Forum Guidelines

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Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
0 Forum Guidelines

Last updated: October 8th, 2007.

Please keep in mind, these guidelines are written with no intention to limit your use of the forums. However, we must maintain some form of coherency, or else chaos ensues. Please help us by reporting any problems that you see that are in violating of our guidelines.

Global Rules
  • Be respectful of all members and avoid confrontations. This is the most important of all rules and should be understood as such. Before hitting the submit button, please think about whether you would allow your post on your own forum.
  • Members may not post offensive or foul language. This forum runs a language filter, but we will not tolerate attempts to circumvent it.
  • Keep your posts on topic. You may make post off-topic topic threads in the Chit Chat forum only. With that said, do not derail threads.
  • Multiple user accounts are prohibited. If you violate this rule, all of your accounts will be disabled.
  • Members may not post referral or affiliate links.
  • Members may not post or link to any references to pornography, gross violence, or any other forms of lewd content. Members may not post content deemed illegal by the U.S. Government. We ask that you use common sense.
  • Members may not bump threads or have their friends bump them for them. A bump is a post with no value. The BattleForums Staff will use their judgment to determine what is classified as a bump and what is not.
  • Under no circumstance will we tolerate any form of advertising. This will result in an immediate banning.
  • Members may not double post. Again, kindly use your best judgment.
  • Do not post personal information about another member. Respect privacy.
  • Members may not post anything that may be considered racist, sexist, antisemitic, or offensive to a particular population. Again, we ask that you use common sense.

Forum Etiquette

We ask that you follow certain guidelines when you use this forum.

Using the Search Feature: It's generally best to search for the answer to your question before you ask it.

Thread Titles: Please use descriptive titles when creating a new post. This is very helpful to people browsing through the forum. Please avoid thread titles such as "help," "question," etc.

Thread Location: When creating a new thread, please make sure you spend ample time deciding what the best location for your thread is. We have spent a considerable amount of time dividing the forum into useful categories, so please use them.

Grammar and Spelling: We ask that members correct their post's grammar and spelling to the best of their ability before they post. It makes it easier for everyone to read.

Cursing: There's nothing that cannot be said without swearing. Apart from being offensive, swearing detracts from your post. There are plenty of other ways to express your displeasure or emphasize a point.

We run on a private infractions system. The Forum Staff may decide to issue you an infraction if the circumstances merit. The amount of infractions it will take to result in some sort of penalty is situational and is private information. The Forum Administration may decide to ban a member with or without warning.

If you feel that you have been unjustly treated, please send Max a private message with all relevant details. We will not tolerate any form of staff corruption or power abuse. We ask that you do not make this a public matter.

The opinions expressed on are those of the contributors and do not indicate any "official" opinion of the owners of, affiliates or partners.


Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
The Forum Infraction system is now in place.

Off-Topic : 1 Point
Signature Rule Violation : 2 Points
Spam Post : 2 Points
Bypassing Filter(s)/Post Character Limit : 2 Points
Insulted Other Member(s) : 3 Points
Trolling : 5 Points
Discussing The Banning Of A Member : 5 Points
Double Account : 6 Points
Spammed Advertisements : 15 Points

15 Points : 7 Day Ban
20 Points : 1 Month Ban
30 Points : 1 Year Ban
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