc. and when you give them the pass, they see the insult, or give them an insulting password either way its fun^_^
god_forsaken said:
Thats funny flamingice...

1) the old /dnd scam to test how good you are at making other ppl feel comfortable with you and con there newb asses

2) get a spam bot and spam the channels telling ppl that the ladder is starting over soon and to email you with there accnt names, so you get a few accnt names with email addresses (hopefully the one they registered with) its easier to hack email addresses than blizz to find their pw!

and for a few ppl (VOG) you use their email to get lost pw...
Flamingice said:
Join your friends bot game and give away his screen name so people start w/ ing him and he don't know why.
zx_firebatt said:
i dont know if its been suggested all ready i got tired of reading tons of posts but get a necro with any level golems (preferably fire golem) and keep summoning and destroying it around town. i did it once when i was bored and left the whole town full of ash on the floor. maybe not fun but entertaining
dbzfan420 said:
Make a barb using whats that item called?? LEVI and gaze and a perfect emeralded maul hopefully ik maul would work seeing as the whole barb should look green. and call the barb my smell or something like anthrax, watever is a green color and can kill.
Flamingice said:
Ew darkmatter change that avatar back its hideous
Go into a newb duel game and talk shit and when they kill you, go onto another key and pwn them with a lvl 20something if they didnt set lvl requirement, man the laughs my friends had!
We did it like this
I lvled a char to lvl 9 and put all into offensive pally skills
Went into a duel game and when i died, i w/'d my friend and he came in and said, alright, whos been messing with my friend, some barb came talking crap to him when they were same lvl, he was using sin, and had lit sentry high as HELL and spread the traps right outside gate, man i picked up 1 mil gold from someone and that was HILARIOUS
PS.Darkmatter your new avatar made my eyes bleed.
zx_firebatt said:
get a necro and up confuse all the way and just use it on all sorts of monsters. its fun as hell watching them kill each other
doggie_doo said:
I do this myself u might have seen me, i dont know if its original but i never see anyone else do it so i'll take credit if no1 says it was there idea lol
i join games with my hammerdin, games that fill up like trading games (note: i dont make them i join them) anyways join games that get least 4 -7 ppl in em and just go mfing the quicker ones first like i do countess then pindle cuz if i make a game the quest is done duh, but if i join it might not be done so extra gold 4 me =) even though its kinda worthless better then making "free enigma347"
XxSworn_EnemyxX said:
Wow the world moves in mysterious ways. Just got out of a trade game and the same kid I did the 2os cryptic axe too tried to trade it to me for a Perfect Gheeds Charm. Thought you all would find this funny as hell.

Create a duel game, but have a necro summoner go to cows and revive them then tele around the cows have amazingly high life and def when revived. This is aways handy with the tele due to the shield they create for the summoner. Souls are also handy.
zx_firebatt said:
get some sort of animation hack for the ! speech and make or join games called free and put free over ur head. run around and people will start following u and when they finally catch u accept and give them a key or sometin stupid. its just funny
p.s. u might get instulted a lot for this :rofl2
Diatenshi said:
make some type of "tele baal" game

instead of going to baal, go toward the biggest swarm of monsters you can find and make a TP and say its clear.

works best if there are high lvls in the game with you... * like lvl 95-98

and ive always wanted to do this, get to lvl 99, then die alot in hell.. i mean ALOT like 2229992392831823 times, does your exp go down?... and if it does, take a Pic of it all the way back to like 20,000,000 ( as opposed to the 3,500,000,000 needed for lvl 99. )
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